Pete Lane

Ellerslie track issues

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1 hour ago, arjay said:

Time is required with the surface I would say. There is little on the net giving details of other tracks that are Strathayr as to how long they have taken to bed in. It appears some have been done in a different way.  Are we expecting to much to soon?  Quite possible in my opinion. I suggest another 12 months at least for this surface to be what it is designed for.

So you spend 55 million and then wait two years for it to be a good track...give me a break.Sorry but thats just nonsense.

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Some interesting answers given by Strathayr MD some time ago……( borrowed :rolleyes: )


1. Is there any reason to suggest Strathayr would not work in NZ ?

StrathAyr Tracks will definitely work in NZ. We have tracks working well in all climates from the tropical climates of Hong Kong and Singapore all the way down to Moonee Valley and Moe in Victoria and Launceston in Tasmania. The only difference is the grass species on top which is selected to best meet the local climate

2.  What is the updated data on abandoned race meetings on Strathayr tracks ?

There hasn't been any track related wet weather cancellations other than due to visibility in extreme weather. The allweather StrathAyr Track drains extremely well and gives an extremely consistent racing surface around the entire track whether it is wet or dry. Even though a StrathAyr track is a natural grass racing surface it is in fact more all weather than many of the so called all weather synthetic tracks as well as being a very safe and consistent racing surface

3.  What are the success stories with Strathayr around the world ?

All  StrathAyr Tracks are performing well from the oldest at Sha Tin and Happy Valley in Hong Kong(1988) , Moonee Valley 1995, Singapore 1999, to the more recent Australian Tracks in Launceston, Mackay, Toowoomba, Moe, and Newcastle. The newest StrathAyr Track build for the Hong Kong jockey Club in Guangzhou in China is also performing very well. All of these tracks have stories of racing well in extreme weather conditions and many with heavy racing schedules. No matter the age of the track they will keep racing well indefinitely into the future as the ReFlex mesh reinforced sand profile under the grass has a very long life. Moonee Valley track surface for example is now 23 years old which is many years older than any other Metropolitan track in Melbourne

4.  What are the problems that have occurred around the world and why ?

Any issues have all been related to track maintenance and in particular in regard to thatch control. Heavy thatch can create weakness at the surface and result in kickback. Toowoomba and Moe had issues that were soon solved with good renovation and maintenance. Since these issues that some tracks had, StrathAyr now provides much more support in the early years in working with the track managers to make sure these issues don't occur . StrathAyr Tracks are not difficult or expensive to maintain but are a little different due to its unique reinforced sand profile and so education on how to manage the track initially is the key to success from day one onward.

5.  Eagle Farm was a disaster, was it Strathayr, what happened and why ?

No Eagle Farm was definitely not StrathAyr. Not really up to me to comment further.


One more point I would like to make is that there is a perception that StrathAyr Tracks are very expensive. This is not true with the extra cost compared to building a new conventional track being quite modest. The long life of the track, the increased usage and fact that wet weather cancellations become a thing of the past more than makes up for the cost difference.


6. In regards to maintenance the support we offer is regular visits and working with the track manager to work out the most appropriate program for all aspects of management including nutrition, irrigation , and thatch control. We don't try and take over the full management but monitor and offer advice including warning of any impending issues. We have a specialised agronomist who visits regularly for the critical first couple of years. 

7. We don't licence out but generally run the installation contract ourselves using local contractors for general earthworks etc and will source turf by working with a local turf grower.


8. In regard to cost comparison it depends on what we are comparing to as conventional can means lots of different things and the cost of local materials such as sands and gravels has a big bearing on cost. However, for example if a full reconstruction to a higher standard conventional track including all earthworks, irrigation, drainage turf etc compared to a full StrathAyr system the difference would generally be around $ 40/m2 or $2 million for a 50,000m2 track 

9.  In terms of hard data on safety this is hard to come by as reliable figures are hard to get. However, lots of anecdotal evidence and examples of horses with leg issues being run at Moonee Valley for examples and avoiding some other tracks. There is more data I believe  that shows grass tracks in general are safer than synthetic.

10. The profile features a perched water table design which means it holds extra water in the bottom part of the profile. This reduces how frequently the track needs to be watered and helps encourage deeper roots which also help to maximize water use efficiency. Also the track is extremely consistent all the way around so all the track needs the same amount of water and so you don't need to over water some areas to make sure poorer areas get enough. While the grass itself uses the same amount of water on any track the fact that you can more accurately apply only what the grass needs without waste can result in very significant water savings. Savings of 20% or more would in many situations is very achievable. More importantly a consistent healthy track will take more use and be better to race on. Also management of irrigation is much easier as the manager does not have to worry about watering close to a race meeting because of the free draining profile.

I apologise that answers aren't clearer but really to talk about costs and savings really need to look at the track in question.

In terms of pros and cons compared to synthetic I am obviously biased but synthetics do seem to have a place for training where very heavy use is required day in and day out. However, grass tracks are generally better for the horses and are preferred for racing and betting is higher on grass tracks. A StrathAyr Track is cheaper than most synthetic tracks and will last indefinitely which is not the case with synthetics. Many synthetics require a lot of time and money to maintain properly. StrathAyr Tracks will take more use than conventional grass tracks and so in many instances will take all the use required without having to resort to a synthetic.
Also as stated before a StrathAyr track will drain better than a synthetic track and so be more all weather.



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Lots  of big words in ATR release so I got AI to summarise - 



  • Issue: Auckland Thoroughbred Racing (ATR) and New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing (NZTR) address safety concerns after the abandonment of a race meeting at Ellerslie Racecourse.

  • Action Plan: Immediate steps include vertidraining, coring the track, and removing grass tufs to improve the track surface.

  • Future Plans: Trials on April 15 will determine if racing can resume on April 20. A heavy renovation post-season will prevent similar issues.

  • Commitment: ATR emphasizes safety and excellence, aiming to optimize racing conditions for all participants and enthusiasts.

I then asked AÍ if they thought track will be safe  after thiscrort - 

Yes, the immediate plan of action includes removing root mass, utilizing sand to dust the surface, and ongoing maintenance measures to ensure the safety and integrity of the racing surface at Ellerslie Racecourse. The steps taken, such as coring, breaking up cores, and ongoing renovations, aim to stabilize and optimize the track for impeccable racing conditions. Trials are scheduled to ensure the track's readiness for racing to resume as scheduled on Easter Handicap Day.


the ATR announcement



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Plan of Action Formulated Following Investigation Into Ellerslie Racecourse Meeting Abandonment

Sent on behalf of Auckland Thoroughbred Racing and New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing

In the wake of the abandonment of yesterday’s race meeting at Ellerslie Racecourse, Auckland Thoroughbred Racing (ATR), in conjunction with New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing (NZTR) advises a comprehensive investigation has been undertaken, resulting in an agreed plan of action that will be implemented to address safety concerns and ensure future racing success.

Yesterday’s race meeting was abandoned after Race 3 due to safety concerns arising from a slip on the newly-installed StrathAyr track.

ATR chief executive, Paul Wilcox, expresses his displeasure in what happened by saying, "We are disappointed in relation to having an abandonment.  In upholding our commitment to excellence, instances like these are regrettable as they fall short of our standards."

He further emphasises, "We also understand the disappointment yesterday's abandonment would have caused to participants, stakeholders, and fans; however, also want to emphasise that the safety and well-being of horses and jockeys is paramount and accept that this was the right decision under the circumstances."

Wilcox notes similarities between this incident and the one encountered at the TAB Karaka Millions in January, acknowledging that yesterday’s issues stemmed from the interface between the root matting and the sand profile.

“This incident bears resemblance to the issue presented at the TAB Karaka Millions earlier this year.  We acknowledge that the root layer at the 10m rail position was not broken up to the extent of other used areas of the track - something that effectively formed a sponge that then held moisture near the surface. That’s what caused the issues.

“Addressing this issue effectively is paramount to ensuring the safety and integrity of our racing surfaces moving forward.”

Wilcox assures that following a meeting this morning between the Club, NZTR and RIB representatives, along with Frank Casimaty of StrathAyr and Chris Hay from Elwick Racecourse which has a StrathAyr track, an immediate plan of action is being implemented to address the issues created by the root mass and to also utilise the sand in the track to dust the surface and reduce any surface greasiness.

"The Club, along with NZTR, are grateful for the advice received – particularly that from Chris Hay – as we continue to find the best process for preparing the track for raceday.  From installation through to the return to racing at Ellerslie, we have worked closely with StrathAyr to ensure the highest standards. Our next steps will help restore confidence of our jockeys, owners, trainers, and punters in our racing surface at Ellerslie," he says.

ATR commenced vertidraining the track earlier this week and will continue this process with additional coring of the track to a depth of at least 100mm. This action is aimed at bringing the sand from these cores to the track's surface.  Subsequently, machinery will be utilised to break up these cores and spread them over the track's surface, with any remaining grass tufts to be removed. This work will be undertaken over the remainder of the week and into the weekend.

NZTR chief operating officer, Darin Balcombe, is pleased about the steps being taken in saying “After our discussions with Chris Hay this morning, we are confident that the additional coring and breaking up of those cores will alleviate the issues with the surface.

“We will continue to work closely with ATR to ensure the track continues to improve with racing.”

Furthermore, ATR has ordered a corer machine to help ensure the ongoing track surface will continue to improve with further racing and, after the conclusion of the season on May 25, will undertake a heavy renovation on the track to include removing the matting to prevent similar issues in the future.

Wilcox is confident things will look much different in the future saying, "As we move forward, our focus remains unwaveringly fixed on ensuring the highest standards of safety and excellence. We are fully committed to implementing comprehensive measures to address the issue swiftly and effectively.

“Looking ahead, we are optimistic that with the planned renovations and diligent maintenance efforts, our track at Ellerslie will not only be stabilised but also optimised to deliver impeccable racing conditions and an exceptional racing experience for all participants and enthusiasts alike.”

Prior to returning to racing, trials will take place this coming Monday 15 April. These will need to be completed satisfactorily with the rail in the raceday position for racing to resume as scheduled on Easter Handicap Day, next Saturday 20 April.

NZTR have instigated the Abandonment Review Protocol and will review all events and track preparation leading up to the partial abandonment of Wednesday’s raceday.

ATR extends its sincere apologies for any inconveniences caused and appreciates the public's understanding and support as it prioritises the safety and welfare of the racing community.

The Club remains committed to working diligently with relevant parties to address the issue at hand and retains confidence in its decision to install a StrathAyr racing surface at Ellerslie.

For further information, please contact: 


New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing 

Darin Balcombe, Chief Operating Officer | 021 407 593

Auckland Thoroughbred Racing

Craig Baker, Executive General Manager– Racing and Operations | 027 441 2920

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1 minute ago, scooby3051 said:

“This incident bears resemblance to the issue presented at the TAB Karaka Millions earlier this year.  We acknowledge that the root layer at the 10m rail position was not broken up to the extent of other used areas of the track - something that effectively formed a sponge that then held moisture near the surface. That’s what caused the issues.


I thought the whole point of the Strathayr was for moisture to run through easier than the normal track , I thought that was the whole point of the Strathayr . So what caused it to become like a sponge ?


3 minutes ago, scooby3051 said:

Prior to returning to racing, trials will take place this coming Monday 15 April. These will need to be completed satisfactorily with the rail in the raceday position for racing to resume as scheduled on Easter Handicap Day, next Saturday 20 April.


So how does running against the rails in the trials help to know if the strip wider is good for the next time they move the rail out . 

If I own a horse that my trainer wants to travel to these trials I would be a little apprehensive , will they get through the day ?


What I don't get is Hong Kong can run the same evening after a deluge of rain in the morning but someone spits on Ellerslie and it becomes dangerous .

There is a serious issue somewhere .

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just interesting to know read the report from ATR they are saying that they  going to be coring the track which means that they are taking sand from its present structure to the surface and breaking that up to put a sand layer on top of the track OK that will have to be an awful lot of sand taken from the base foundation to be effective from all accounts Randwick put on 5000 tons of sand over 5years say 1000 tons per year we all know if you top dress to much on like they did at Te Rapa  can also be disarsterest but it has now settled down after time so what I am saying why don't they top dress sand on the surface and leave the  base as it is JMO Like to know what others think we all won't this track to be racing fit.

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Trials Monday - Crash test dummies???

If the issue is the same as Karaka Million night - and the ground was not broken up wider than 10 mtrs why race on it - that is ambulance at the bottom of the cliff stuff.


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2 hours ago, nomates said:

So how does running against the rails in the trials help to know if the strip wider is good for the next time they move the rail out . 

If I own a horse that my trainer wants to travel to these trials I would be a little apprehensive , will they get through the day ?

Be interesting to see who is willing to trial their horses on it on Monday. I certainly wouldn't.

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Well, I haven't read through every post on this long running thread, but a couple of things stuck out that just don't make sense to me.

Sending the Strathyr team away before the handover of the fully race ready product was 'good to go', and the change of grass type from what was recommended are really WTF moments for me. 

I'd love to know the reasons behind the decisions, but it just seems like some local expert with an ego thought they knew better and wanted to have their stamp on it.

That kind of 'local play' can work sometimes and be a master stroke, but when it goes tits up, which it clearly has, if it was my 55 Million I'd be beating the door down of those who authorized those 2 actions and demand answers. As usual, we just get the normal PR dribble and there is never any true ACCOUNTABILITY!

For the record, I thought the decision to rebuild the track was a great step forward and hope it can be resolved in a suitable time frame, but clearly understand peoples frustration and skepticism given how it's played out.





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4 hours ago, scooby3051 said:

Plan of Action Formulated Following Investigation Into Ellerslie Racecourse Meeting Abandonment

Sent on behalf of Auckland Thoroughbred Racing and New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing

In the wake of the abandonment of yesterday’s race meeting at Ellerslie Racecourse, Auckland Thoroughbred Racing (ATR), in conjunction with New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing (NZTR) advises a comprehensive investigation has been undertaken, resulting in an agreed plan of action that will be implemented to address safety concerns and ensure future racing success.

Yesterday’s race meeting was abandoned after Race 3 due to safety concerns arising from a slip on the newly-installed StrathAyr track.

ATR chief executive, Paul Wilcox, expresses his displeasure in what happened by saying, "We are disappointed in relation to having an abandonment.  In upholding our commitment to excellence, instances like these are regrettable as they fall short of our standards."

He further emphasises, "We also understand the disappointment yesterday's abandonment would have caused to participants, stakeholders, and fans; however, also want to emphasise that the safety and well-being of horses and jockeys is paramount and accept that this was the right decision under the circumstances."

Wilcox notes similarities between this incident and the one encountered at the TAB Karaka Millions in January, acknowledging that yesterday’s issues stemmed from the interface between the root matting and the sand profile.

“This incident bears resemblance to the issue presented at the TAB Karaka Millions earlier this year.  We acknowledge that the root layer at the 10m rail position was not broken up to the extent of other used areas of the track - something that effectively formed a sponge that then held moisture near the surface. That’s what caused the issues.

“Addressing this issue effectively is paramount to ensuring the safety and integrity of our racing surfaces moving forward.”

Wilcox assures that following a meeting this morning between the Club, NZTR and RIB representatives, along with Frank Casimaty of StrathAyr and Chris Hay from Elwick Racecourse which has a StrathAyr track, an immediate plan of action is being implemented to address the issues created by the root mass and to also utilise the sand in the track to dust the surface and reduce any surface greasiness.

This, Race cafe people,  is Chris Hay 's experience at a Track called Elwick !
I don't doubt for one moment he is a good well intentioned track manager, but why are we as industry people 
paying for his flights and fees for a fuck up.
The advice all along was to leave the Ellerslie surface to mature gradually.Develop root maturity.
Until 2025
The media and Industry Dollar pressure  for the KM night of 2024  undid the settling of a farming  norm.
" Let the good grass roots grow deep and the cows will milk  well.
Learned people have suggested to me
* Open the Ellerslie track for regular trials and track gallops with cones out for trainers from Karaka ,Cambridge and 
   Kenny Raes  Ruakaka castle. 
* Purchase 200  heavy Jersey/ Angus  yearlings, fence off the Strythere track at Ellerslie  and hey presto we get what Te Teko  used to be.


4 hours ago, scooby3051 said:




For further information, please contact: 


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For $55 million I would have expected perfection, not a lot of what if, where as, what we did elsewhere, tomorrow it will be better, maybe trials to test again etc.

Seriously something or someone or somebody [plural] is at fault here.

The sooner they own up the better.



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Trials on Monday. These trials are restricted to a maximum of 100 horses 😂 are they kidding who would want to be seriously take a horse to them. They should be free for start off's to risk it.

I realise it's hard to get trials on a grass surface in the north but I think that's a big punt.

That's just me I'm not sure what the majority are thinking.


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I see Hastings isn't going to be ready for the 27th April meeting now , hence another reshuffle of CD meetings .

Seriously you couldn't make up the shambles with our tracks over the last 2 seasons in particular .

If someone had said 5 years ago this was going to happen with all our major tracks even the most skeptical among us would have scoffed .

Just as well they didn't get their way and close all the tracks they wanted to quickly , I think , and I could be wrong , but I think Te Rapa is the only track that hasn't had a meeting canned for an unsafe surface . That alone speaks volumes about the state of our racing .

Ellerslie , Trentham and Riccarton , our supposed flagship tracks are currently letting the industry down in a major way , along with Hastings and Awapuni , New Plymouth and to a lesser extent Otaki , the CD has an endemic problem all of their own . 

Rudderless doesn't even start to describe the leadership .

And here's a thought to finish with , what if Entain hadn't come along ??????

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2 hours ago, nomates said:

I see Hastings isn't going to be ready for the 27th April meeting now , hence another reshuffle of CD meetings .

Seriously you couldn't make up the shambles with our tracks over the last 2 seasons in particular .

If someone had said 5 years ago this was going to happen with all our major tracks even the most skeptical among us would have scoffed .

Just as well they didn't get their way and close all the tracks they wanted to quickly , I think , and I could be wrong , but I think Te Rapa is the only track that hasn't had a meeting canned for an unsafe surface . That alone speaks volumes about the state of our racing .

Ellerslie , Trentham and Riccarton , our supposed flagship tracks are currently letting the industry down in a major way , along with Hastings and Awapuni , New Plymouth and to a lesser extent Otaki , the CD has an endemic problem all of their own . 

Rudderless doesn't even start to describe the leadership .

And here's a thought to finish with , what if Entain hadn't come along ??????

I was staggered at that race track of the year thing that Ellerslie won. Te Rapa has carried racing in the north for the last couple of years. Without Te Rapa northern racing would have had to close down. And to think they want to get rid of Te Rapa as well.

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4 hours ago, Insider said:

For $55 million I would have expected perfection, not a lot of what if, where as, what we did elsewhere, tomorrow it will be better, maybe trials to test again etc.

Seriously something or someone or somebody [plural] is at fault here.

The sooner they own up the better.



40mms of rain forecast today. Considering that, how they think they can now fix in 4 days to be safe for trials, what they have failed to fix since Millions night, is not really comprehensible to me.

It seems they have only just now ordered the coring machinery necessary to remedy the problem?

"ATR has ordered a corer machine to help ensure the ongoing track surface will continue to improve ...

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It is almost comical. 

What grinds my gears is the swagger of the people involved in this, as if everything they touch turns to gold. This attitude is encouraged by the likes of Guerin whose interviews of Ellerslie top brass are conducted solely from the kneeling position. 

Seriously. How do you keep your job. Or are some people un-fireable?


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7 hours ago, We're Doomed said:

I was staggered at that race track of the year thing that Ellerslie won. Te Rapa has carried racing in the north for the last couple of years. Without Te Rapa northern racing would have had to close down. And to think they want to get rid of Te Rapa as well.

I'm not sure Te Rapa has actually 'carried racing in the North'.

You seem to be ignoring Pukekohe - most of the Ellerslie days have been run there and I have to say the track has performed superbly - it's actually my favourite track to bet on these days.

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11 hours ago, blackcaviar56 said:

Trials on Monday. These trials are restricted to a maximum of 100 horses 😂 are they kidding who would want to be seriously take a horse to them. They should be free for start off's to risk it.

I realise it's hard to get trials on a grass surface in the north but I think that's a big punt.

That's just me I'm not sure what the majority are thinking.


And why not have them live on trackside and maybe some interviews ...nah thats too much transparency for everyone to know the truth.

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3 minutes ago, scooby3051 said:

And why not have them live on trackside and maybe some interviews ...nah thats too much transparency for everyone to know the truth.

I'm not sure there's anyone prepared to ask the hard questions on air.


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