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TurnyTom last won the day on June 19 2024

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About TurnyTom

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Open Class - R121

Open Class - R121 (4/4)



  1. Crowd seemed ok from what I saw, like Riccarton the lack of a public stand doesn’t help and will keep folk away
  2. Would be commercially stupid if they didn’t support one another
  3. Pretty much seems like the inevitable, the numbers simply do not stack SI racing will become a complete backwater, lifeline to Harness though, and if south of Hamilton life will be very testing for TBs. All very sad
  4. Let’s not be too hard Credit where credit is due, they have made a bloody good job of it …. Wonderful effort and result
  5. Meantime the one they wanted to axe .. Kūmara …. booming …. Surprise surprise NOT
  6. It is my go to Dave, along with Mlbs Herald Sun Friday racing section, all 20 pages. Subscribe to the Herald Sun solely for racing section which is brilliant
  7. But they put it in for Trots too, where they seem to have a very good win rate strike
  8. Thanks Dave Thought that might be it, interestingly they have a high strike rate. I rarely look at the tote price as it simply is not a factor of influence for me, but betting as soon as FO come out then it is bingo when they roll home, my faithful black book and trials watching pays off Will watch the MM more but very rarely bet locally anyway
  9. Help please What does the white MM in a black box stand for, it appears alongside one horse in each race I have no idea, but have noted that they often are favs and have a good win record Help please would be appreciated
  10. Crowd looked thin Critical Ellerslie is a major success and I trust they market it very well outside of the corporate set. The corporates are not a long term answer If only they could get back to once what worked very well, Derby on Boxing Day has a ring of the Boxing Day Test at the MCG and look how that is going. Tradition bears success. A no brainer the proper Auckland Cup should be NYD Not easy times for sure, but easy decisions
  11. So true, but the SI ain’t helping themselves with a totally distorted programme, and over reliance on the AWT which seems to have little appeal to punters
  12. The words I hear Liz is the Shute is far from safe It is Guppied
  13. Super horse, well looked after and raced sparingly Superstar and loved in MLB, a legend
  14. Claudius Maximus, I guess you know who cleaned up on that result, paid way overs and was in with a big show …. Always easier after
  15. Possibly, just maybe, with Greyhounds gone and the attaching reasons related to animal welfare just possibly racing fans are concerned another road is opening for those intent on another success. The matter is public knowledge now and I entertain little doubt filed for future tabling once they initiate the campaign One event like this is simply one too many