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Gruff last won the day on March 5

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About Gruff

  • Birthday 04/02/1968

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    Surfing, Biking, Golf , Studying (anything thats relevant ) Can be Quite Opinionated if ive spent time on a subject, but always something to learn .Keep an Open mind. But i get most satisfaction being of assistance to People.

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Open Class - R121 (4/4)



  1. Jacinda would be a better choice, she made her mistake following the WHO, but that is more Helen Clarke and Goffs doing...lead down the garden path by those funded by People who do not give a shit about you
  2. Thanks B, I enjoy this type of error it means i need to contemplate the El Nymph multi
  3. Hokes You do realise that Obama and Biden started the Mexican Wall.......
  4. Race 6 Tomorrow at Waverley ... Downtrou 11/3.3 looks worthy of a decent outlay...
  5. Mossief....trial was very promising given the horses stature which enticed many into its 8.5 market price, the fact it got up with a sit is surprising and to be part of the ownership would be exciting. looks a really nice 3200 horse
  6. Gruff


    .Key takeaways from this game, the warriors are going backwards and Wests are completely devoid of any players with potential....Benji may as well sack them all and start again
  7. Gruff


    one of the worst games ive ever seen and the ref gives warriors the win against a horrible wests outfit...... these guys are paid professionals ,crazy
  8. Blaird,how is it you know this obvious fact that many just cannot see?....i suggest you just pay attention while others with opinions just follow facebook
  9. Heap.... Do you wear masks and keep boosting vaccines given what we see and know happens in reality ? we know the unvaxxed live and they go to parties where the vaxxed all get covid so where exactly does that leave Mike Baker who amongst others get funding from the corrupt WHO ? If Adults cannot put 2 and 2 together where does that lead the next generation moving forward.....Your mate Harris continues where the greatest Puppet failure in Us Politics left off
  10. Heap... id rather have you in the chair than this moron....but she is just a puppet but the Democrats normally have decent mouthpieces which she is certainly not do they avoid a debate she cannot handle?????????? interesting times ahead
  11. they have no worries , with this candidate an implosion looms with no surprise, they are playing the black female President card to a US Population in a so called "democracy"with most with no clue due to their propensity for propaganda....this is a big deal foe NZour Dollar is hinged on these morons
  12. Typical bullshit? you losing your mind Scotty? if Harris has more smarts than Trump why has she clogged you tube with mindless garbage? wake up old boy you are liosing it
  13. i walked the track and was surprised how sharp the turn was leaving the back straight and also surprised how elevated the track was relative to the creek on the south western boundary, hard to believe the irrigation is so average....classic track for a 1.45 mile in winters past Doomy
  14. Covid is anywhere main stream media decides it is,as long as there is money to be made there will be a new infection man made or not....but manmade most likely.....i wonder how De Groot is going here with his omicrom vaccine afteAderns government gave him 5 million....bloody joke
  15. Gruff


    The Wahs will never win a grand final...its all in a name ,and that label is noxious.....unless they intend on calling Mt Smart The Wahzoo lets move on from this marketing campaign