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scooby3051 last won the day on February 15

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  1. NO go find it yourself
  2. OK Colin maybe you and Doug could join forces both of you seem to know everything...
  3. Unfortunately the runners are in the minority from the CD fact is most of the horses racing now are trained in the north, thats just a fact.And Otaki seemed to be agreeable so thats all that matters.
  4. maybe it was not them, maybe someone else is now pulling the strings...maybe Entain have alot to do with it...they are the reason there is 70 Sunday meetings next year its all about the $$$ unfortunately, I guess that was the trade off that was the other side of the money given, they call the shots...thats at least from what I can see and have been told.
  5. why dont you ask them you and CM seem to know all about everything.
  6. Sorry dont agree...if it had stayed where it was for sure it would have been the one to miss out with the new calendar.
  7. It was due to be run 2 weeks before the New Zealand Stakes so long term it would surely suffer who is going to travel all the way to OM then two weeks later all the way back to ATR...the OM race would have surely suffered...Otaki committee agreed to the change so I am guessing they are the only ones who really matter....
  8. Who said ATR has screwed the program???Maybe you should check that out might just be wrong.
  9. No please feel free to post but things sometimes are not always as they seem...I am an old dinosaur too, and sometimes change is hard to take. I would hope the Guineas do not move that far north but I feel they need to be moved at least to the North island, now lets see me get attacked for that...have a good evening VOR dont be shy to post again.
  10. Guys you know the rules here, if you cant prove it is true dont post it...some of the points raised in this thread are NOT true... ATR certainly did not advocate for the Te Aroha G1 or Otaki G1. In terms of income from those races, ATR are not making a cent out of them. Sponsorship and nomination and acceptance fees are all going back to Te Aroha and Otaki. The only additional revenue for ATR is the oncourse turnover ATR will make. You should please just get the full story before going off half cocked. Some of the changes may be good, maybe the Otaki race will get a better field so as to stop it from losing its Group 1 status, the last few runnings even most of you would agree have been small and pretty ordinary fields. I 100% agree the programming for the season is totally stuffed but that cannot be blamed on the ATR either...lets stick to facts...cheers.
  11. You are just a waste of time..he has not ridden 54 for a long time and I think his success over the past couple of seasons has been outstanding...but of course you know all...sweet FA I would say....
  12. Pete dont waste your time arguing with a piece of wood...not worth it...As for Wiremu I believe there has been a parting of the ways for now....
  13. Good to see the know it all..knows it all again......I dont think he ever rode 54 for many years....but hey why let the truth get in the way of a good story...he was more akin to riding 57kg.
  14. BS you poke holes in anyone who has a little success.....she is the equal of most if not all the fillies running around at present...she has just kept on improving...who knows where her ceiling is...
  15. Can you not read ENGLISH I said fillies you sanctimonious....... and yes she is better than at least two of those...and yes in my opinion she is right up there with the best...I bet even a sad sack like yourself would love to own her...but no you have to try to poke holes in a top class filly.