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Format for the next multi-week teams comp?? (starting late July and running through spring)

Format for the next multi-week teams comp?? (starting late July and running through spring)  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which format do you prefer?

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Over the past year or two we've tried various teams formats - pairs, teams of 3, teams of 4.  All have gone pretty well, so letting you collectively choose which format you'd prefer to use this time.

One change we are likely to make this time, to mix things up a bit, is that teams will be randomly drawn (via a seeding round before the comp proper begins).

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i wanted to be paired with Zelda Kratchanova, but she keeps getting barred from posting.

scurrilous rumours its a double account just because she uses the same work computer to log in n0? or is it because her grammar and spelling is sub standard.?

pity the poor woman who escaped a barbarous regime in the USSR where she had to queue up for food as a young girl.

her tips are good , trust me.


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I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I have some thoughts around the competitions and as you all know, I love them and occasionally even sponsor them.

1] I think that they actually go over a too longer period.

2} I would like to see single entries as an alternative to the 2's, 3' and 4's.

Overall I am in favour of all formats and have participated each and every-time, so to cater for everyone including Charity Competitions I see see shorter competitions as a possible answer.


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I love the comps, all formats are good. 

Shorter might be better if I had a preference, and solo or pairs. 

I also really like the one horse per race option when offered.

Having said that, these are free comps with betting prizes attached so honestly I am grateful for whatever is put on. 

Thanks heaps. 

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13 minutes ago, Memphis3 said:

Previously I was in favour of randomly selected partners but now I think of it I like the idea of having your mates in a team with you. Makes for more fun and banter between teams. 
And those with no mates can go in a draw . Either way it will be a great comp. 

Don't bring me into it .

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I too would prefer slightly less weeks for teams events - the last two teams comps I have been wary of signing up as I knew I would be on holiday mid competition and didnt want to let the team down by being a no show.

But I also understand a shortened competition opens the standings up to outlier weeks where a team either has a boomer or a shocker and its all but over.

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