Pak Star

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    Pak Star got a reaction from Pure Steel in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 2 - entry thread   
    Morning RC'ers,
    1. Otaki R2   3
    2. Otaki R5   4 & 8
    3. Te Rapa R3   1
    4. Te Rapa R5   5 (BB)
    5. Randwick R2   11 & 12
    6. Randwick R8    4 & 7
    7. Randwick R10    14
    8. Caulfield R4   4 & 10
    9. Caulfield R5   6 & 10
    10. Caulfield R6   5 & 10
    11. Caulfield R8   7 & 10 (BB)
    12. Caulfield R9   8 & 13
    Good luck Richie.  I didnt have the best of weeks fresh up last week - hopefully no 'second up syndrome' this week 👍
  2. Like
    Pak Star reacted to richie in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 2 - entry thread   
    OTAKI R2          4,7
    OTAKI R5          3 4
    TERAPA R3       3,4
    TERAPA R5       5,10
    RANDWICK R2     2,10
    RANDWICK R8     1,7
    RANDWICK R10   4,14
    CAULFIELD R4     9,10
    CAULFIELD R5     6,7
    CAULFIELD R6     4    BB
    CAULFIELD R8     1    BB
    CAULFIELD R9     6,7
    Thanks team
    Good luck Pak Star,we up against tough opponents today in Ponderosa and Pure Steel.May the winners flow
  3. Thanks
    Pak Star reacted to Zakhu in Entain getting things right ?   
    Yes, well they did for the last race at Awapuni yesterday anyway.
  4. Like
    Pak Star reacted to Zakhu in Entain getting things right ?   
    I can confirm, excellent. I am a happy man now.
  5. Haha
    Pak Star reacted to Insider in Rotorua   
    miss jools welcome back under your new moniker.
    Firstly you have immediately given yourself away with...."Joe did not clip"  That is so much you!
    However you being a grammarian, I would have thought that MJS would have been much more appropriate.  
    Anyway I digress, please don't take any offence from my response, as I love your contribution and us girls should stick together.
  6. Like
    Pak Star got a reaction from We're Doomed in The Wizard of Waz Premiership Winner!!   
    Give yourself some credit, perhaps it's just that you haven't made a mistake and needed correcting....yet 
  7. Like
    Pak Star got a reaction from Insider in The Wizard of Waz Premiership Winner!!   
    Give yourself some credit, perhaps it's just that you haven't made a mistake and needed correcting....yet 
  8. Like
    Pak Star reacted to Pete Lane in The Wizard of Waz Premiership Winner!!   
    I would never normally nitpick about people's spelling but MJ rather set herself up for this by continually correcting other people.
  9. Haha
    Pak Star reacted to Pam Robson in The Wizard of Waz Premiership Winner!!   
    Oh dear.  Back to spelling class, Miss J.
  10. Like
    Pak Star reacted to scooby3051 in Accountability & Change   
    Agree and throwing more money at the top end will not change the field they would get in any form as the good horses would still be there. 
    My opinion is there should be more of the special big prize money races for the battling trainers and battling owners with a lower grade horse, these should be encouraged as you never know the next one they own may just be a good one but if they leave then very difficult to get them back.
    Way to much focus on the top end...needs to spread more somehow...not sure how as there are so many lower end races to fund but targeted series for those may work to..spread out the riches to many more not just a select few.JMO
  11. Like
    Pak Star reacted to nomates in Accountability & Change   
    There will never be unity in the industry , self interest in all areas is too strong . When money is involved then those doing well have very little motivation for change . Most are very comfortable financially so are happy to take as much as they can while they can and when/if things go tits up they will either move across the ditch or close up shop and retire . The A/W's are a classic example , all those big stables training on them and having regular racing on them have a huge advantage so are more than happy to have them and won't have a bad word said about them , why would they ? they have an advantage , look at the numbers that race on them , huge% of them home track horses . Then extrapolate to all other areas of the industry and the status quo will always hold sway . Now are they truly better for the WHOLE industry ?.
    As for changing the way the industry is run and managed , for one those in charge have no idea nor appetite for major change , too big a job . Look at areas of our industry that have needed change for the last 20 years , programming , calendar, ratings , tracks , stakes for god knows how long , if Entain hadn't come along it would still resemble previous years , the shortage of jockeys coming through , the drain on our horse population , not enough owners . Clear issues that have never had any significant attempt at rectifying .
    The only significant thing that has changed is the Entain money , but as ever we see the vast majority of that money being directed where the big boys have the greatest opportunity of winning it . Yet that was one of the easiest solves IMO , use the money to build a solid base which in turn might help solve , how ever slowly , a couple of other problems , owners staying in the game and owners not so quick to sell a promising horse . Building a strong base would in the long run help build the whole industry into a better and stronger industry , would have taken time but good things do , but we went for the fast and easy solution which benefits a few .
    IMO our current position is as good as it gets , unless the things above are tackled and improved then things simply CANNOT improve , money alone cannot solve our problems . in many instances used in the wrong way it just perpetuates them . 
  12. Like
    Pak Star reacted to THE TORCH in taranaki-racing-club-upset-abandonment-major-meeting   
    Typical NP Racing - always blaming others. Sort out your track or sell the land. Oh thats right its not yours to start with. But thats another story eh. Good ol name change put the frighteners up them.
    What I cant believe is Hawera accepting the Opunake meeting - theyre the ones who shafted ERC a few years ago when they pulled up stumps and went with NP. Talk about squirming back with cap in hand! 
    You reap what you sow.
  13. Like
    Pak Star got a reaction from Blaird in 8% share in Mr Brightside for sale   
    At this point its effectively a gamble that he will win a Cox Plate or an ASM.  But even so, the ROI is probably better spending the 110k on a place bet for him in the plate 🤪
    Then again, how many can say they had a slice of a champion like Mr B.
  14. Like
    Pak Star reacted to scooby3051 in New Plymouth Abandoned   
    4 mls of rain and they pull this really the best kind of trick we can have to be forced to race on...give me a break.
  15. Sad
    Pak Star reacted to gubellini in New Plymouth Abandoned   
    Lisa Allpress galloped a horse their this morning and declared the track safe. NP Racing wanted the meeting to go ahead but were overruled by the RIB. Time clubs sued the RIB to recover expenses for them and the participants.
  16. Like
    Pak Star reacted to Alf Riston in Accountability & Change   
    As NZ Racing is becoming more and more of a laughing stock, how can things ever be expected to improve when the heads of the responsible organizations just continue to roll out PR spin or are totally M.I A.?
    There seems to be an 'immunity to accountabilty' in these roles which will just allow the crisis to deepen until the next unaccountable lot take over.
    For an industry that was once widely respected from fellow industries worldwide we have now just sadly disappeared into the shadows and become insignificant on a global basis.  
    Perhaps the industry participants need to take action that might force change?
    Owners, trainers, jockeys and all other associated employees here in New Zealand are poorly done by and falling behind as each and every year goes by.
    My thoughts are that there should be a 'coming together' of all these parties and strike action served to NZTR - for the entire week starting xxx, there will be no horses (harness included?) presented for racing.
    This situation has been survivable before (lockdowns), and at least this will be a planned absence from the track, rather than what is being served up to them now and the mostly non-recoverable costs that abandonements cause.
    There are many and various industry participants in Racecafe so I would like to hear others thoughts around accountability and change.
  17. Like
    Pak Star reacted to We're Doomed in Accountability & Change   
    It needs someone in a position of some authority to stand up and hold them accountable. If Chris Waller was to say he wasn't pleased in Australia I'm sure everyone would take notice. I really have no idea who an equivalent person would be in NZ. I suppose Dave Ellis, but he is probably reasonably happy with the way things are going.
  18. Like
    Pak Star got a reaction from Black Kirrama in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 1 - entry thread   
    Gidday all.  A day to saddle up for some AUS racing!  Good luck
    2. Eagle Farm R4    5 & 6
    3. Eagle Farm R6   8 & 11
    4. Eagle Farm R7   13 (BB)
    5. Flemington R5   5 & 9
    6. Flemington R8   6 & 12
    7. Rosehill R5   2 & 4
    8. Rosehill R6   9
    9. Rosehill R7   2 & 10
    10. Rosehill R8   1 & 13
    11. Rosehill R9   10 (BB)
    12. Rosehill R10   7 & 15
  19. Like
    Pak Star got a reaction from richie in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 1 - entry thread   
    Gidday all.  A day to saddle up for some AUS racing!  Good luck
    2. Eagle Farm R4    5 & 6
    3. Eagle Farm R6   8 & 11
    4. Eagle Farm R7   13 (BB)
    5. Flemington R5   5 & 9
    6. Flemington R8   6 & 12
    7. Rosehill R5   2 & 4
    8. Rosehill R6   9
    9. Rosehill R7   2 & 10
    10. Rosehill R8   1 & 13
    11. Rosehill R9   10 (BB)
    12. Rosehill R10   7 & 15
  20. Like
    Pak Star reacted to richie in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 1 - entry thread   
    EAGLE FARM R4     4,5
    EAGLE FARM R6     4,5
    EAGLE FARM R7     1,2
    FLEMINGTON R5    7,9
    FLEMINGTON R8     4,7
    ROSEHILL R5     1,7
    ROSEHILL R6      1,4
    ROSEHILL R7      6,10   BB
    ROSEHILL R8      3,11
    ROSEHILL R9      3,10   BB
    ROSEHILL R10     3,10
    Good luck to my team mate Pak Star and a bit less luck to our opponents Aaron and Foxmerts.And special thanks to SNM for running the comps
  21. Like
    Pak Star reacted to Alf Riston in New Dates For Abandoned Meetings   
    Crazy thing is, I always used to think New Plymouth (coastal) and Rotorua (pumice) were tracks that traditionally could cope with more rain than most 🤔
    It's hardly like we have had 'weather events' either - just typical NZ winter weather ????
  22. Haha
    Pak Star reacted to We're Doomed in New Dates For Abandoned Meetings   
    Are you saying that would be a good or bad thing?
  23. Like
    Pak Star reacted to Womby in Rotorua Abandoned   
    I’m not too far from Rotorua, I’ve had 37mm for the last 24 hours and that makes 108 since Monday.
    Perhaps it was going to be pretty heavy from a few days out.
    The food probably made, hopefully the tote staff not bussed in from the Waikato, the club, casual staff etc all losing out.
    And an hour away a perfectly good all weather track in the middle of where many of the people train these same horses sits idle today.
    Seriously it rained heavily in Cambridge last night and they still ran the Harness Races on their all weather track.
    Perhaps this code could/should take the blinkers off. Any races are better than what we have here today.
    Must get on to finding a winner or two in Oz
  24. Like
    Pak Star reacted to Charlie Bukowski in Rotorua Abandoned   
    And the owners WD , the owners , the poor f****ng owners who have no choice but to pay their bills every single month . In Winter there should always be a caveat that the local synthetic track should be ready and available in case of a likely abandonment ( can't log Counties Weds into that)
    While I'm no major fan of synthetic racing , today is the perfect example of how it works.
    I know lots of genuine winter horses won't like the synthetic but some will and we get NZ racing and the Owners getting some money in their pockets.
    It seemed to work last year with that meeting transferred to Cambridge.
  25. Like
    Pak Star got a reaction from Pam Robson in Rotorua Abandoned   
    Perhaps one wouldn't, which is a fair argument.  But the bigger question is why would an owner buy into a heavy 10 horse, nominate it for Puke, HB, New Plymouth or Rotorua and then ultimately not get to run the horse at all.  And the more owners start asking that question, the closer we get to the demise of winter racing.