JJ Flash

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JJ Flash last won the day on December 2 2024

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    South of Puke

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Open Class - R121

Open Class - R121 (4/4)



  1. Update on Implementation Utilisation Reference Group Report 21 January 2025 , News HRNZ has decided on the 26 May as the implementation date for new regulations on Handicapping, Programming and Ratings. This revised date was selected for two reasons. Firstly, to release everything at once. Secondly, to cause minimal disruption to planned race series in the autumn (for which conditions have been set), and to avoid significant races from now until then. The regulations will be in three parts: a. Part A - The Rating System. The major IT work for this has been completed. b. Part B – Updated Handicapping Regulation, including programming, and relevant rules where needed; and c. Part C – Update process for nominations, acceptances, scratchings etc. The draft of these regulations will be uploaded to this website in early February. We will provide a question-and-answer responses, and trainers and owners will be able to ask FURTHER questions on implementation. The core of these changes can be found in the Utilisation Reference’s Group’s Second Report that was endorsed by the Board in September 2024. You can read it here The National Racing Bureau is also expected to be operational by that date, with a launch expected on April 7.
  2. Correct, injured Monday
  3. Shame others are not as sharp. Top bloke as well IMHO
  4. Definitely the most improved and driving with a lot of confidence. Possibly but probably needs a bigger stable behind him to make the top level these days
  5. Congrats to this junior on his 4 wins on the 2nd day. 3 of the wins were for his father but he is now starting to get outside drives as well which i think is great as he does a good job with the reins. Not affraid to travel either which deserves further kudos to the young man
  6. You're not alone, granted some are just not good enough, others?
  7. You sound surprised, v seldom do they do anything in Harness. Can anyone remind us of the last time they gave anyone a holiday for pulling one up for not trying? Compare Harness with TB's and you'll see a remarkable difference in their meeting reports. The only thing that gets mentioned is whip or minor infractions, after all the drivers and trainers are obviously squeaky clean all the time Hence why many don't engage with the sport let alone bet on it.
  8. Not as much as bookies
  9. My personal view was that the runner up was given every chance to win but was beaten by a superior runner who had a much tougher run
  10. Agreed but i did have a sneaky on the winner - purely as i love it when a plan comes unstuck
  11. Ask Mick G as he wrote the item and HRNZ has it on their website
  12. If you look on HRNZ website they dedicate a page on Dunn's stable chances today. this caught my eye, And Copenhagen Girl in Race 2 shouldn’t be a maiden for long but does cop a second line draw over 1850m mobile. Really, then why did you get off it today to drive a non-stable horse. BTW, one might ask why is J D being asked about the Dunn stable horses as he's not the Trainer, or is he?
  13. Spot on, further The salient point is in the HRNZ site the horse in question, .Mariana Trench, is down as being trained by G Burgess when its apparent that the horse has been at Dunns. I don't believe it's the first time such an event has occurred either and must surely undermine the integrity of the sport. The Tims mother point is surely irrelevant given J Dunn has driven it in its 2 Raceday starts. BTW Mariana opened at 2s and 1.24 whilst the Dunn runner is at 6s
  14. Look at Race 2 at Blenheim and see if you can smell a rat. Its time to unload
  15. You can't be serious.