Pete Lane

Ellerslie track issues

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3 hours ago, Pam Robson said:

I have to hope that Entain realise - if they haven't already  - what a lame duck they are supporting.

Increased funding is great for we stakeholders, we are lucky to have the chance to run for real money...but this continued ineptitude has to be pulled into line.  

Do Entain even know what all the issues are ?? .. or are they just going to pour money into stakes, what happens when that runs out ?

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Let's have a close look at who got paid.

As many knew previously the NZ climate and topographical nature of this course is unique. The 'expert's thought they had the answer but it was always going to be an experiment at some level, Shane Mac has faith this track can be 'right' next year but the 55 million in without an early return is unacceptable given what was promised hasn't really been tested yet what's going to happen in Winter🤒  ...55 million could of had Avondale spic and span with a track that can handle anything 🤣

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5 hours ago, CVance said:

“After the last race meeting here (this season), which is the 25 th of May, it (StrathAyr track) will get a
heavy renovation and that will be focussing on removing that matting to ensure going forward that
that can’t cause any issues. This time next year, it will be settled and hopefully racing perfectly,”
Wilcox said.

A heavy renovation on a brand new track ?

Fills you full of confidence

So why are they putting horses and riders at risk on a track that requires "heavy renovation""?

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6 hours ago, nomates said:

Doesn't come up with solutions , just questions and data .

I've been offering solutions for 20 years but the powers that be have shown no inclination to implement any of them.. In a sentence, fix the tracks, fix the handicapping system, fix the programming and aim to make thoroughbred racing self-sustainable again as it was then.

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4 hours ago, Chris Wood said:

Funny that Aaron, have to agree, negativity runs through a lot of Kiwis veins sadly, they want to see things fail, the old” I told you so scenario”.

Sad but true….anyway, let’s see how things pan out….

I for one think it was a good move to put the track in, yes the hill has gone, and coming from an ex jumps rider, it is sad, but change happens, like it or not!

I also thought doing a new track was great for everyone, but it seems some of the advice they got they went a different way like the grass for instance and things like the counters of the turns and other the end of the day they spent $55 million and its not right, so is it not fair to ask some questions as to why that is??? Or am I to be just a sheep and follow along and hope everything works out??? I always was told discussing problems is a good way to solve them... I for one will not accept that 55 million gets us what we now have...somebody has cocked up somewhere big time...JMO.

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"5 hours to move the rail" - would there be anybody on course who would not offer to help, rather than abandon the meeting? Even get some dirt on their suits? Could a tempoary barrier be made from hurdle or steeplechase fences (assuming that there are some still there)? The steward who was on Trackside said that the matter would be left to the Track Manager to fix. He may be an innocent party but surely the issue is bigger than his alone to resolve.

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7 hours ago, Leggy said:

It has failed at this point hasn't it, whether anyone wanted to see that or not, which I doubt?

Sometimes things in life are trial and era no?

You obviously haven't been following some of the comments.  Alot are loving that this is failing.  I'm not the only saying this.....

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5 minutes ago, Aaron The Anchor said:

Sometimes things in life are trial and era no?

You obviously haven't been following some of the comments.  Alot are loving that this is failing.  I'm not the only saying this.....

Nobody I can see is loving it...but look at the facts instead of burying rubbishing people who dare to speak out...look at Caulfield also recently opened a new track to rave reviews...Ellerslie spent 55 million, and its not somebody has cocked up somewhere and its not wrong to expect after 55 mill that things would be sorted and we would have a world class track...and we dont...and I have skin in the you??? I want nothing more than to enjoy my horses racing in good races on good tracks ..and this aint a good track at the moment far from it...if you think otherwise you have no clue.

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After a number of horses slipped on Karaka Millions night they made the comment along the lines of.......getting the StrathAyr people back who hadn't been involved for months. I found it bizarre these people have been installing successful SA surfaces for decades and they're not involved right up until it was proven. It's like using a different grass feels like a we know better attitude ??

Anyway, we all want to see them get the track right. Move the last couple of meets to Puke and get started on sorting it out for next season now.

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32 minutes ago, scooby3051 said:

Nobody I can see is loving it...but look at the facts instead of burying rubbishing people who dare to speak out...look at Caulfield also recently opened a new track to rave reviews...Ellerslie spent 55 million, and its not somebody has cocked up somewhere and its not wrong to expect after 55 mill that things would be sorted and we would have a world class track...and we dont...and I have skin in the you??? I want nothing more than to enjoy my horses racing in good races on good tracks ..and this aint a good track at the moment far from it...if you think otherwise you have no clue.

Caulfield had a far superior track to start with? 

I have absolutely no problem with people speaking out about the track failing, 55mil is alot to spend.  

Surely you have seen a difference on here with the people who are speaking out about their concerns vs the people that I loving the fact this is failing.... "the why did you sell the hill".... "the I told you so people"...?

Those are the people I'm talking about...... there is a difference 

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Selling the hill was the right move to fund this renovation , imagine if they had borrowed the $55 million .

I suggest a little patience , wait and see where this goes, it seems Ellerslie's biggest crime is trying to bring racing and it's facility's into  modern times.

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8 hours ago, Leggy said:

“After the last race meeting here (this season), which is the 25 th of May, it (StrathAyr track) will get a
heavy renovation and that will be focussing on removing that matting to ensure going forward that
that can’t cause any issues. This time next year, it will be settled and hopefully racing perfectly,”
Wilcox said.

Removing the  matting! What the hell is the matting?

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9 minutes ago, tripple alliance said:

Selling the hill was the right move to fund this renovation , imagine if they had borrowed the $55 million .

I suggest a little patience , wait and see where this goes, it seems Ellerslie's biggest crime is trying to bring racing and it's facility's into  modern times.

Maybe put away the irrigation and let a long spell of winter weather do it's thing seeing there are no plans to race over winter anyway. If you have to race 10 metres out should you even be racing? And would yesterday's problem have been there had they raced against the rail?I notice a comment from Stephen Marsh referring to upcoming Easter start for Provence said the 'track is perfect' or words to that effect. Difficult to know the true picture.

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14 minutes ago, tripple alliance said:

Selling the hill was the right move to fund this renovation , imagine if they had borrowed the $55 million .

I suggest a little patience , wait and see where this goes, it seems Ellerslie's biggest crime is trying to bring racing and it's facility's into  modern times.

No its not that at seems they spent the money and only took half the advice given...if that is the case then it is a stuff up...lets see what comes out.

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1 hour ago, Aaron The Anchor said:

I thought there were a few Strathayr style tracks around the world?

You could say that but none that have undergone a seeding process with all others being turfed, and none that have ever had a weather related abandonment.

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Time is required with the surface I would say. There is little on the net giving details of other tracks that are Strathayr as to how long they have taken to bed in. It appears some have been done in a different way.  Are we expecting to much to soon?  Quite possible in my opinion. I suggest another 12 months at least for this surface to be what it is designed for.

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1 hour ago, Aaron The Anchor said:

I thought there were a few Strathayr style tracks around the world?

Moe is one , Poa invasion and poor drainage made them decide to use Strathyr in 2012/13. It cost Four and a half million....Track has no issues I can gather?. I'm guessing here but of the others including Moonee, kanji, Sha Tin ,Mowbray (Tasmania)and Mackay none would have the elevation change and undulation of Ellerslie. They are ideal for sports grounds for this reason. Time will tell , pinpointing WHY these inconsistencies exist is the obvious first step so maybe we shouldn't be so impatient..

even though we have patiently waited for the re-opening.🤔

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The saviour of racing eh….? 🤔
Wonder how long it will be before Entain realise throwing money at stakes is not much use if the Premier track can’t be trusted by punters ? 
Will be interesting to see developments once Winter really arrives…. slice of the gambling,the Ellerslie and Pukekohe courses.

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