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Weir charges dismissed

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They still used a jigger on horses; that's not up for debate. The question here is whether or not it affected the outcome of races, and the judge isn't convinced it did. So it's "just" animal abuse for a benefit which may or may not exist (the judge thinks it doesn't, Weir either thinks it does or just likes shocking horses for fun).

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All jiggers do is give the lazy or 'non-trying' horses a wake-up call.

In the old days a high percentage of trainers used them but the success rate was many thought it was not worth was used as a 'last resort' on horses that were not 'putting in' on race day.

I'm with you Ohokaman ......a bloody 'witch-hunt' the same as Biden is doing to Trump and that will backfire as well.

Go on Weiry .....get your licence back mate and win a premiership because it was only the big J (jealousy) that saw you sidelined.

I will give you one to train that's for sure. 😃 😄....!!!


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15 hours ago, Friend Family said:

All jiggers do is give the lazy or 'non-trying' horses a wake-up call.

In the old days a high percentage of trainers used them but the success rate was many thought it was not worth was used as a 'last resort' on horses that were not 'putting in' on race day.

I'm with you Ohokaman ......a bloody 'witch-hunt' the same as Biden is doing to Trump and that will backfire as well.

Go on Weiry .....get your licence back mate and win a premiership because it was only the big J (jealousy) that saw you sidelined.

I will give you one to train that's for sure. 😃 😄....!!!


So you think it's OK to use a jigger on a defenceless animal, and that if they are not trying they deserve it??? For me what he did is totally wrong if you are that desperate to win, then there is something wrong with you...I for one would never give him a horse but thats just my opinion, I think more of the horse than just being a means to an end.

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Sccoby-Doo .....all I'm saying is that they were 'common practice' years ago in the 70''s fact jockeys used to carry those 'hand held' ones all the time and hit their mount on the neck with them turning for home and then throw them over the running rail on pulling up in the back straight.

I remember on a country track in Perth (maybe Northam or York) the caretaker was mowing the grass down the back straight and he thought he had run over some land mines hahaha .....all the discarded jiggers got caught up in the mower blades and made a hell of a noise haha😂😂.

Another time over there a jockey friend of mine told me to GET ON a horse he was riding as he was carrying a jigger and when he walked into his stall the starter said to him 'Excuse me Mr XXX ......could you please unload your horse'  and he thought... 'Oh No ....Iv'e been sprung' ......but he was in the wrong stall hahaha! he re-loaded .....gave it a buzz turning in and won by 3 lengths.....corrupt? YES .....breaking the rules? YES ....but in Darren Weir's case the 'Buzz up' was purely to wake the odd 'non trier' up....and as you saw it made next to no difference at all that was needed was a fine.

FF  .......just stating the facts.



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A fine was plenty Scooby-Doo .....but hey ....each to their own so we can agree to disagree.

I don't agree with 'cruelty to animals' either so please don't get me wrong.....but when owners are paying $5,000 + per month on training fee's and their horse isn't trying a 'buzz up' is worth a try as a last resort .....and if that doesn't work give the horse to a kid to ride.

FF....just telling the truth.

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11 minutes ago, Friend Family said:

A fine was plenty Scooby-Doo .....but hey ....each to their own so we can agree to disagree.

I don't agree with 'cruelty to animals' either so please don't get me wrong.....but when owners are paying $5,000 + per month on training fee's and their horse isn't trying a 'buzz up' is worth a try as a last resort .....and if that doesn't work give the horse to a kid to ride.

FF....just telling the truth.

A fine? Wasn't he banned for 4 years for simply having the jiggers in his possession and will have to prove he is a fit and proper person in order to regain his licence. We should have that rule here like Racing Vic for cases such as the Pertab one.

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Yeah Leggy ....4 years was a bloody SHAM like the Trump case.

Trump will get off for sure ....but poor Weiry had to cop 4 years out of the profession he loved and was very good at.

All Trump did was pay off a 'hooker' and Biden wants him jailed ho ho ho ho .....what a farce .... an absolute disgrace.

FF ....just telling the truth.

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1 hour ago, Friend Family said:

Yeah Leggy ....4 years was a bloody SHAM like the Trump case.

Trump will get off for sure ....but poor Weiry had to cop 4 years out of the profession he loved and was very good at.

All Trump did was pay off a 'hooker' and Biden wants him jailed ho ho ho ho .....what a farce .... an absolute disgrace.

FF ....just telling the truth.

Poor Wiery what a joke .... what about the poor bloody defenceless horses he terrorised...??????

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20 minutes ago, Friend Family said:

If you think its a joke then you laugh Scooby ....I prefer not to.

FF....just telling the truth.

How can you feel sorry for a bloke who used electricity on his horses..not just once but many times  for nothing more than greed...if you think that is ok then it is you who are the joke.

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Hahahahahahahahahahahaha ......Why me Scooby??? said NOTHING to Ohokaman and Turny Tom who started this thread supporting Weiry .... but somehow I am the big bad Wolf for agreeing with them both! 😡....a little bit of favourtism me thinks here Scooby-Doo.

I will let you run your race and get myself back to normality.

PS.... jiggers just have a couple of little A4 batteries in them .....its more a tickle than a shock......If I hit you on the arse with it you would probably just laugh....and then the joke would be back on you haha 🤣🤣🤣.

FF ...Just telling the truth.

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4 hours ago, Friend Family said:

Yeah Leggy ....4 years was a bloody SHAM like the Trump case.

Trump will get off for sure ....but poor Weiry had to cop 4 years out of the profession he loved and was very good at.

All Trump did was pay off a 'hooker' and Biden wants him jailed ho ho ho ho .....what a farce .... an absolute disgrace.

FF ....just telling the truth.

A little more involved than “paying off a hooker” mate.
Already $80m in the hole for defamation, Add Financial corruption, Fraud, Election interference, Insurrection incitement….he is scum.

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So you like him then Ohoka.😀.....I know one thing the USA went forward when he was in the White House unlike 'Sleepy Joe'.

And make no mistake .....he will win again this year as well.....even if they throw him in jail he will rule the country from will be a hoot.

FF ...Just telling the truth.

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7 minutes ago, Friend Family said:

So you like him then Ohoka.😀.....I know one thing the USA went forward when he was in the White House unlike 'Sleepy Joe'.

And make no mistake .....he will win again this year as well.....even if they throw him in jail he will rule the country from will be a hoot.

FF ...Just telling the truth.

I also can not stand the lying POS...I hope for Americas sake he does not get back should go to Main Street cafe you would find alot of friends there.

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I don't like the man as he's not my type ....(he is ugly and full of shit) Scooby .....but he did a better job than Biden is doing  and will again this next term when he gets back in.

Give me Melania any day .....don't ya love those 'cats eyes' of hers......ahhhhhhh they make my knee's tremble.

FF ....Just telling it as it is.

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It obviously doesn't take very much to piss you off Scooby Doo !!!!!!  If you can't enjoy some good-natured banter on here you should go to another site 'Grumpy old men with no sense of humour . com'.

FF ...Just letting you know you should lighten up Scooby.

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11 hours ago, Friend Family said:

I don't like the man as he's not my type ....(he is ugly and full of shit) Scooby .....but he did a better job than Biden is doing  and will again this next term when he gets back in.

Give me Melania any day .....don't ya love those 'cats eyes' of hers......ahhhhhhh they make my knee's tremble.

FF ....Just telling it as it is.

Another hooker he’s paid off…..and this prick does not like immigrants…….:rolleyes:

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21 minutes ago, Friend Family said:

It obviously doesn't take very much to piss you off Scooby Doo !!!!!!  If you can't enjoy some good-natured banter on here you should go to another site 'Grumpy old men with no sense of humour . com'.

FF ...Just letting you know you should lighten up Scooby.

Just a word to the unwise, Scooby owns the site. Tread carefully……:rolleyes:

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