Pete Lane

Ellerslie track issues

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13 minutes ago, nomates said:

Well if common sense had been in practice they would have said they were moving the meeting yesterday , whole heartedly self interest was at play .

The most interesting aspect of this is the complete invisibility of one B Sharrock , I'm sure he is still the head of NZTR , he is isn't he ?


I think they said at the end of today's Weigh In that he is to be a guest on next week's show. They should make it a phone-in for viewers!!

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 " No No No "  Jim from Vicar Of Dibley  actually in real life wrote an  American # 1 record about a dog. Mrs Brown You've Got A Luvley Daughter....... appropriate as the track has been all  dog thus far. 

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24 minutes ago, Idolmite said:


I think they said at the end of today's Weigh In that he is to be a guest on next week's show. They should make it a phone-in for viewers!!

Got bored long before the end so didn't hear that . I agree , would love to hear him answer some hard hitting questions from Industry participants , Sharrock can be in the seat next to him as well .

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This decision comes as a proactive response to recent track issues and concerns raised by stakeholders ...

A proactive response would have been to do the sensible thing after the partial abandonment on 10 transfer the Easter meet to another course and begin the "planned winter renovation" from 11 April.

Max travelled to Ellerslie from the glorious North on Saturday to support a mate (a first-time owner) whose horse was in Race 8.
Imagine the disappointment/frustration...and 5 hours on the road for sweet f-a. 
When the young lass fell off Opaea Joe earlier in the day, Max feared the worse. But mercifully her horse had 'clipped heels' and she was dislodged (or so we're told). 

Yes, the rain was steady/relentless and sometimes heavy, but on the 'old surface' the last two races would have likely proceeded (on a Heavy whatever).

To see the 'spin' here about a proactive response is sickening - though entirely predictable.

Max's sympathy is with all the connections of horses entered in Race 7 and 8.


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3 minutes ago, Nerula said:

There been some player movement at the Wahs of late?

Hey Scoobs did you see that subteraenium Sp matting on the core sample. I went Full Screen and Nope cant see.

You better ask Leggy he is the know all.👍

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23 minutes ago, Nerula said:

There been some player movement at the Wahs of late?

Hey Scoobs did you see that subteraenium Sp matting on the core sample. I went Full Screen and Nope cant see.

What core sample? The six month old one in the vid above? Jason even then refers to thinking the root system had got a bit tight hence had just completed an overdue vertidraining. I haven't seen a current or recent one. Where did you see that?

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It seems the two main causes/issues are

1 They chose to grow the Strathayr from seeds and not roll in pre grown turf. This had never been done before.

And I think this one may be even worse

2 They never fixed the camber on the home turn to preserve the "chracter" of Ellerslie. I believe this is a large contributor to the amount of slipping on the home turn.

But hey not being anti Ellerslie or Negative, just would like some answers instead of the waffle they keep putting out to cover their proverbial.

I keep saying the industry MUST have this track at its absolute best.

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1 hour ago, scooby3051 said:

It seems the two main causes/issues are

1 They chose to grow the Strathayr from seeds and not roll in pre grown turf. This had never been done before.

And I think this one may be even worse

2 They never fixed the camber on the home turn to preserve the "chracter" of Ellerslie. I believe this is a large contributor to the amount of slipping on the home turn.

But hey not being anti Ellerslie or Negative, just would like some answers instead of the waffle they keep putting out to cover their proverbial.

I keep saying the industry MUST have this track at its absolute best.

I agree with everything you say. Other than the camber I believe that sooner or later the other problems will be resolved. I hope so anyway. 


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2 hours ago, scooby3051 said:

It seems the two main causes/issues are

1 They chose to grow the Strathayr from seeds and not roll in pre grown turf. This had never been done before.

And I think this one may be even worse

2 They never fixed the camber on the home turn to preserve the "chracter" of Ellerslie. I believe this is a large contributor to the amount of slipping on the home turn.

But hey not being anti Ellerslie or Negative, just would like some answers instead of the waffle they keep putting out to cover their proverbial.

I keep saying the industry MUST have this track at its absolute best.

I agree with all that but the interesting thing for me around the camber argument is that the race where the horse slipped , the winner came wider and was travelling faster than the horse that slipped on its inside yet had no issues , surely if it is purely a camber issue then the horse should have had issues as well .

Personally from all I've read I think this is mostly about the grass and structure underneath that seeding instead of laying has caused , hence not enabling the horses to get a grip as a hoof hits the track . 

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1 hour ago, Hedley Jordan said:

Possibley to pocket the difference between the cost of the lain turf..and seeding.

there's no other rationale is there?

They would also have had to contract for that turf to have been grown here using the recommended grass types for Auckland's climate etc. and then harvest and lay it. However, that would have put them months further ahead in readying the track, especially with the delays that occurred because the grass would have been growing away in the mean time. I don't think the direct seeding itself was the problem but something obviously went wrong with the process to cause the matting to develop in the root zone. Only thing I can think of is too much too shallow irrigation. They also clearly raced on it way too soon under the circumstances. I just hope they don't try and do that again if they can fix it.

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As the 'verbal side stepping and arse covering continues', it's interesting to look back at the 'expert waffle' that was delivered in the 2023 Annual Report.

ACCOUNTABILITY was nominated for 'the Values Powerpoint Stakes' but was obviously withdrawn, probably due to Track conditions. 

Here's a few snippets: 

'However, the track project was close to completion by the end of July and we are delighted by the outcome which has more than lived up to our expectations. We set out to achieve a world-class racing surface and on what we have seen to date we are confident this is what we will deliver. Our hope is that we will be able to hold the TAB Karaka Millions raceday at Ellerslie but we first have to be confident that the track is ready for racing. That will be our priority.'  - Chairman

'As widely communicated, we will go through a rigorous process to ensure that the surface is ready for racing. This is critical to not only ensure the safety of horse and jockey, but to preserve the longevity of the track well beyond the immediate season.' - CEO

The 'refreshed family brands' particulalry amused me. 😄 

There's nothing more thrilling than being all together at Ellerslie 🙄




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8 hours ago, Alf Riston said:

As the 'verbal side stepping and arse covering continues', it's interesting to look back at the 'expert waffle' that was delivered in the 2023 Annual Report.

ACCOUNTABILITY was nominated for 'the Values Powerpoint Stakes' but was obviously withdrawn, probably due to Track conditions. 

Here's a few snippets: 

'However, the track project was close to completion by the end of July and we are delighted by the outcome which has more than lived up to our expectations. We set out to achieve a world-class racing surface and on what we have seen to date we are confident this is what we will deliver. Our hope is that we will be able to hold the TAB Karaka Millions raceday at Ellerslie but we first have to be confident that the track is ready for racing. That will be our priority.'  - Chairman

'As widely communicated, we will go through a rigorous process to ensure that the surface is ready for racing. This is critical to not only ensure the safety of horse and jockey, but to preserve the longevity of the track well beyond the immediate season.' - CEO

The 'refreshed family brands' particulalry amused me. 😄 

There's nothing more thrilling than being all together at Ellerslie 🙄




Ive never read so much crap in all my life.

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