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Gruff last won the day on March 5

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About Gruff

  • Birthday 04/02/1968

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    Surfing, Biking, Golf , Studying (anything thats relevant ) Can be Quite Opinionated if ive spent time on a subject, but always something to learn .Keep an Open mind. But i get most satisfaction being of assistance to People.

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Open Class - R121

Open Class - R121 (4/4)



  1. So Trump supporters are painted as unhinged Red neck gun touting misfits so why is it the Useless as tits on a Bull Democrat outfit never attract any of these madmen with their cache of weapons?in saying that if you were to spend 12 hours waiting to have a crack why would you have two black bags hanging on a fence in plain view and not have some serious camoflague at the very least let alone how someone could even get near a perimeter fence at his Golf course..dubious, everything about the US is fake news
  2. i have contacted Bavarian nordic about clarification after HELEN pootoosis Harris butchered an interview on Breakfast TV1 regarding Mpox$$$$ she described smallpox being around for 200 years before telling us the vaccine can reduce severity of symptoms yet the Jynneos FACT SHEET DESCRIBES IT AS A PREVENTITIVE????....SOUNDS LIKE A REPEAT OF COVID WHERE A VACCINE THAT DOESNT STOP THE ANTIGEN CREATES VARIANTS.... VITAMIN C DOESNT REDUCE SEVERITY OF SCURVY BECAUSE IT WORKS....When are the people going to start removing these pricks signing off on crap for tens to hundreds of millions while people sleep in CARS..... VACCINES THAT SPREAD DISEASE ARE HARD TO PROVE WITHOUT THE TECH WHICH THESE TYPES SEEM TO CONTROL....SCEPTICAL THE ONLY WAY TO BE WHEN HUGE SUMS OF MONEY ARE INVOLVED
  3. thats racing trips, Davey tipped out Kokako from the Jan trials and told me to look out for it in oz,,,,won at Geelong at 5s last week after i kept an eye out for months.... you get on they get unlucky
  4. He was all about ELIMINATION.....,,,.its NOW 2024 people have accepted Bakers MASK BULLSHIT AND FOLLOWED HIS VACCINE ADVICE ALTHOUGH PEOPLE WERE DROPPING DEAD AFTER BEING INJECTED AND NOW MANY THOUSANDS ARE SUFFERING LONG TERM EFFECTS AS UNVACCINATED LIVE AND BREATH ...... He received a prize for his RESEARCH....WHY DID HIS REASEARCH NOT INCLUDE the fasttracked cominarty trials which were far from impressive resulting in the huge number of Deaths world wide as a result. He locked up a country to force a shit vaccine to be "free' and pushed an ad campaign stating you need to vaccinate to protect others which was utter BULLSHIT...THE COMINARTY SWILL WAS NEVER CLAIMED BY ITS MANUFACTURER TO STOP TRANSMISSION AND HAS PROVEN TO BE USELESS AS TITS ON A BULL................there seems to be a lot of bullshit patting on the back as we move into an other phase of disease after accepting this fools advice which was funded by the WHO..LUXON IS CUTTING JOBS LEFT RIGHT AND CENTRE AND THE MOST USELESS PART OF TAXPAYER SPENDING IS ON EPIDEMIOLOGY.....Baker is the the most useless PUBLIC SERVANT IN OUR COUNTRIES HISTORY AND THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE YET HE STILL HANGS AROUND, WITHOUT HIS INPUT JACINDA ADERN WOULD STILL BE PM TODAY...WAS IT BAKER OR ADERN THAT STARTED OUR ECONOMIC DOWNWARD SPIRAL...?. I DONT BELIEVE FOR A SECOND SOMEONE AS BASIC AS BAKER CAN CARRY THE CAN, AND I AM OF THE OPINION THIS WAS HIS TRUE CALLING, AT THE BACK OF A RUBBISH TRUCK... IM SURE HE IS A NICE GUY BUT CLUELESS
  5. one thing is for sure Chev nobody is out to make fun over other peoples impairment, as you say we all have our turn at some stage or another, when i park in Wheelchair parks i am ALWAYS in the vehicle to make way to those who look to access the market more easily
  7. ...With all due respect to those who have suffered loss of physical and mental capacity when i watch sport where those with more limbs than others in the same race it brings back the male verse female sex change debacle.....what exactly is a level playing field? the swimming had some legend with one arm and leg beaten by a "peer" with seemingly no impedients? i would give second the gold.....who handicaps the disrespect intended
  8. Gruff

    Was It Dumb?

    who makes these mindless calls? safs look like 22 point winners given what we have been exposed to
  9. Gruff


    a little harsh Mikey , he gave years albeit given money above his real worth but had an impact so deserves some respect.... a bit like Stacey jones.a good tradesman without ever being anyone deserving of the hall of fame, and he made plenty off the field as a result THANKS.
  10. Bruce Sherwin is a Shining light in this industry, he not only describes a race to the nth degree but his knowledge and understanding is second to couldnt ask for a better recpient. Class act
  11. Gruff


    Johnson turns up on the his Swansong and has a Shocker....makes you respect Peter Snell , his appearance detracted from a team that did give a physical effort albeit lacking the ability to deserve a playoff position..... Warriors have NEVER looked Good enough to win a Grand final and this result puts them back ten years
  12. Health care clinics that give 'vaccinations"........they have no place in a Healthy society and the opposite is true.....Your Health is your Wealth and your ill health IS money to be made unless people are scared out of their logical minds......vaccinate to protect others people ate that shit up even though the shit they recieved couldnt stop illness or transmission...........and they are STILL producing that garbage today and our Government is buying it while St Johns cant even operate to save taxpayers who work to pay these criminals...........scammers in plain view
  13. last today we see a first starter from myers coming of an impressive trial beating an ok maiden but in the process winning the quickest heat ,which included 2 open workouts...$4.20 only ? is the 12 draw but on this track shouldnt concern
  14. didnt take a quaddie and picked it in one thats the punting gods for ya, hope you got some,,,The letter i remember from the last at tauranga a while back on a similar track..Tegan had a Ripper day...