
Jockey Nicknames

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5 hours ago, gubellini said:

Acka Cowan

Snooky Cowan

Snow Sheat

Crash Cross

There was a jockey in Cambridge in the 60's called David Bell. His nickname was Ding Dong. 

Nigel Landers had two unflattering nicknames which I won't reveal. Rev would know!

Nigel had 23 unflattering names , Gub !!

Roger Booth was a good bloke too. His nick name would be best forgotten.

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On 2/23/2024 at 11:55 AM, Contentious said:

Gubes - you forgot Johny 'longshot' Molloy


What about Brothers Bustling Bill and Sleepy Bob amazing how they get forgotten. Percy Peake and Last race Garry ( Phillips) also

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