Alf Riston

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Alf Riston last won the day on December 4 2024

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About Alf Riston

  • Birthday 11/22/1962

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  • Interests
    Racing, Golf, Fishing, League, MotoGP, F1

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Alf Riston's Achievements

Open Class - R121

Open Class - R121 (4/4)



  1. Not sure WD, but did find this when taking a look around as to what's available. Seems hard to fathom the numbers quoted and Scope of NZ Racing 22-23_Draft Report 2024 (HR)_0.pdf
  2. Thanks guys - it's been about a 2 month drought so the storm must break soon
  3. Me tipping the Renegades was more effective than Diastop - the runs dried up instantly I could stop a train at the moment
  4. I think the significant contributor will the 'Karaka Millions syndrome' and the death of the NZ stayer. Most of the breeding focused on something that can buzz up early and chase the only decent money on offer in NZ (a one day event) and, or, be sold overseas The Derby is still worth consideration when choosing to spend money on breeding, but beyond that the appeal of having a stayer is to target our low-staked 'glorified Highweights' (known as Wellington, NZ & Auckland Cups)
  5. I'm sure their long term focus will be primarily Online gaming and Sports betting with Racing dying away in the shadows eventually. The $100m stakes boost is probably a cheap entrance ticket in the end wash up.. Lets face it, the total cost to extract a dollar from Online gaming and Sports events 'run by others' must be significantly less and far more appealing.
  6. I did notice a Bouncy Castle in the track photos, does that count?
  7. By the way, I'm waiting for the 'huge population' comments, but nah
  8. Lucky enough to go to the Japan Cup in November. World class facilities, enthusiastic / sober crowd (real racing fans) - beautiful free Racebook Souvenir - awesome transport options. Equivalent of $2 NZD entrance charge..... The parade ring out the back (photo 1) would hold more than Ellerslie Track would have as an entire crowd for the last 30 years
  9. Their only true worth Maxi
  10. I'm sure they'll be able to spin it up as an objective met, something along these lines.....
  11. Probably because people are so in love with her Maxi ...
  12. Couldn't agree more nomates - the milkers have just accelerated the decline with off the mark strategies.
  13. Some of this PR bullshit from the Annual Report drives me nuts, especially that alcohol and fashion seem to be the marketing drive ... I guess because the state of racing is so shit, that's what they have got.... Record attendance of 10,000 (since when??) They should be so proud Whoopee shit to most of this
  14. Aging people that still care and are invloved are a dying breed, so things will probably capitulate further with no 'new stock' coming through....
  15. Speaking of the issues around breeding, ATR have used it in their PR spin which seems a disconnect from the harch reality. Unless the reference to 'our heritage' refers to declines in nearly all facets they are responsible for?