
greyhound racings future

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I'm not a dog fancier in fact I detest greyhound racing but that's just me , I do support the right of people to race dogs if that's what they want to do . I to listened to some of the b/s on the radio today , what's ignored in all conversations  is these dogs are athletes therefore if they are to perform they must be well maintained , pretty basic really  and yes there are plenty of other accusations but many of these have been resolved but nobody wants to know about those .

16 Feb, 2024 

In the year to June 2023, Auckland Council  euthanized 2615 ,  151 because shelters were full and the remainder because of other reasons including temperament, health issues , the dog being involved in an attack or now new owners could be found .




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1 hour ago, Rules For Some said:

Only a matter of time

Yep .. but what amazes me is the lack of zest by those at NZGRA. All they ever do is defend, they are not pro-active in promoting the good side of greyhound racing or keep looking for ways to significantly improve health and safety. Greyhounds are as triple said athletes, and if there not running as fast as they can at the track they do so when out at the park, built for speed and they like to use it. But NZGRA need to wake up, at the moment like Rosanowski they lack zip.

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1 hour ago, Palliser said:

Yep .. but what amazes me is the lack of zest by those at NZGRA. All they ever do is defend, they are not pro-active in promoting the good side of greyhound racing or keep looking for ways to significantly improve health and safety. Greyhounds are as triple said athletes, and if there not running as fast as they can at the track they do so when out at the park, built for speed and they like to use it. But NZGRA need to wake up, at the moment like Rosanowski they lack zip.

What good side ?? I've never seen it. 

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Understand, maybe before your time I don't know. But I used to have a few dogs and was only involved with good people and good trainers who loved and cared for their dogs. They would tell me stories of some real bad crap that was creeping into the sport. Being naive it didn't seem real to me, but here we are 40 years later seeing, and reading about the rogues. Greed, Cheating, Drugs and Cruelty are motivated by money. Some have been caught, and some still haven't. What annoys me that some prominent people in the Industry knew then, and know now, and just zip up. Unless all the crap is removed, then it is just a matter of time. 


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51 minutes ago, Idolmite said:

Well National wants the sport gone and Labour wants the sport gone. What hope? I mean, how often do they agree on anything?

I imagine they had deals in place with Entain Group which will probably see the code survive for a while.

Entain Group love the dogs aswell and have spoken to several trainers and clubs about protecting the sport in NZ

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Labour is offering bipartisan support for a ban on greyhound racing, calling on Prime Minister Christopher Luxon to follow through with his election campaign intention. The Post on Wednesday reported Racing Minister Winston Peters' comments he was having "a lot of work" done on the industry. He said they were "seriously looking at all aspects of it" and expected to have an outcome in three weeks but - asked if Luxon was premature to talk of a ban - said "he's got a minister now who knows more about it than he does".

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Greyhound racing is the bulwark for the horse codes. Anyone who doesn't see that a ban on greyhound racing is a stepping stone to a ban on harness, then gallops, then farming, then pets, is an idiot.

If you support anything towards the end of that list, you must stand up for those things towards the start of it under the banner of "Don't tell us what to to do and we won't tell you what to do".

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24 minutes ago, chiknsmack said:

Greyhound racing is the bulwark for the horse codes. Anyone who doesn't see that a ban on greyhound racing is a stepping stone to a ban on harness, then gallops, then farming, then pets, is an idiot.

If you support anything towards the end of that list, you must stand up for those things towards the start of it under the banner of "Don't tell us what to to do and we won't tell you what to do".

Yep - 100% agree with Chiknsmack on this. In my view, if/when Greyhounds fall - next target I would imagine would be Thoroughbred jumping events - so don't treat the closure of greyhound racing with too much glee if you like your racing!

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23 minutes ago, SingaporeSling said:

Yep - 100% agree with Chiknsmack on this. In my view, if/when Greyhounds fall - next target I would imagine would be Thoroughbred jumping events - so don't treat the closure of greyhound racing with too much glee if you like your racing!

Yep - they wont stop with greyhounds. Theyll go after the thoroughbreds and harness with insanely high standards. Big questions will be asked where all the missing horses are that end up on a dogs plate. 

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It makes me angry to read, listen to comments on greyhound racing, even some of you people on this thread.

The trainers absolutely love their dogs, they are incredibly well fed and looked after, they just love getting to the track and racing, just watch them get excited before they race.

Most of the people who comment negatively have never been to a greyhound race, or seen one in the flesh either during their racing career or afterwards as a loving family pet.

I have emailed the PM and despite his office assuring me they would get back to me after their “settling in period “ they have so far failed to front.

Re the drugs side of things I am led to believe it is recreational drugs ie cannabis and P , not given to the animals but contaminated by halfwits who appear in all walks of our current society in NZ.

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Well said, Womby.

In his book "Did I Ever Tell You this?", Sam Neill has a section on various animals and he writes "Which brings me to dogs." And he has special praise for greyhounds. "A racing greyhound actually racing is the happiest animal you will ever see." 

Sam got into trouble with the animal rights people  a few years ago by supporting greyhound racing in New Soth Wales and he says he has never been forgiven. He goes on to state that he is the first to condemn any cruelty to any animal and any abuse must be cleaned up. But banning greyhounds? No. "These dogs love to race; you should go to the kennels, to a race meet, and see for yourself."  

It transpired that the move to ban greyhound racing in NSW was nothing to do with the dogs. Rather, it was the work of the then current government and property developers!




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18 hours ago, Womby said:

It makes me angry to read, listen to comments on greyhound racing, even some of you people on this thread.

The trainers absolutely love their dogs, they are incredibly well fed and looked after, they just love getting to the track and racing, just watch them get excited before they race.

Most of the people who comment negatively have never been to a greyhound race, or seen one in the flesh either during their racing career or afterwards as a loving family pet.

I have emailed the PM and despite his office assuring me they would get back to me after their “settling in period “ they have so far failed to front.

Re the drugs side of things I am led to believe it is recreational drugs ie cannabis and P , not given to the animals but contaminated by halfwits who appear in all walks of our current society in NZ.

Recently, sure but some of the stories from years prior are sickening and some of these guys are still in the industry aswell. 

Anyone thats been in the industry longer then a decade would have seen something. I agree the large majority of the industry is fine but pretending these people dont exist is just crazy talk

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2 hours ago, Rules For Some said:

Recently, sure but some of the stories from years prior are sickening and some of these guys are still in the industry aswell. 

Anyone thats been in the industry longer then a decade would have seen something. I agree the large majority of the industry is fine but pretending these people dont exist is just crazy talk

Yep exactly right, and some prominent greyhound TV personalities have had associations with trainers that have since been banished, you can't tell me they didn't know anything. And you are right there are still some rogues around

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16 minutes ago, Palliser said:

Yep exactly right, and some prominent greyhound TV personalities have had associations with trainers that have since been banished, you can't tell me they didn't know anything. And you are right there are still some rogues around

Someone just needs to remember back to the days at manawatu when certain people were in humanely putting there dogs down. Not too long ago either.

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Reading the last two or three items re some "bad"people in the greyhound world reminded me, curiouly enough,  of a comment a prison chaplain (now deceased) whispered to me one day: "You would be surprised how many lawyers there are in prison".


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Crunch time for dogs

Newshub understands Racing Minister Winston Peters will make a call on the future of the greyhound racing industry within weeks.

Briefing papers to Peters, obtained by Newshub, say Cabinet "must" decide if the greyhound racing industry has the social licence to continue.

It comes as four animal welfare groups have written an open letter to commit to helping rehome greyhounds should the sport be shut down. Briefing documents provided to Minister Peters, obtained by Newshub under the Official Information Act, state Cabinet "must" decide if the sport has the social licence to continue, which will likely be a "value-based/political decision".

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Mike Baird NSW Premier banned greyhound racing in NSW only to overturn it and then get punted from parliament.

I wonder if any of the four animal welfare groups have made in China on the labels of their clothes?

It is alleged that 10 million dogs are eaten annually in China some at the Yulin Dog meat and Lychee festival.

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5 hours ago, Lee270744 said:

Mike Baird NSW Premier banned greyhound racing in NSW only to overturn it and then get punted from parliament.

I wonder if any of the four animal welfare groups have made in China on the labels of their clothes?

It is alleged that 10 million dogs are eaten annually in China some at the Yulin Dog meat and Lychee festival.

Good point, couple of things going on here the animal welfare who have their own agenda and determined to ban greyhound racing. And the bloody hopeless lot in charge who do nothing to promote the good, or jump on the wrong. You know the old saying one bad apple, well unfortunately there is more than one bad apple in the industry, there are a few, a few have been kicked out, but not enough of them.

Greyhounds are just the start, horses getting whipped, or breaking down and being destroyed, falling at steeples and hurdles, getting injured in the starting stalls etc etc .. where will it end ??

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Think I'll chuck my 2c in.

Let's put aside emotion and it always comes down to dollars and cents.

The turn over is increasing year to year and Entain didn't come on board to promote 2 codes. Winston is the racing minister and if suddenly the greys are gone, what's next on the antis agenda?

I'm sure Winston can see the big picture, unfortunately for the greyhound community the media have had an agenda for a long-term project of ending it.

Second off we are apparently in a cost of living crisis with over 1000 people involved  in all aspects of greyhound racing facing job and income loss. This will definitely way in on the decision.

So my prediction is that Greyhound racing will stay. Tight frameworks will be put in place and I'm guessing if the smoke and mirrors kick off next election then the greyhound code will be back in the spotlight.

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