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Ohokaman last won the day on July 15

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About Ohokaman

  • Birthday September 10

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    Family have been involved in Racing (both Codes) for many years.
    Advertising and Marketing Agencies NZ and Australia.
    Have worked with Tourism Industry and Racing Clubs in NZ, Australia and South Pacific in senior roles including major restructuring and rebranding exercises.
    Consultant to Tourism Industry South Pacific Region.
    Director Victorian Fine Art

    " Let us be thankful for the fools, for without them the rest of us could not succeed..." Mark Twain

    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, than to take rank with those poor
    timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.."
    Theodore Roosevelt 1899

    “Without ambition one starts nothing,
    Without work one finishes nothing,
    The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.
    The man who knows how will always have a job,
    The man who knows why will always be his boss...”
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Open Class - R121

Open Class - R121 (4/4)



  1. Kilcoyne does not appear to have posted, so these will have to do…. 1. Otaki R2- 3,4 2. Otaki R5- 2,8 3. Te Rapa R3- 2,5 4. Te Rapa R5- 3,5 5. Randwick R2- 3,11 6. Randwick R8- 4,7 7. Randwick R10- 10,14 BB 8. Caulfield R4- 9,10 9. Caulfield R5- 7,10 10. Caulfield R6- 4,9 11. Caulfield R8- 7,8 12. Caulfield R9- 5,13 BB Cheers…John….
  2. 1. Otaki R2- 1,3 2. Otaki R5- 2,4 3. Te Rapa R3- 2,4 4. Te Rapa R5- 3,11 5. Randwick R2- 10,11 6. Randwick R8- 4,14 7. Randwick R10- 3,10 BB 8. Caulfield R4- 1,9 9. Caulfield R5- 6,9 10. Caulfield R6- 5,8 BB 11. Caulfield R8- 7,10 12. Caulfield R9- 12,13 Good luck all….
  3. Bet Trump is having second thoughts about this idiot. Anyone seen Hillbilly Elegy on Netflix…..?
  4. Sad to hear of the passing of champion ISTABRAQ aged 32 Stodge. Won 23 of his 29 races over hurdles for Aiden O’Brien and owner J P McManus. A special horse he was…
  5. You’ve already lost it if you don’t think Trump and the Republicans are shitting themselves right now. Some of their impeachment actions are plain ludicrous.
  6. A few early ones for this week…. Friday Geelong R4 Delivering should be ready now $4, R7 Desert Star big run last start will be short $3 Saturday Doomben R5 Deepour gets out to right trip with Orman booked $5/2 Randwick R6 Cawdor good win last start and looks value v Tijuana and co at $14 R7 Chief Conductor another that looks value at $14/3 but fave Fleetwood the one to beat Caulfield R6 Wallenda has been very unlucky last few…Shinn on this week $5/2
  7. Among voters under 35, 49% said in April or June that they would support Trump and 42% Biden, but now, 47% support Harris to 43% for Trump. The same Black voters who split 70% for Biden to 23% for Trump in previous polling now break 78% for Harris to 15% for Trump. Among Hispanic voters, Biden trailed Trump in earlier polling 50% to 41%; those same voters now split about evenly, 47% Harris to 45% for Trump. Women split 46% Biden to 46% Trump in earlier polling, but now break 50% Harris to 45% Trump. Independent voters who broke 47% Trump to 37% Biden in prior polls now split 46% Trump to 43% Harris. That narrowed gap is driven at least partly by increased Harris support among independents who lean toward the Democratic Party. While 81% of voters in that group supported Biden in April or June, 90% of them now back Harris.
  8. Typical bullshit from the conspiracy theorist. $120m raised in two days says the race is far from over. She has more smarts than Trump will admit.
  9. Ohokaman


    If the product is shit, why would you buy it LJ ?
  10. Well done you, wish I had…. New Moon was the hot fave in the second leg for the Harris stable. Didn’t run a place.
  11. Yeah, bloody thing. Led all the way (Brian Dodds rode ?) and paid $180 or so. Could have heard a pin drop at the finish… Cost me too as I had a good double going with Suttle ( 2nd ? ) and Count Kereru that beat New Moon in the Telegraph and paid $35….
  12. So Joe Biden has done the right thing by the country today, as he has all his life. Must have been a very difficult decision for him…after 36 years representing Delaware in the Senate, 8 as VP to Obama, and 4 as President. If Kamala Harris becomes the nominee, the VP she chooses will become vital in re energising the party, voters and the campaign. Whether it makes any difference, we’ll have to wait and see. If nothing else, at least the interest is back.
  13. Typical moronic reply as expected. Comprehending the detail there probably beyond your capability.
  14. That values him at $1.375m. He’s already won over $13m so he’s done the business for the owners so far.