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JJ Flash

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JJ Flash last won the day on May 23

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    South of Puke

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Open Class - R121

Open Class - R121 (4/4)



  1. Well you could start a few new threads and see where that take the site and its contributors?
  2. One has actually sent me a PM with his P and L from last few seasons based on Whales service which he pays for. Given he is a reputable character i have no reason to doubt his figures or authenticity
  3. Im hearing you but you cant beat a good live racing event and Cup day fits that bill IMO, that's why i cant understand them dropping Cup day entrance price. Makes no business sense at all
  4. The reality is once Show was moved to new venue Show day declined accordingly. Declining foot traffic was always the undoing of show day thereafter IMO Now that Dominion has been moved to Cup Day there is even less incentive to reappear on the Friday. A smart operator would be offering a 2 meeting deal to entice the customer back but not this lot from what I've seen
  5. The Met proudly advising that general entrance to course this year will be dropped from $40 to $25 in order to attract a wider crowd or some such nonsense. To maintain general admission income on Cup day the Met would need to see an increased attendance of 37.5 % to maintain current income and that does not take into account inflation increases in last 12 months. Poor strategic move on your biggest day IMO or are things getting desperate at the club? Can you imagine the VRC dropping Melbourne Cup day entrance fee by 37.5%?
  6. Your clearly a conspiracy nutter. Sharemarket's have been going up and down for decades but always end up higher over time. Banks have failed over time as well from the wild west to present day. The whole system hasn't though and is now solid due to Basle 3 and Central banks demands for tier 1 capital to be higher, As for Harness and Greyhound s being in decline well that's been happening for decades due to mismanagement in most instances.
  7. I Might add if i were to operate such an option it would be spread around the provinces courses. In the case of Canterbury it would not be Addington centric but run on grass tracks as well
  8. Exactly Lamour, I have my own personnel experience as to how it can change lives and keep industry participants more interested in the game.
  9. Would the reintroduction of this product engender some more on course turnover/patronage or would Entain knock the idea back preferring more regular turnover as opposed to having $$$ tied i up in jackpot pools. Thoughts?
  10. He is clearly a losing punter or the TAB would not accept his bets. As for those who pay for his services some tell me they make thousands so go figure, someone's way wrong
  11. Every chance but 3rd was its lot on debut. Nice run nevertheless as was driven like a good horse by Blair and came again after being headed .
  12. Currently paying 1.70 fixed the first at Addington tonight. Debut's after 2 winning trials performances and not a bad set of TB owners either headed by Sir Peter Vela
  13. She's on fire at the moment and will have enjoyed pulling the right reign on this occasion. So many times when faced with picking one the jockey/jocket picks the wrong one
  14. NORTHERN: Jonathon Richardson (Trainer: Samantha Logan) CENTRAL: Joanne Pearson (Trainer: Lisa Latta) SOUTHERN: Lexi Porteous (Trainer: Andrew Carston) Well done to them all , the unsung hero's of the sport.