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Leggy last won the day on May 12

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  1. The other thing that is a bit mysterious is that they are using it at the beginning of the peak spring period for grass root development when root development was supposedly the problem.
  2. Boy that is some defensive response from TBA.
  3. It's still there isn't it but a bit lower status. Now a Group 3.
  4. Nice safe looking wings though.
  5. Didn't see where they said what op shop they got their gear from?
  6. I've posed the following question of Darin Balcombe and Bruce Sharrock for the upcoming roadshow. Hopefully, that would be thoroughly covered in their strategic update on NZTR activities anyway and that they will have up to date input from Justine and the NZTR welfare team, so we get some clear answers. Question Again, it is not mentioned in the SOI, and only briefly and of low importance in the 2022 Thoroughbred Welfare Strategy Update1, nor is it mentioned in subsequent Thoroughbred Welfare updates. What is the current policy and action with respect to bringing the whip regulations more into line with current international research and standards? This is having a considerable negative impact on many participants at present, and the public perception of racing with respect to its “social licence” in New Zealand.
  7. Yes, it looks like a stunning development. I'm buying a house there overlooking the course where I can watch the new portable jumps course in action along with the slot and sweep stake races.. I'm not sure why a brand new turf course wouldn't be suitable for jumps racing though. Although to be fair, so far it's not been suitable for racing at all.
  8. Would that mean we could have a Great Northern carnival at Ellerslie? Maybe a jumps slot race?
  9. 5 starters in the 45k open 2200 at Riccarton today. Programming remains all up the wop with countless horses balloted and eliminated at Woodville on Sunday.
  10. Interesting. After 8 reminders and a lot of humming and hawing, I renewed mine in the end but respect your decision TA. Hard to hang up the boots despite the awful context left to continue in but also hard not to.
  11. I'm not asking you to engage in any way you don't want to and I'm not interested in the name-calling thing. Just answer a simple question that a few of us might be interested with respect to the strategy of the OF. Thanks.
  12. I don't get it. NZTR is an association of clubs. The NZTROF is an association of owners, though I suspect a relatively small percentage of them. Why on earth would the NZTROF want to be a member of NZTR? And what good could that possibly do?
  13. Wrong time of year and a bit off topic but what the hell.