
greyhound racings future

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19 hours ago, Palliser said:
19 hours ago, Palliser said:

They need to highlight the great things within the industry like Bob Pringle and Grand Vue Ace, get that story on mainstream .. brilliant. Stop banging on about how great the Cole Kennel is Rosanowski.

I have herd There is more coming on bob Pringle about a couple of positive swabs


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On 6/7/2024 at 4:10 PM, Palliser said:

They need to highlight the great things within the industry like Bob Pringle and Grand Vue Ace, get that story on mainstream .. brilliant. Stop banging on about how great the Cole Kennel is Rosanowski.

Very good distance dog. Been the best in NZ the last 10 months. Hope Pringle wins the Collar today

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Retired racing greyhounds are headed overseas as the industry looks to find homes for its backlog of dogs.

They are being sent to the United States, rather than waiting to be adopted in New Zealand. As of early June, 44 greyhounds have made the trip to new homes in the US.

Gone mad 44 grey hounds to the USA for rehoming why not drop them off to the council they know how to handle dog problems 


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On 6/24/2024 at 5:25 PM, Lowdown said:

Winnie says 'dog's love racing' ,  sounds like we'll be OK this political cycle. 

Make sure you guys all vote for him and thank him

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On 4/2/2024 at 1:55 PM, Keneperu said:

Unfortunately as long as Winston is there with 6% of the vote controlling the "skin head and Nicotine Willis" Greyhound racing will continue . 

What a joke

Not so sure, if Winston could work out what to do to rehome 3000 dogs they would be closed down rapidly is what I'm hearing.

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