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scooby3051 last won the day on September 18

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About scooby3051

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    Horse racing

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  1. Seems strange to me Tuesday moisture content was 23.1% and it was a soft 5, but now its got more moisture 24.8% and it is a Good 4???? Thursday Afternoon Weather: Cloudy Track: Good 4 Moisture Meter: 24.8% Rail: True Rainfall: 7.5mm Rain Last 24 Hours Irrigation: 10mm Being Applied Tonight Weather and Track updated at 3.37pm Thursday 19 September Withdrawal Morning Weather: Showery Track: Soft 5 Moisture Meter: 25.2% Rail: True Rainfall: 7.5mm Rain Last 24hrs Irrigation: Nil Weather and Track updated at 8.29am Wednesday 18 September Nomination Morning Weather: Showery Track: Soft 5 Moisture Meter: 23.1% Rail: True Rainfall: 9mm Rain Last 24hrs Irrigation: Nil Weather and Track updated at 8.40am Tuesday 17 September
  2. Pete is fast becoming our news of the world contributor, he is right on top of the news as it happens.Love it.
  3. He is new here and is rubbing me and a few others up the wrong way mate as you saw in another thread.He keeps this up you wont have to worry about him for long, the site is not a place for trouble making types we have been down that road before and aint going down it again
  4. If it was why did he not highlight that the first time round??? It would of made things clear...or will you argue with that too.
  5. today I imagine they paid Te Akau attendance money That is what you said...nothing there about in jest or joking...if you were saying so in jest so be it.
  6. Do you have proof of that or just more unsubstantiated nonsense???
  7. My Mum always told me you cant put brains in right she was... now you are really becoming irritating...OK. You may like rubbish most on here do lets agree to disagree before this becomes a losing argument for you...cheers.
  8. Not at all you are being a dick and I am calling you out...he has been in the job a few weeks, now shut up and let him do his job and improve as he will...or is that your opinion only matters??? Yes it is my site thanks for that, but I just dont like people new to the industry in a high profile job not being given a chance when he is streets ahead of the so called knowledgable garbage we have been forced to accept for should open your eyes and at least thank Entain for trying something new...that is my opinion.
  9. I believe the front team that Trackside has now have been badly maligned unfairly by many on many forums. That issue in my honest opinion relates to managerial support, individual training and lack of a coherent strategy. This shows you have no idea and you are here for one reason only...either come up with some other contributions other than same old character bashing...I am sure now you came on this forum for one purpose...and one purpose only. You have had your say time to move on.
  10. No you were not in my and many who have messaged and you new Canterbury mate have not been reasonable at all you have just sunk the slipper into him he has been in the 5 mins...I guess unless like two of you, normal people take a while to learn and master their craft...most in here are prepared to give people a chance.
  11. You have had your 2c worth now stop flogging a dead horse...I hope in 6 months when he is doing a great job you will return and admit you got it wrong...we can only hope.
  12. I could say the same about a couple here too but I dont, I get it you dont like him enough said.
  13. Seems the only thing different is they are having to vertidrain before most meetings...that in itself seems very unusual, but let's see what comes out after this weekend's meeting....As I have said even though I and many have been critical the Industry needs it to be fixed.