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Nerula last won the day on May 20

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Open Class - R121

Open Class - R121 (4/4)



  1. No I dont think that. In the interest of transparency I think NZTR or Otaki should lay the cards on the table..How it happened? I think Trentham should close and a racecourse north of Wellington should be developed into 'state of the art" Whether that is greenfields or an existing track. Travel subsidies should work for non Metro tracks and instead of paying huge stakes for features just nibble out one K per starter per 500 km down and back float. Just make it attractive!
  2. Wellington is dying. Otaki is a limb to that
  3. Thats a bit precious Chestnut. Matt is on very thin ice now. Sexual Assault and now Cocaine. I'm rather surprised they didnt hit him with "Bringing Racing into disrepute. As far as I am concerned Matt can ingest coke as much as he likes. But he cant go race riding with that on board.. Leave our darling Joolsy alone too. There needs to be someone to put a bit of discipline in here..
  4. Do you want that vacuous airhead back. Or the bloke who cant say what a women is. Or Chemical Chloe or the disfigured guy in the hat?
  5. "Stick" said to me a few years ago, " I've had quite a few horses that could have been a Sunline. But they didnt want to." So the whip didn't help them win! I had a filly with FA that refused to gallop at all. I suppose she got the bat.
  6. Just get rid of the damned whip. The horses that want to race will win. Jockeys will have to ride longer leathers to ride hands and heels. More safety to rider and horses due to balance. Less cancellations.. Less activists outside the gate. You know it makes sense
  7. A fence sitting exercise? But consultation is good when you dont know the way ahead.
  8. Ted you were an athlete. Ever run in the nude?
  9. Theres hope though there is gymnastics to come and a lower centre of gravity would not work. The tumbling you see! Splat?
  10. Over on Main Street I put up a question for you. Can you jump on that before Gruff does. Cheers and Best
  11. Surfing the Olympic channels last night I came across Synchronised womens' diving and stopped to admire the female form. It was good to have a perv in the past - and the interest was in what was covered up. But yikes the form has changed with these fuller form ones now. They are wearing bottoms that are "up the butt" giving a very cheeky look. But they do make a splash. It seems women are becoming more "rubenesque" which raises a troubling question - Have we reached peak booty yet?
  12. Well written Pam
  13. Thanks Alf. I am just a party in this proposal, so thus am acquainted, Far better "details" people than me are steering it. They have put in a lot of work. I see that evil troll and resident know all is trying to engage with me with a Curiously asinine post. Not going to happen? Life must be dull in Rangiora!