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Had my heart in my mouth after the line with this dog prolifically fighting with a very talented up and coming youngster winning is easy. You would be furious if you were the owner and or trainer,, MUNGREL !  

What arrrrre you on about?, just spit it out, you will feel better.

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Lets say you had a young talented dog in your kennel had a 11 starts for 9 wins runs her Personal best time with a big future ahead, Gets taken out to the fence by a dog that is continuously fighting past the line gets injured and never races again. How do you think that would make you feel Aquaman?

  Alltheway you have a very good idea let there be a rule change, perhaps it could start with some sort of warning system 1st offence a warning 2nd offence re-qualify ? Or perhaps the rule should just follow the same as during the race the greyhound must pursue the lure until it stops.

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Red Moova Hoover from the same breed does it all the time too, not much you can do,about what happens past the line tho, as long as everyone knows and whoever gets to,the dog first just grabs it or pushes it away, I think the trainer in question though has been on this site before and blown a fuse about his dodgy dogs.

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And what about the rule that handlers must stay back until the lure stops? Maybe they should be put out for interfering with other peoples dogs!!!! Everyone will end up with a dog that does this after the post eventually and they should be able to get in and get their dogs out without other people getting in the way and making the situation worse.

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Had my heart in my mouth after the line with this dog prolifically fighting with a very talented up and coming youngster winning is easy. You would be furious if you were the owner and or trainer,, MUNGREL !  

This has all been discussed before on a previous thread.


In that thread management threw up the warning flags so I suggest you all take a look at the previous thread before the flags start flying again.


With that said, I'd be unhappy if that sort of behaviour had happened to my hypothetical 75 start maiden in a re-qualifying trail co it could wear blinkers, never mind an up & comer.

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And what about the rule that handlers must stay back until the lure stops? Maybe they should be put out for interfering with other peoples dogs!!!! Everyone will end up with a dog that does this after the post eventually and they should be able to get in and get their dogs out without other people getting in the way and making the situation worse.

have to disagree with you sue last night the handler was in no hurry to get her attacking dog and the handler on the dog who was getting attacked only grabbed his dog and did not interfere with the other dog. If handler cant get to the fighting dog quicker maybe get someone who is nimble enough to get there first

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Jason,  Sandy was standing right there when other handler raced in and smashed straight into enazuma. It was just shear luck that both of them weren't hurt. And as for mauling, isn't that why they wear muzzles? As long as the muzzle doesn't break then no dogs can be mauled. I've seen worse from trainers who don't separate their pups early enough..

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This happened to Call Me Ralph at Palmy when Red Moova Hoover ran him off and put him into the fence after the winning post, he was never the same dog at that track again and hence why he only races at Other tracks now, so to say a muzzle is going to stop something like this Sue is very short-sighted.

There are always going to be dogs like this but as long as the trainer or handler lets everyone know and to try and grab the dog in question before it does any damage then people can be a bit more understanding, when they don't care or think that's it's funny that's when people get irked!

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I understand why people get frustrated at dogs like this, I have had one myself, but the difference is everyone knows what they are like but certain people feel it is their right to push past the trainer of the dog to sort it themselves. Happened to me a while back when Sandy asked me to catch red moova hoova and I was pushed out of the way just as I was about to grab him. Trust me, Punga and Sandy do not think it is funny but they are sick of people running in to grab their dogs instead of standing back and allowing them or someone they have asked to catch them.

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Like i said earlier, if someone else can get to the dog first before it attacks another dog then I don't see the problem, there have been several dogs like that down here in the south and the handlers/ trainers have no problem with others getting in first if it is going to stop any problems, I wouldn't be 'standing back' waiting while someone else's dog was attacking mine that's for sure!

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No, these dogs should be treated as non chasers, they are just as dangerous to other dogs as non chasers are, i have seen it several times over the last few years, there was another incident like this a few months ago at waikato when a certain dog managed to get its muzzle off and bit the other dog on the leg on the lure, another incident happened down south too i believe a few months ago

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Just a thought,
Could a steward charge a dog with unsatisfactory performance for actions after the finish line?
The rules are not clear about this as far as I can find.
"81.1 Where a Greyhound fails to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards or an Authorised Person, the Stewards or the Authorised Person may, after considering any submission made by the Trainer or person in charge of the Greyhound, order that the Greyhound undergo one or more Satisfactory Trials and/or such action as they deem necessary before being eligible to compete further in any Race.  No appeal shall lie in respect of an order made to undergo one or more Satisfactory Trials." 
It is after all part of the race, just not a part that affects punters or purses directly.
Would a dog attempting to qualify in a trial be passed if it committed such actions?
If not, a tote race should not be treated any differently, should it?

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I don't ever remember a greyhound being stood down for an incidence after the line.

After seeing what could potentially happen after the line perhaps there needs to be a rule change or at least let the powers to be investigate a solution. Animal welfare should hopefully be on the top of the agenda of the heads of the sport, and from what we have seen there are some serious concerns that need attention.     

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Animal Welfare for sure!!!    YES.:)     This is the type of welfare that our so called Welfare Officer should be looking at instead of all the crap he puts in the magazine to fill in blank spaces. What has this expensive addition to the "House of Rejects"  and the huge salaries to go with it ,  ever done to justify the outlay???  Where is he ? What Does he do?  Is he on top of the huge outlay for the new kennels for our retired dogs.? To me this very issue is welfare to my greyhounds the man should be onto and maybe next edition of the magazine he can elaborate on what progress he has done in real terms  not copy from other sources..

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Just a thought,
Could a steward charge a dog with unsatisfactory performance for actions after the finish line?
The rules are not clear about this as far as I can find.
"81.1 Where a Greyhound fails to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards or an Authorised Person, the Stewards or the Authorised Person may, after considering any submission made by the Trainer or person in charge of the Greyhound, order that the Greyhound undergo one or more Satisfactory Trials and/or such action as they deem necessary before being eligible to compete further in any Race.  No appeal shall lie in respect of an order made to undergo one or more Satisfactory Trials." 
It is after all part of the race, just not a part that affects punters or purses directly.
Would a dog attempting to qualify in a trial be passed if it committed such actions?
If not, a tote race should not be treated any differently, should it?



It's a nice thought Yankiwi, but the Stipes have a hard enough time identifying and taking appropriate action against non-chasers before the line let alone after it!!   :)

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Jason,  Sandy was standing right there when other handler raced in and smashed straight into enazuma. It was just shear luck that both of them weren't hurt. And as for mauling, isn't that why they wear muzzles? As long as the muzzle doesn't break then no dogs can be mauled. I've seen worse from trainers who don't separate their pups early enough..

were u on the track for that race sue ? From what I saw from my armchair was sam did nothing IMO wrong and only protecting his charge in the race. The known dogs down south have proactive handlers who do their best to be first to the lure or are happy to let whoever first to the lure to grab the dog. Even saw a race at ascot that had two naughty dogs in race together and handlers actually caught each others dogs as were closer

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It appears GRNZ is looking for everyones input on injury prevention past the finish line.


I'm sure it would make Roger's day to see his inbox full of useful suggestions.


"Injuries at the lure.
A recent review of my injury reports are showing a pattern of dogs injuring themselves at the lure once passing the finish line.
FYI - We have started to compile a report on lure design, how and where the lure is being pulled up, and any other variables that may contribute to the injuries. 
If you would like to make any suggestions please email"

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