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Shad last won the day on February 21 2022

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Open Class - R121

Open Class - R121 (4/4)



  1. Greymouth being gone for many a year now, used to race at Victoria park, a small all weather track, much like hutt park, used to have an open class trot, with some fine preformed horses racing there, now their old 2 day meeting shared between Westport and reefton, in March, used to like the greymouth trots, the site now just a desolate wasteland, very sad, they owner wanted to bump the lease price up by plenty, so that was that, shame really.
  2. Having to be in Canterbury for a couple of weeks, the fields have given me zero enthusiasm to attend, from a punting point of view the synthetic racing just has no appeal, the fields for Saturday are an improvement, one time I'd be busting my bolier to get on track regardless, mind you riccarton is a big facility with little atmosphere, unless its cup day, the view so far away, the TV monitor the best bet to see your runner, give me the country meetings any day, more crowd more atmosphere, closer to the action, just a greater vibe overall.
  3. Shad

    monkey pox

    As king Kong, said to his nephew, will I'll be a monkey's uncle, you'd have to be bananas to go along with this monkey pox malarkey.
  4. Certainly not like the old days, where you'd make a cut, and suck out the poison,
  5. Their their everyone, I don't mind being corrected, again,
  6. Have to agree with your comments, all about giving a little back to the owners, and everyone enjoys there moment in the sun, and for some don't come along very often, so more must be done, even when they show the pedigree of some races, no sign of the owners names, which I think is poor, regardless.
  7. One certainly needs every bit of information available in pursuit of backing a winner, and with the technology these days, there should no excuses for that not to be supplied,
  8. Sad to hear that, but in all fairness can see where your coming from, I've never had a license, but like yourself be lucky if I've had 2 bets in the last 3 months, lost a bit of interest, easily done these days, wonder how many more think like us at the moment, can't say I brought my house from the tab, that's some sort of effort, well done,
  9. Greek Meer, and gatecombes pride to remember a couple of mudlarks.
  10. Nothing surprises these days, especially after all the covid malarkey, with the high use of 1080m, I'm surprised theres any bird life left, but then again they us it dosen't kill birds, yeah right.
  11. Any press good press, so with 4 pages of debate, I'm sure there be plenty tuning in no doubt.
  12. The old story, each to their own, and you'll never please everyone, I'm sure some of the naysayers will be turning in all the same, but everyone has at the choice, may an episode of the new series, below the deck, may float your boat.
  13. That's good to hear, is there any thoroughbred trained there these days, that use the track, a few hardy performers you named, colfix by kekerok, oldtimer by country dance trained at reefton by Mr blackadder I think, pennianne left a good horse called wessex, certainly the good old days of racing, I remember the day frontline and accelerate dead heated the the kumara nuggets, interesting both were half siblings being out of the same mare,Mr lalor trained, he certainly trained some winners around the coast, Charlie's pal comes to mind as an open class horse, a couple for Mr Harris horses very good as well,scotch mist and brutus liked the coast, oh the memories.
  14. Can't replace those great ole memories, and everything you say is true, i had a share in a horse that raced in the riverton cup, 2019, took a trip down there and checked out the Gore Wyndham and winton tracks, those two were finished racing there then, nice courses, shame they closed, didn't make it to tapanui, hopefully the ole course down there is still used in some form, I remember a horse called godspell racing around the coast back in the day.
  15. I remember an old acquaintance who battled with the odd horse over the years, said to me in late 1980s, racing was on the down ward spiral he commented the introduction of paid officials would be the ruination of the racing game, from the top right down to the birdcage gate attend, not far wrong by what happens these day, everyone after the salary, when once was a voluntary game, in many ways, somethings you don't forget, and its certainly stuck in my head over the years.