
Kuwee !!!!!!!!

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This time in may be different.................

The TAB and the codes have never been further apart.....................

The AGM of the NZRB will be interesting. Even the venue shows where the biggest lobby group is from.

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2 hours ago, poundforpound said:

According to the media he’s one of the nine or so who haven’t been sworn in yet so if he’s at APEC he won’t have his credentials ( I understand he has gone though ).

The truth is he’s gone to ground, and there are a lot of rumours swirling about his health, as in the non physical aspects of his health.

The letter D has been doing the rounds both Pre and Post election. Not good if true

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1 hour ago, poundforpound said:

A fair go at what ?

Signing the TPP deal he’s opposed all along ?

Reneging on his promise to go into the Pike River mine ?

Producing the application documents for the benefit payments he claimed illegally ?

The truth is Winston Peters is a shabby liar who uses Parliamentary privilege to malign people, and if anyone in Racing thinks he’s our saviour you’re delusional. National has long been his bete noire and given the disgraceful way Winston handled the coalition talks, and these High Court proceedings he’s issued, you’ll find the National Party will completely and totally turn their backs on the Racing industry when they get voted back in to clean up this mess we’re about to be consumed by.


Yep and when he lived around here the twat wore platform shoes as well. They don't do crocs with those mate!

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Leo and Nerula your ad hominem attacks on Winston are predictable. The fact is that if National had been returned to office the chance of their Racing Minister paring back the NZRB expenditure would have been ZERO. With Winston there is a chance that he might wield the scalpel in that area!

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20 hours ago, chevy86 said:

Denial (again)-never said he would enter the Pike River drift.

Yeah well that will go down well with his new best friends the families.  You can't trust journalists I know but he was directly quoted in the Grey Paper several times saying he would be the first one in. Now we have Little the minister preparing the path for the possible bad news that they will not be able to go in under current H&S laws. 

Imagine if they do go in and someone  gets hurt or killed.

Those National politicians should demand disclosure of his declarations to WINZ in regard his super entitlement.  They regularly request confirmation of marital/relationship status for superannuitants on the single rate so he must have been making declarations.  Stretches belief that WINZ would make that many mistakes.  I cannot believe the easy ride these greasy journalists are giving him and this new government.  That Gower on 3 would kiss Jacinda's bare a*#e.

Been caught out telling little white ones before has Winsome Win.  I notice he refused an offer of a donation from Sir Owen Glenn this election.


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23 minutes ago, poundforpound said:

Winston is just a liar.

A judge said so, remember the claim "Selwyn Cushing tried to bribe me", he said it inside Parliamemt as he always does, then he repeated it outside but replaced Cushing's name with " a high profile businessman", Cushing sued and the courts found Peters guilty of lying and defaming. Roger Brathnagar (sp?) paid Winston's damages there....shortly after Roger became Sir Roger.

There's also the infamous NO sign he held up when Owen Glen paid Brian Henry's fees after Peters unsuccessfully tried to have Bob Clarksons electorate win over turned. Owen Glen got himself a cheap knighthood there.

The man is just a liar. He has a history of fabrications and deceit. He's bad for racing, in the same way giving a junkie a bag of heroin is bad or giving an alcoholic a bottle of vodka.

National loathes him, National is NZs most stable party, they'll waltz back in when this naive toxic trio of a coalition has spent our way into depression, then when National gets in they'll give us the middle finger because this stupid fucking industry can't see how dumb they are "getting into bed" with the lying old prick.

Another point to close, the lying old tosser is consumed by hatred and has a revenge complex, as evident by his latest court proceedings, initiated because someone told the truth about him getting the benefit on allegedly fraudulent terms, revenge and hatred are toxic emotions, they're vile and they eat you up, and that's your measure of WP.

your dead right there and its funny how his latest legal actions were started the day before he announced he was jumping in bed with labour he had no intention of going with national

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As noted in the latest Informant by Dennis Ryan NZRB chair Glenda Hughes is also on the Board of the National Party. At least under Winston’s watch we will finally see an end to this cosy nepotism between government and the NZRB.

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5 minutes ago, poundforpound said:

But the Minister makes the appointments, and as recently as two months ago when Bill Birnie was appointed the entire cabinet and PM had to approve of and sign off the appointment.

It follows that the incumbent party will appoint their own, so expect Glenda to get the arse soon ( not a bad thing ) and be replaced with some left wing cardigan wearing muesli eating dung recycling homosexual, or a Syrian refugee.

That’s life, every gummint appoints their own.


theres plenty of applicants on manus

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2 hours ago, poundforpound said:

And now the old liar has spent billions of tax payers money on the “prop up Shane Jones” regional development fund, plus he’s introducing his “anti Waka jumping” Law to prevent his own party mutinying again.....I mean can anyone take this disgraced liar seriously any longer ?

It’s a sad indictment of Racing that the industry has even embraced the old liar.

To conclude....



And good luck to any auditor trying to check the veracity of contracts issued via the billion dollar Regional Development 
"Koha" Fund.

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5 hours ago, gary1 said:

your dead right there and its funny how his latest legal actions were started the day before he announced he was jumping in bed with labour he had no intention of going with national

You didnt need to be too bright to realise he was never going with national as long as Steve Joyce their finance minister.Joyce cant even do simple maths.And when Labour started making an impact in polls he made stuff up that some people actually believed.John Key even said that Joyce had obviously had bad advice.

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Just wait a while Richie--the 11 billion fiscal "hole" predicted by Joyce will seem like a golf divot compared to what it will end up being with the largesse of this rat-bag troika.And this is not sour grapes--I didn't vote for National even though the money-launderer was gone.

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20 minutes ago, hesi said:

Chevy the 11 bil fiscal hole was a ginormous dead cat on the table, it never existed, have a read of this, and see how it all adds up.

It almost worked for the Nats, as it was introduced about the time Jacinda mania was about to run them over


Let's just wait and see Hesi.

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