
Purdon buys Aussie horses

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And they did. Bar Opie bossom if he wins too many group ones. John mcinerny sometimes has the whole field in a greyhound race. It is a dangerous game barring people  who are successful .I'm not scared of mark purdon.dream of getting one good enough to beat him.been on both sides of the fence . Now to the catalogue to find a 10k purchase to challenge the blue army.

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On 2/8/2019 at 1:29 PM, Stables said:

I see now that Purdon has taken all the cream from New Zealand Harness Racing he is now spending his profits on buying Aussie bred yearlings. So he's not only ruining the racing side of things, he's now going to have a go at ruining the breeders, who are already struggling to keep their heads above water, by not buying New Zealand bred horses. Well done that man

While I agree that domination by one stable is not good for the industry Stables and team driving is also damaging to the industry, I think you are wide of the Mark (no pun intended) with your comments on his effect on breeders. I suspect he & his clients will be buying quite a few yearlings as per usual.  The industry has more to worry about than Allstars buying at the Aussie sales.    Their domination will eventually deminish as they will reach a stage where they want to take life a bit easier. 

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21 hours ago, Dockers said:

Not a great example Tiger Woods. They caught up because his back is fucked and they are 20 years younger. 


7 hours ago, Spikecity said:

Great read and I think sums up the situation discussed here.

Roughly the story is about Douglas Whyte and what happened when he arrived in Hong Kong and  his workload and ethics and then dominated the racing scene.

Others had to lift their game or get out


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Great article spikecity.   No doubt Mark P is a master horseman. He is obviously doing something different to other trainers as his horses are arobically fitter than most when they are peaked.  Not sure if it is to do with his straight line track or not but he seemed to go to another level around the time he put it in.

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9 hours ago, Blue said:

This thread started off with a comment about MP buying Aussie horses then deteriorated into more character assassination. As said hes been buying Aussie yearlings for years but I doubt he's spent all the Aussie money hes won. Is there really a problem here?

He bought Wakaki Beach at an Ozzie sale for 20K and look how good it turned out to be.

Having a look at APG Melbourne sale results and Purdon bought 2  for an outlay of 70K. Cran also bought 2 but outlayed 130K.

What say you Stables to those figures

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So many contributors to social media on the demise of racing who have the answers to the sport/industry's woes spend so much knocking the AllStars and others when surely their enthusiasm could be better employed working on solutions.

I note Fridays 20/20 cricket match at Eden Park was a sellout with over 40,000 people there.A few years ago Cricket was on a steep decline ,20/20 was launched and many 'dedicated' cricket fans rubbished the concept.

Now we learn 20/20 has saved cricket.

Meanwhile at Alex Park trots the place was like Chernobyl.....take away the staff , families involved with Kidscarts , owners [some ,not all] and those at Top of Park dining , the place virtually empty!

During some races I counted 4 x people in entire asphalt area from Winning Post to 100m mark.

On a warmish night this was shocking.

Even the fact it was Chinese New Year was barley noticeable .

Sure the fields were AllStars so can't blame them.......and 10 South Island horses have arrived to boost numbers.

Folk just not prepared to battle traffic up to 6pm to attend an event with little action and watch 8 horses run around for 2min 43sec every 30 mins........for 5 hours !

Its not considered entertainment.

Grass track racing in rural areas not the answer ,either !

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1 hour ago, tasman man 11 said:

So many contributors to social media on the demise of racing who have the answers to the sport/industry's woes spend so much knocking the AllStars and others when surely their enthusiasm could be better employed working on solutions.

I note Fridays 20/20 cricket match at Eden Park was a sellout with over 40,000 people there.A few years ago Cricket was on a steep decline ,20/20 was launched and many 'dedicated' cricket fans rubbished the concept.

Now we learn 20/20 has saved cricket.

Meanwhile at Alex Park trots the place was like Chernobyl.....take away the staff , families involved with Kidscarts , owners [some ,not all] and those at Top of Park dining , the place virtually empty!

During some races I counted 4 x people in entire asphalt area from Winning Post to 100m mark.

On a warmish night this was shocking.

Even the fact it was Chinese New Year was barley noticeable .

Sure the fields were AllStars so can't blame them.......and 10 South Island horses have arrived to boost numbers.

Folk just not prepared to battle traffic up to 6pm to attend an event with little action and watch 8 horses run around for 2min 43sec every 30 mins........for 5 hours !

Its not considered entertainment.

Grass track racing in rural areas not the answer ,either !

Grass track racing works well as a family event. Motukarara always get good crowds on nice day as great for a picnic also.   Auckland & Addington will always need good fields to get people to the track.  As you say, watching a field of nondescript horses going around is not entertainment. 

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But what is the future business model for Harness racing, its surely not relying on past initiatives or the AS team leaving NZ. that's what no one seems to want to address both at forum or hierarchy level.

For mine and here goes for starters its not spending vast amounts of capital on racecourse infrastructure.

The future lies in people/punters continuing to watch Trackside. If that version of media is improving the value add to its customers then harness will prosper.

i know some of you will have other great positive ideas so lets dispense with the negative shit, just for once

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1 hour ago, Stables said:

Yes FTM Cran has bought a lot of high priced horses over the years some succesful, some not

Yet you want to start a thread and make a whole heap of baseless claims,have a crack at team AS,AGAIN ,for buying 2 yearlings offshore when another NZ trainer spends 83% more at the same sale for 2 yearlings also.

Ive caught you out and now you are a victim of your own facade

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10 minutes ago, Fartoomuch said:

But what is the future business model for Harness racing, its surely not relying on past initiatives or the AS team leaving NZ. that's what no one seems to want to address both at forum or hierarchy level.

For mine and here goes for starters its not spending vast amounts of capital on racecourse infrastructure.

The future lies in people/punters continuing to watch Trackside. If that version of media is improving the value add to its customers then harness will prosper.

i know some of you will have other great positive ideas so lets dispense with the negative shit, just for once

Some time ago I started a thread encouraging posts on how to improve Harness racing & from memory only got a few replies.  Might be time again to try similar thread.  

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14 hours ago, Stables said:

Weak logic FTM, but only as expected

On  the contrary stables , my posts have plenty of well researched logic and as well as facts behind them, you cannot say the same for yours although your passion does you some credit.

The game will be a round for a lot longer than most of the naysayers like your good self.


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43 minutes ago, Stables said:

I don't think Mark Purdon will stay around for a race around the park with each owner putting up $100 each. That's where we are heading unless drastic changes are made such as the complete restructuring recommended in the Messara report

And you arrived at this conclusion how???

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