
Wanganui Not Whanganui

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The Wanganui Jockey Club has been in existance since 1848 and is the oldest surviving racing club in NZ.

Why does the person who writes the comments for the TAB form guides insist on showing it as Whanganui? Twelve times in the Otaki comments.

The NZ Post Code Finder shows Wanganui as does Wises and weather sites.

The TAB itself shows Wanganui Races at Wanganui yet allows Whanganui in the comments line.


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My old man broke a NZ record at Cooks Gardens. He and his 3 brothers were good Wanganui men, so off to WW2 they went, 2 came back, I died in Ravenna in Italy, I spent 2 years as a POW in Germany [and held no malice against his Jerry captors God bless him] and my Dad who had his leg blown to the shithouse. He was filthy on the world as it ruined his chances of going to the Olympics.


He also played hockey for Wanganui against the touring Indian national team pre war……my point being, they would all turn in their graves at this bullshit with Wanganui being hailed as Whanganui. It's how I see it, the left, the greens etc will come at me……but it's how I see it and I'd bet my naccas on it that my Dad and my uncles would be livid…….

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Whanganui is Maori place name and as far as I'm aware Maori were here well before NZ Post, Wises , weather sites and Dad was, so the tradition, history  and correct pronunciation goes back a lot further than your reasons to pronounce it incorrectly. Just because it's been said wrong for so long does not make it now the right pronunciation. What arrogance. Pull your heads out of your narrow minded behinds.  

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Both of you have a point and One can see the sentiment in your posts. But whatsinaname? New York City was originally named "NEW AMSTERDAM". Let me ask you this Tipsmit. What would New York citizens feel about a name change back to New Amsterdam? My bet is that there would be riots, the Mayor would be lynched and it would not happen under any circumstances.

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I don't think you are quite correct Tipsmit. Without starting another Maori/European war I think you will find that the local Maoris lived at Putiki.There was a coastal tribe near the river mouth who about 1820 attacked the Kapiti tribe of Te Rauparaha.Te R retaliated and wiped out the Putiki people.Some of my family are direct descendants of Te R.

In 1930 Europeans settled on the northern side of the river and called the town Petre which they later renamed Wanganui about1854

The river was called Whanganui by the Maori and when referred to by them sounded with a wh or guttral w.Maori had no written or English spelling language.

A few years ago the spelling was raised by what I call shit stirrers and now either spelling is correct or can be used.

I have in the past searched many Lands and Survey files on Moari history and NZ settlement.

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I don't think you are quite correct Tipsmit. Without starting another Maori/European war I think you will find that the local Maoris lived at Putiki.There was a coastal tribe near the river mouth who about 1820 attacked the Kapiti tribe of Te Rauparaha.Te R retaliated and wiped out the Putiki people.Some of my family are direct descendants of Te R.

In 1930 Europeans settled on the northern side of the river and called the town Petre which they later renamed Wanganui about1854

The river was called Whanganui by the Maori and when referred to by them sounded with a wh or guttral w.Maori had no written or English spelling language.

A few years ago the spelling was raised by what I call shit stirrers and now either spelling is correct or can be used.

I have in the past searched many Lands and Survey files on Moari history and NZ settlement.

The more you know!

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great work todamax. definitely the more you know the better and also more open minded the better. blinkers well and truly on some.

trump im not saying that its wrong to use wanganui but for some to dismiss whanganui completely and say its wrong is wrong.

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Two referendums one in 2006 the other in 2009 voted 82% and 77% respectively that the name should remain Wanganui however the National Geographic Board in Feb 2009 decided all Govt documentation would use Wh.Who made up this Board begs the question.

The earlier local referendum was not binding.

I have lived in Putiki and in Wanganui for many years and its Wanganui for me but if others want to call it Whanganui so be it.

What's in a name' I've been called allsorts, yet it hasn't changed me.Some people become too precious about minor things in life.

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Judging by your recollection Tatura it sounds like (if you want to be technical) the river is referred to as Whanganui and the settlement/town is referred to as Wanganui, which means that the racing club would fall within the latter.


No harm in having both though, as both names have strong historical ties to different people.

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Well done Todamax on picking up about the Jockey Club name which prompted the thread.


If you read my start to the thread it is clearly in relation to the Wanganui Jockey Club as per the first two sentences which beggared the question of the person writing in relation to racing.


The official name of the Club is Wanganui Jockey Club, therefore in a racing sense, as the TAB do and NZTR the correct spelling is Wanganui and the person who does the form lines in deference to the club should use the same spelling. 


Interesting the comments on here though.


I knew that the the referendums were both strongly in favour of Wanganui but wasn't sure of the margin. Thanks Tatura. 

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I repect the maori and our multi-cultural society...they are generous and I admire their manners and respect

for their elders. I have a Maori relations.

Yes I believe we have only been here,coming up cpl hundred years...Aussie 50 odd years longer i think.

(I,m no Historian)...But they don,t complain about treaty wrong-doings much... the Abo,s in Oz have

copped a far worse deal from Europeans.

I,m just lazy re place name pronunciation...I,ll pronounce the Wh in some (and as in this case, I just say

Wanganui,...some other towns whakatane or wakatane, Taupo, you know what i mean...

The 1 news weather reporters put in the special effort to get it right.

I,ve never been challenged on my lazy pronunciation though. 

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Whanganui is Maori place name and as far as I'm aware Maori were here well before NZ Post, Wises , weather sites and Dad was, so the tradition, history  and correct pronunciation goes back a lot further than your reasons to pronounce it incorrectly. Just because it's been said wrong for so long does not make it now the right pronunciation. What arrogance. Pull your heads out of your narrow minded behinds.  

so on that basis we need to find out what the mori ori called wanganui then surely,because they were here before the maori i think you will find.

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