
what a complete embarrassment for racing in nz

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tell us how many horses were eliminated at racing te aroha could anyone tell us the actual numbers who would want to race a horse in nz someone has to be held accountable racing in nz is turning into a compleye laughing stock even more

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18 hours ago, edor said:

tell us how many horses were eliminated at racing te aroha could anyone tell us the actual numbers who would want to race a horse in nz someone has to be held accountable racing in nz is turning into a compleye laughing stock even more

Don't worry Entain will fix everything..God help us 

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Look at how many maidens were balloted and eliminated at Oamaru today. Only one scratching out of each maiden race so only one ballot got in. Several others eliminated. Only three maidens programmed, no desire to split any of them. Even more bizarrely, no maidens programmed at Riccarton this weekend. Three maidens programmed at Tauranga, yet that is a higher profile meeting, and there are midweek meetings with heaps of maiden opportunities every week in the north. Does anyone have any idea how all that works?

I see NZTR has employed a media chap on massive money to promote one race. I'm sure he's a nice chap, but surely employing a programming expert to get the programming right would be a a better way to spend money. I saw a mention somewhere that a horse that won a few days ago in the CD doesn't have another opportunity until the end of July.

All the money being thrown at stakes, but programming is worse than ever, horses eliminated all over the place. There seems to be no signs of improvement, and hasn't been for years. But hey we have a $3m sweepstake race so all is good.

Entain's approach with trotting seems to be to throw in heaps of 'product" with endless rubbish meetings, but with the gallops they don't seem interested in product and are happy to see horses eliminated and owners disillusioned and quitting the game, as long as they can have one or two wankfest meetings a year. Basing the whole industry around a couple of big meetings a year may work if you are in Melbourne and can attract almost 400,000 people for a week's racing, but not such a successful approach if you are relying on a club that can only attract 16,000 people for its one or two big days.

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Totally agree with the programming issue, and the strangest thing about it is it doesn't actually cost money to fix. I solely blame CEO Sharrock, it’s one area they can get quick wins without costing capital, but the real question is why the lack of focus from the top to fix the issue?

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4 minutes ago, Tesio said:

Totally agree with the programming issue, and the strangest thing about it is it doesn't actually cost money to fix. I solely blame CEO Sharrock, it’s one area they can get quick wins without costing capital, but the real question is why the lack of focus from the top to fix the issue?

Good question but it's a long standing problem that hasn't been addressed for years and through several CEOs.

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32 minutes ago, Tesio said:

Totally agree with the programming issue, and the strangest thing about it is it doesn't actually cost money to fix. I solely blame CEO Sharrock, it’s one area they can get quick wins without costing capital, but the real question is why the lack of focus from the top to fix the issue?

You are absolutely correct, it doesn't cost anything, and in fact it will boost industry income significantly, and it really isn't all that hard to do. 

I can only assume a total lack of interest and competence, as it certainly isn't a new problem.

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10 hours ago, Pam Robson said:

The malaise set in long before Sharrock. 

He didn't initiate the downward trend.  But you are quite right that he - and his Board that presumably set policy - have done little to reverse it.   Previous Boards/ CEO'S have done about as much.


Pam, going back how far? 
I thought Alan Fenwick was pretty good. 
Then they thought that bringing them over from Australia was the answer. 
Under who’s reign did it all go wrong, if it started before (nowhere to be seen) Mr Bruce Sharrock  




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I think Fenwick was ok too....but without wishing to be an apologist for the various CEO's, the respective Boards have to be held responsible.   Their job is to set policy and their executive officers carry that out to the best of their respective abilities.  Sure, they are in the front line and cop a lot of the flak - with some justification - but where is the vision and expertise from those board members?  Can you think of one over the last twenty years who stands out with enlightened policy decisions that have achieved something?  The snowball keeps on gathering momentum.   

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I'm unsure why you are all complaining about the way NZ Racing is run (and always do for as long as I've read this site) 

You have both a Trainers Association and an Owners association that surely has ongoing communication with all bodies of NZ racing to ensure their voice is heard and management is listening.

As for maiden racing (and all Racing) NZTR surely are in constant communication with all trainers as to what horses and grades are in training? That would allow them to know the numbers of horses needing a suitable race when they get race fit?? It certainly doesn't seem like rocket science.

There would be little point in programming 10 maiden races if only 60 maiden horses were in training and vice versa - which seems to be the case here.

sure you don't get it right all the time but given the constant problems around programming,  something is out of whack.


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I remember an old acquaintance who battled with the odd horse over the years, said to me in late 1980s, racing was on the down ward spiral he commented the introduction of paid officials would be the ruination of the racing game, from the top right down to the birdcage gate attend, not far wrong by what happens these day, everyone after the salary, when once was a voluntary game, in many ways, somethings you don't forget, and its certainly stuck in my head over the years.

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18 minutes ago, Phillipe said:

You have both a Trainers Association and an Owners association that surely has ongoing communication with all bodies of NZ racing to ensure their voice is heard and management is listening.

The TA is funded by NZTR and consequently spineless and I can't think of a single constructive thing the Owners' Federation has achieved for the industry in the last two decades.

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1 hour ago, Phillipe said:

As for maiden racing (and all Racing) NZTR surely are in constant communication with all trainers as to what horses and grades are in training? That would allow them to know the numbers of horses needing a suitable race when they get race fit?? It certainly doesn't seem like rocket science.


That's a NO they don't communicate with regards numbers , hence the constant criticism of the programming . If they did the number of horses that missed a run at Te Aroha tomorrow in the 1200/1400 mdns wouldn't have .

Don't get people started on the TA and OA , both as toothless as it gets .

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And now there’s a back log of all those winter horses trying to find suitable races again… We know Thursday will be put in the too hard basket 


Te Aroha Races Abandoned - Update


Te Aroha races have been abandoned today due to surface water on the track. 
This meeting will not be re-scheduled for Monday, however NZTR are looking at other options including the possibility of racing at Te Aroha on Thursday. 

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Why not transfer the meeting to Te Rapa tomorrow? Millions have been spent on drainage at Ellerslie and Te Aroha- both epic failures. Raises the issue as to whether NZTR and the Clubs did robust due diligence before contracting out these projects.

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Any word on whether or not the sandwiches will last until Thursday, or does NZTR need to pull a Randwick and donate it all to the local homeless shelter.  At the very least it might get them brownie points from the general public - something they sorely need.


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35 minutes ago, mikenz said:

Lots of rain for Hawkes Bay just a few days before resuming racing at Hastings, what are the odds of another day off ?

Already a Heavy 10 this morning and today and tomorrow have heavy rain warnings.

I'd be betting on it not going ahead.

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4 hours ago, mikenz said:

A heavy 10 for Wingatui, racing Sunday, not much recent rain, that place can be a bog in winter, hopefully it won't snow like last year

Traditionally this would have been an Oamaru meeting, but Wingatui is now the golden child so the aim is to show Wingatui can race all year round.

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