
Craig Willliams Surely Had a Brain Explosion

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I seem to remember Ciaron wasn't happy with J-Mac;s ride on Gold Trip in the Cup too.. Instead of racing mid-field he wanted it ridden a few pairs further back. Dropped out in the straight but was then found to be lame.

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8 hours ago, Memphis3 said:

You have a crush on fat Debbie. She had a fat day. Riff Rocket AND Fangirl. Prob had a chook from Woolies on the way home. 

The way both Riff Rocket Won and Fangirl too , they are going to win a stack of races this year. They might go undefeated like Winx lol....

yeah so I'm a Debbie Fanboy and gunna buy some purple shirts and 'chicken' cerise shirts this week to cheer em on. Giving Taylor Swift the flick (as couldn't get a ticket like the other 600,000 fans) .  so Debbie rules !! we'll see plenty of her this year . 

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Gruff said .......


Memps, have you actually seen those instructions😆.Most know

.Being relaxed is intergral.


Reckon we are fighting a losing battle Gruffy -Boy ......not many AVID horse racing people on here actually realise how important the relaxation and breathing during a race is integral to success.

However it was good to get other people's opinions.

In a re-trial the jury said .....

Williams - Guilty of a bad ride (and admitted it to the owners) .....sentenced to 30 days without food and a bucket of Revlon day n night face cream.

Jimmysstar - NOT Guilty .... and when he addressed the jury he said ....Ladies and Gentlemen being ridden out of my comfort zone the first 800 mtrs left me breathless .....not to mention that fcker on my outside annoying me the whole way until straightening....so when Craggy Face asked me to go again I just couldn't breath properly and that meant I couldn't quicken when he asked me to and I'm sorry for that ......maybe next time if I am ridden more conservatively I will find the line in my traditional fashion and salute the judge.

Terry Bailey (TB to his mates) said he was on air one day and an insurance tout called him to try and sell him a policy. He said 'Listen ....don't you EVER  EVER  EVER  EVER  EVER  EVER  EVER  EVER call this number again' and hung up....... which is exactly what Kieran Maher will say to the next jockey thats legged up on Jimmysstar and all future hoops thereafter ....don't you EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER hunt this horse early.....he must be ridden in his comfort zone....just jump out and let him relax and he will find the line for you.

Pogo (in the Gallery) yelled out ....BUT your honour they didn't go that quickly.....to which the judge replied ....Mr Pogo ...sit down and listen up.....your outburst is completely irrelevant and unwarranted....as every horse is different just like you are to other human beings.... but at least you have a sense of humour which is a good attribute....and sadly lacking in others. Objection over-ruled.

And here endith the Jimmysstar controversy...... Jimmy was not guilty.... Willow was guilty....Pogo was issued a warning for disrupting the court.....and the judge went home for dinner chuckling to himself.


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41 minutes ago, Friend Family said:

..not many AVID horse racing people on here actually realize how important the relaxation and breathing during a race is integral to success.

And yet for all his breathing problems only one horse got him , right at the end , clearly none of the others were breathing well enough either .

Maybe you should go back and watch the race again , he wasn't hunted to the front , when he got to the front he never pulled , and he relaxed , which suggests that his breathing would have been regular and relaxed , never stopped giving when challenged and was more than holding his own until that one horse that was clearly breathing better than him got over the top .

Would he have won if he had been taken back ? Who knows , he drew wide so could well have been caught wide with cover or even without cover , god forbid what people would have done to CW then , probably suggested he should have gone forward maybe . Perhaps he could have been taken right to the back of the field and been left with too much to do . All Supposition , but generally people with holes in their pockets and sore finger tips will always need someone to blame about why things went south .

Gosh what are people going to say if Jimmysstar doesn't win his next 5 races , it's CW's fault , the horse hasn't got his breathing right since he rode him .

It's horse racing , not pushing marbles up a carpet . Heaps of variables in play .


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5 minutes ago, Friend Family said:

Debates are always interesting.

We will agree to disagree....I'm sticking to the 'ridden upside down' theory.

Cheers .....FF.😅.

I agree with you he was ridden upside down , no one has said different , in relation to his short history , the debate is whether it affected his breathing and lead to him getting narrowly beaten . He came home the last 600m in 34.28 , in my 40+ years experience a horse who's breathing is not relaxed and is left "breathless" doesn't run that sort of time .

I'll agree to disagree that the change of tactics affected his breathing and that is what got him beat .

Even the mighty Winx got beat a few times early in her career , it's called horse racing .

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24 minutes ago, nomates said:

And yet for all his breathing problems only one horse got him , right at the end , clearly none of the others were breathing well enough either .

Maybe you should go back and watch the race again , he wasn't hunted to the front , when he got to the front he never pulled , and he relaxed , which suggests that his breathing would have been regular and relaxed , never stopped giving when challenged and was more than holding his own until that one horse that was clearly breathing better than him got over the top .

Would he have won if he had been taken back ? Who knows , he drew wide so could well have been caught wide with cover or even without cover , god forbid what people would have done to CW then , probably suggested he should have gone forward maybe . Perhaps he could have been taken right to the back of the field and been left with too much to do . All Supposition , but generally people with holes in their pockets and sore finger tips will always need someone to blame about why things went south .

Gosh what are people going to say if Jimmysstar doesn't win his next 5 races , it's CW's fault , the horse hasn't got his breathing right since he rode him .

It's horse racing , not pushing marbles up a carpet . Heaps of variables in play .


And if he'd won, they'd all be saying what a brilliant ride from such a tricky barrier with a horse that usually likes to get back.

On my ratings it's his best ever run.

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6 minutes ago, Leggy said:

And if he'd won, they'd all be saying what a brilliant ride from such a tricky barrier with a horse that usually likes to get back.

On my ratings it's his best ever run.

As I said , holes in pockets and sore finger tips always brings criticism .

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2 hours ago, Idolmite said:

At the end of the day, Jimmy WAS coming again at the line when compared to the rest of the field, but NOTHING was going to out-finish Makkas on the day. And we all have to suffer Pogo taking a $109 shot as a best bet 🤣 even if it was just a dart in the dart board. 

dart board , WTF ?  🤬

zelda nearly crashed her tea trolley when she read this....

a lifetime of experience watching 1.30 shots cop the rissole combined with  the use of neural algorhythms , speed maps, relative weight swingers, track bias elements and jockey/ trainer ratings  CMR stable mail and  a lend of zeldas crystal ball,  and you have the audacity to say i'm throwing darts 😲

you are dead set kidding, there's more where Makram came from , just be patient n0?


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2 minutes ago, pogo(aus) said:

dart board , WTF ?  🤬

zelda nearly crashed her tea trolley when she read this....

a lifetime of experience watching 1.30 shots cop the rissole combined with  the use of neural algorhythms , speed maps, relative weight swingers, track bias elements and jockey/ trainer ratings  CMR stable mail and  a lend of zeldas crystal ball,  and you have the audacity to say i'm throwing darts 😲

you are dead set kidding, there's more where Makram came from , just be patient n0?


OK teammate , next time you have a Markram priced certainty you have an obligation to inform all McGinty team members prior to posting , or ex communication could be a consequence .

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21 minutes ago, nomates said:

OK teammate , next time you have a Markram priced certainty you have an obligation to inform all McGinty team members prior to posting , or ex communication could be a consequence .

Team Veandercross would be quite happy if team McGinty all picked a bunch of 100:1 shots this coming weekend.  Lightning can’t strike twice nO?

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11 minutes ago, say no more said:

Team Veandercross would be quite happy if team McGinty all picked a bunch of 100:1 shots this coming weekend.  Lightning can’t strike twice nO?

Not worried about picking them , more interested in backing them .

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33 minutes ago, pogo(aus) said:

dart board , WTF ?  🤬

zelda nearly crashed her tea trolley when she read this....

a lifetime of experience watching 1.30 shots cop the rissole combined with  the use of neural algorhythms , speed maps, relative weight swingers, track bias elements and jockey/ trainer ratings  CMR stable mail and  a lend of zeldas crystal ball,  and you have the audacity to say i'm throwing darts 😲

you are dead set kidding, there's more where Makram came from , just be patient n0?



There's nothing quite like a well-cooked rissole. 

I use neurological algorithms by the way. "I think I like that one today".

As for studying "speed maps, relative weight swingers, track bias elements and jockey/trainer ratings", where do you find time to eat? I'm assuming Zelda does all the cooking and housework? I couldn't stay awake enough hours to do all of that :rcfe-laughing:

Well I think I speak for most of us when I say "let's hope there's no more 100-1 shots come in until this competition is well and truly ova, O, V, A, ova, n0?"

All I'm saying is give the Kiwis a chance :rcfe-laughing:

My best wishes to Zelda, AND to the tea trolley. 

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Seen this posted elsewhere... 

If its true and CW has managed to revert to a plan B ride, taken the lead from a wide gate, and STIL manage to control the tempo to the point the first 800m is the slowest of all the 1400m races at Flemington on Saturday, then I would say hes done pretty well all things considered, and just got beaten by one better on the day.



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9 hours ago, Friend Family said:

not many AVID horse racing people on here actually realise how important the relaxation and breathing during a race is integral to success.

However it was good to get other people's opinions.

'Good to get other peoples opinions' you say?? But you brush off those opposing yours as lacking knowledge and senses of humour. WTF, FF???? PPP.

You are a man of exceptional talent FF - clearly well above us all (with the exception of Gruff) in your equine knowledge, and self appointed Judge, Jury and executioner for this case, it seems.

I'm only guessing, but you must own an 8k TV, and the 1 eye you have is apparently Bionic, able to hone in on a horse traveling at 60kms an hour and picking up a disturbance to it's breathing pattern. Unreal!!! Most ridiculuous claim ever, n0?

If you can't actually SEE the so called breathing issue that bought about the defeat, the basis of your argument is no more than guesswork. 

Your case my 'friend', would be laughed 🤣🤣🤣 out of court (with no sense of humour attached). 

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Dont know why anyone would get exercised over this. The whinge came from one commission agent (trainer) over being dudded by another commission agent (jockey). These people are skimmers.

Now owners are stoical folk, have to be coz they know the reality is there are enumerable ways to lose. Unless they owned Winx.

At a family dinner we discussed the Owners experience. I said I was amazed at how many ways to lose, said it was teaching me tolerance and making me a better person. They all fell about laughing!

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Alf wrote ......

You are a man of exceptional talent FF - clearly well above us all (with the exception of Gruff) in your equine knowledge.

Well what can I say Alf except.....'Thank you very much indeed for the lovely compliment' (albeit tongue placed firmly in your cheek).... as wether you believe me or not (and I know I'm right ....as Willow 'gassed' Jimmy in the first 800mtrs ....FACT).... all other comments, and opinions however interesting, will in my opinion be off the mark.

Thats my spin on it anyway .....and thanks again .....much appreciated Alf.😂.

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19 minutes ago, Friend Family said:

Alf wrote ......

You are a man of exceptional talent FF - clearly well above us all (with the exception of Gruff) in your equine knowledge.

Well what can I say Alf except.....'Thank you very much indeed for the lovely compliment' (albeit tongue placed firmly in your cheek).... as wether you believe me or not (and I know I'm right ....as Willow 'gassed' Jimmy in the first 800mtrs ....FACT).... all other comments, and opinions however interesting, will in my opinion be off the mark.

Thats my spin on it anyway .....and thanks again .....much appreciated Alf.😂.


So only one horse in the race, the winner, was breathing properly?

And just how good is Jimmy if he could finish a close second after coming from the carpark, considering he wasn't breathing properly? Maybe the greatest horse ever, n0?

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2 hours ago, Friend Family said:

Alf wrote ......

You are a man of exceptional talent FF - clearly well above us all (with the exception of Gruff) in your equine knowledge.

Well what can I say Alf except.....'Thank you very much indeed for the lovely compliment' (albeit tongue placed firmly in your cheek).... as wether you believe me or not (and I know I'm right ....as Willow 'gassed' Jimmy in the first 800mtrs ....FACT).... all other comments, and opinions however interesting, will in my opinion be off the mark.

Thats my spin on it anyway .....and thanks again .....much appreciated Alf.😂.

Like I've said a few times before FF. Opinons are like arseholes - everyone's got one 😉 

Our 'opinions' on Jimmy being 'gassed' are certainly at opposite ends of the spectrum. The accused hardly moves his hands until the last few hundred metres. 

Exhibit A


I'm pretty much out of breath on this one now so we will shake hands and move on🤝 

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Talked to former jockey Garry Edge yesterday about back runners being ridden forward and getting their breathing out of kilter. He agreed 100%. Gave me the example of the handy stayer Roganne he used to ride- trained by Wally Townsend at Cambridge. Garry won 9 of his 16 wins on him including the 1966 and 1968 Taumaranui Cups. One day at Te Rapa over 2200m Wally told Garry to ride him forward because he was getting to far back in his races. Garry whipped him straight after the start and got him up to third at the winning post with a round to go. By the time they hit the 600m mark he was going backwards at a rate of knots. They never rode him like that again!

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