Thanks for posting that JJ Flash.
Yes, that could definitely be a Tui ad. The line l liked best amongst the typical word salad we get for the leaders of anything and everything these days was "Our surveys show that there is confidence in the future of our sport, and that is crucial."
Surveys have never been responsible for many live foals on the ground in my experience. I've always preferred "the proof is in the pudding" theory, and the pudding says that while trotting foal numbers are about level to last year (slightly down), and the overall tally is down 12%, pacing foals are down by 14.8%. Let's say 15% down. 15%!!! Yet, the writer states "......but there are encouraging signs that we can stabilize and eventually rebuild." What are those "signs". Tell us about those. Please.
His numbers also don't tally. 1552 total mares bred from, pacing mares being 1151 ("down 200 from 1351"), "trotting mares services about the same at around 500". 1552 - 1151 = 401. The total number of 225 foals down from "the corresponding 12 months" (of 1552 + 225 = 1777) actually equals a drop of 12.66%, so rounded down to 12%, but as for the rest of the numbers who knows. 401 trotting mares serviced is certainly not "around 500". Maybe a typo somewhere? Or the wool/eyes trickery. It's all written in a way that doesn't clearly give the reader all of the actual numbers of decline, some one can work out from piecing certain numbers together (pacing numbers) while other fact checks are just impossible.