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nomates last won the day on July 23

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Open Class - R121

Open Class - R121 (4/4)



  1. Hopefully got it sorted , just in the door from a few days away and hadn't seen a field so rushing . Thanks .
  2. Sorry SNM , also Te Rapa should be # 2 , off to take my pills .
  3. Sorry SNM I made an error , Randwick R8 should be # 7 not 6 , put the barrier by mistake . Much appreciated .
  4. Otaki R2 # 3 R5 # 7 Te Rapa R3 # 1 R5 # 5 Randwich R2 # 10 B/B R8 # 6 R10 # 4 Caufield R4 # 10 R5 # 11 R6 # 5 B/B R8 # 7 R9 # 13 Thankyou SNM , good luck Gubs and to all participants today .
  5. He certainly doesn't think so , very self important man .
  6. Hawera would have got a financial payment for holding the meeting , moolah always speaks loudest .
  7. How can no more than 2 guys in a team be able to kick a goal , seriously , plus he must have known he was a back up , do some effing practice .
  8. Cheers , knew someone would stick it up . I'm not a xmas guy but this gets me every year , now if only someone would like to send me a prezzie , come in Miss Jools .
  9. Practiced from Thompson , Marks and Christopher , Colin Thompson a legend , probably still running around Matamata , father of John , they are part owners of Rich Hill Stud . Christopher was killed in a bad car accident on Scotsman Valley road , lovely guy . Bill Ewen eventually joined the practice , another good guy .
  10. Definitely , there used to be a wall for everyone to bang their heads on but it took a right bashing and fell over . When you were at college were you never in the "in crowd" , welcome to NZ racing .
  11. Give yourself an uppercut son , far too much common sense .
  12. Why would they listen to experienced participants . They are omnipotent .
  13. There will never be unity in the industry , self interest in all areas is too strong . When money is involved then those doing well have very little motivation for change . Most are very comfortable financially so are happy to take as much as they can while they can and when/if things go tits up they will either move across the ditch or close up shop and retire . The A/W's are a classic example , all those big stables training on them and having regular racing on them have a huge advantage so are more than happy to have them and won't have a bad word said about them , why would they ? they have an advantage , look at the numbers that race on them , huge% of them home track horses . Then extrapolate to all other areas of the industry and the status quo will always hold sway . Now are they truly better for the WHOLE industry ?. As for changing the way the industry is run and managed , for one those in charge have no idea nor appetite for major change , too big a job . Look at areas of our industry that have needed change for the last 20 years , programming , calendar, ratings , tracks , stakes for god knows how long , if Entain hadn't come along it would still resemble previous years , the shortage of jockeys coming through , the drain on our horse population , not enough owners . Clear issues that have never had any significant attempt at rectifying . The only significant thing that has changed is the Entain money , but as ever we see the vast majority of that money being directed where the big boys have the greatest opportunity of winning it . Yet that was one of the easiest solves IMO , use the money to build a solid base which in turn might help solve , how ever slowly , a couple of other problems , owners staying in the game and owners not so quick to sell a promising horse . Building a strong base would in the long run help build the whole industry into a better and stronger industry , would have taken time but good things do , but we went for the fast and easy solution which benefits a few . IMO our current position is as good as it gets , unless the things above are tackled and improved then things simply CANNOT improve , money alone cannot solve our problems . in many instances used in the wrong way it just perpetuates them .
  14. Alf your a legend , never seen this video , excellent watching , and good to see CR in his normal state as ever , shitfaced . I remember watching a late night comedy game show in the 80's , the hosts were Bob Mortimer and Vic Reeves and they would both have 2 guests in their team and answer questions , one of them had CR on his team and they went to him twice with questions but he was sooo stoned he literally had know idea where he was so in the end they said just leave him out and carry on , it was hilarious . He also sings my all-time favorite xmas song "driving home for xmas" . Much appreciated .