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Leggy last won the day on May 12

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  1. I don't get it. NZTR is an association of clubs. The NZTROF is an association of owners, though I suspect a relatively small percentage of them. Why on earth would the NZTROF want to be a member of NZTR? And what good could that possibly do?
  2. Wrong time of year and a bit off topic but what the hell.
  3. Not much point having a social media page inviting comment, then stamp out dissenting views by censorship.
  4. I doubt the Owners' Federation would have much sway. I suspect their membership is maybe 10% of current owners. I'm sure Nerula will correct me if I'm far out on that. I think what you say is a good idea to bring attention to something, but industrial action is generally only successful if it is "for" something specific rather than just broadly against the status quo. You'd have to decide what that is or might be.
  5. Coro is there a link to the dinner ticket purchase somewhere?
  6. Obviously not. Don't you think they should have, and well prior to 2 hours before the first race the surely should have known.
  7. Has there actually been any official announcement of this prospective show?
  8. I'm struggling to think of a time that I heard MG ask a hard hitting question, let alone follow it up if he did. Maybe this will be the moment of change but I'm not hopeful.
  9. As far as I can see, I disagreed with you and suggested you were the one being negative and a know it all. I'm sorry if that offended you.
  10. Capiche? No. I asked where I can find the report by the stewards that you refer to above. Please point me to that. And when did she hold a Class E licence? You haven't answered either of those.
  11. Apologise for what? Sounds like a simple matter. Did I say something that offended you or you disagreed with?
  12. No problem as far I know. You just have to use an NZ IP via VPN.
  13. OK. I'm missing something here. When did she hold a classE licence? And, where do I find that expression of surprise from the committee that she didn't know the time limit for protests?
  14. But Portia does not hold a Class E amateur licence. She holds a class D jumps jockey licence. I'm guessing that comment was nothing to do with this incident but in reference to some other and some other rider?