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pogo(aus) last won the day on June 16

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  1. how many tacklescs did he miss ? or was it his coaching that was the isscsue ?
  2. funniescst post ever scrawl back thru the posts on this and the other thread where i praised his rides on RW and also noted he was "one of the best"" thats a bit diffferent than suggesting having $2 ew on all his mounts is a waste of time. whatever suits your agenda though i guess,
  3. why bother, some clown on here has stats saying horses he rides lose on average 78% of the time n0? despite riding a gazillion favourites.
  4. (nz) whats he on tomorrow 7 favourites and a second favourite and a third favourite ?? be a tough day at the office.
  5. zelda keep your tips to yourself, or just back horses with J McDonald (nz) on board. or dig up another kero tin, n0?
  6. funniest post ever S.Else goes ok , this isnt about the ability of McDonald who is world class , it's about the ridiculous fawning over a jockey who wins on short priced favourites and the complete dismissal of the sub standard rides. you could put any number of metropolitan OR provincial hoops on Broadsiding yesterday and it wins, n0?
  7. https://www.facebook.com/racingdotcom/videos/jaylah-kennedy-on-handling-a-bad-ride/336547119309829/ another metro winner at Sandown yesterday. riding very well , massive bonus with a claim in the melbourne winter, many more wins ahead one would imagine.
  8. LMAO bart simpson could win on most of his rides racecafe SCS it's endemic
  9. as Zelda rightly says, many a slip twixt the mouth and the plate. shaping up to be a strong race.
  10. spot on 25/1 taken prior to the JJ Atkins
  11. fair enough Alf. he's one of the best , no doubt.about it.
  12. how do you give any credit for a ride such as the one on Broadsiding, seriously Zelda could have won on it, it had lengths on the field was a sit and steer job from a soft draw credit to McDonald for his fantastic tactical rides in recent times RW at hong kong and many others , hes an elite jockey BUT never a mention of the poor rides , we even had a previous poster praising his ride on Neashams 2 yo ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, my God !!!! SCS rules .
  13. especially if it had barrier two and six lengths on the field , oh and was 4/6.
  14. nothing like sitting four wide for a magic carpet ride is there ?? www,hollows.org for you mate fair dinkum, its almost laughable the adulation but NEVER a mention of the butchers apron jobs. i guess its SCS at its absolute best.