
Trump written off

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23 minutes ago, aquaman said:

Hey, this threads about Donald J Trump, stick to the topic please. Start a Maori thread if you want a NZ history lesson, and Able Tasman discovered NZ.

I think the Cuzzies were here before Tasman, so I guess its you who could get a lesson.



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46 minutes ago, aquaman said:

Hey, this threads about Donald J Trump, stick to the topic please. Start a Maori thread if you want a NZ history lesson, and Able Tasman discovered NZ.

Any relation of Abel Tasman-- a few weeks ago a smart millennial on TV3 graphics also seemed to know about Able Tasman.

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1 hour ago, barryb said:

Slightly at odds with the History I know of Cook, the Hawaiians treated him and the crew as god like, certainly don't think there was any mention of him being a cruel bastard.

On the topic of who discovered NZ, that is something there is a lot of intrigue about.

There is conjecture about who was here first & cover ups undertaken of historical information that would potentially financially be injurious to a few if they were made public.


That was the problem Barry...the natives did think they were Gods and treated them as such. When they came back a second time and men died, it was clear they were mere mortals and things went downhill from there. Overstaying your welcome you might say....;)

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5 hours ago, Flagship uberalles said:

Do you know what Stalin put his people through?

Yes .Try reading Alexander Solzhenitsyns "The Gulag Archipelago", a seminal piece, or "One Day in the life of  Ivan Denisovich" a microcosm of what happened to normal Russian people, including Doctors ,Lawyers , Scientists ,Poets, Authors, Historians,  you name it . It decimated the history of a great nation.

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8 hours ago, Ohokaman said:

Just a bloody shame we have such a clown in power to make fun of though John.

I see David Duke from the KKK has reminded Trump to " take a long hard look in the mirror and remember who put you in the White House.." following his comments after the Virginia atrocity.

Beats me how that statue of Lee has stayed up there for so long.....not a great part of US history I would think.

Looks like it has started.....,tsf

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Donald Trump had a great press conference this morning. Really shoved it up the fake news reporters. Did not back down one inch. He has had a great diplomatic result with Nth Korea blinking first, and backing down. Proves he is right, and the snowflakes were wrong.

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22 hours ago, Ohokaman said:

Just a bloody shame we have such a clown in power to make fun of though John.

I see David Duke from the KKK has reminded Trump to " take a long hard look in the mirror and remember who put you in the White House.." following his comments after the Virginia atrocity.

Beats me how that statue of Lee has stayed up there for so long.....not a great part of US history I would think.

Lee is an important part of US history. His statue needs to stay. The people protesting the removal had every right to be there. They had a permit to protest, unlike the other mob that came to cause trouble. The good people that were peacefully protesting the removal were infiltrated by the KKK, skin heads, and white supremacists. 

President Trump pointed out this morning, that Lee is an important part of US history. He also pointed out that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were slave owners, do we pull down their statues, where will it end. We saw this stupid thinking in NZ when the Maori radicals wanted to pull down Ballance's statue in the gardens at Wanganui.

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Aquaman, Lee fought in a war to keep slavery. Your mates see him and his flag as gospel and what they are really protesting for is for a return to segregation which they had in the South in the 1960s.



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2 hours ago, aquaman said:

Lee is an important part of US history. His statue needs to stay. The people protesting the removal had every right to be there. They had a permit to protest, unlike the other mob that came to cause trouble. The good people that were peacefully protesting the removal were infiltrated by the KKK, skin heads, and white supremacists. 

President Trump pointed out this morning, that Lee is an important part of US history. He also pointed out that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were slave owners, do we pull down their statues, where will it end. We saw this stupid thinking in NZ when the Maori radicals wanted to pull down Ballance's statue in the gardens at Wanganui.

That performance this morning was beyond belief for a US President. He revealed his true colours as soon as he opened that big gob. Just what Kelly and the others are thinking after that little lot is anyones guess. Why on Earth they allowed what should have been a positive message on infrastructure to degenerate into what amounted to pro-white supremacy support from Trump is unbelievable.

And the Republicans might not have woken up yet.....but I think they might be stirring.....

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21 minutes ago, Ohokaman said:

That performance this morning was beyond belief for a US President. He revealed his true colours as soon as he opened that big gob. Just what Kelly and the others are thinking after that little lot is anyones guess. Why on Earth they allowed what should have been a positive message on infrastructure to degenerate into what amounted to pro-white supremacy support from Trump is unbelievable.

And the Republicans might not have woken up yet.....but I think they might be stirring.....

perhaps current issues that are firing people up can also be the flint which motivates people to act correctly

to burn with passion in one persons beliefs can also have a carry on affect... perhaps this is the Presidents thinking.. who knows

i never watched the speech...  but i take it you take issue with being at a specific event and bringing up current issues during that time...

it is probably no different to the Boy-Scout convention that took place recently... and did you have an issue there too?

there should really be no issue... afterall, people use past historians as quotes and past deeds as enlightened encouragement

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3 hours ago, 6xes said:

perhaps current issues that are firing people up can also be the flint which motivates people to act correctly

to burn with passion in one persons beliefs can also have a carry on affect... perhaps this is the Presidents thinking.. who knows

i never watched the speech...  but i take it you take issue with being at a specific event and bringing up current issues during that time...

it is probably no different to the Boy-Scout convention that took place recently... and did you have an issue there too?

there should really be no issue... afterall, people use past historians as quotes and past deeds as enlightened encouragement

Watch the damn thing then comment sensibly.....:angry:

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3 hours ago, Ohokaman said:

Watch the damn thing then comment sensibly.....:angry:

alright firstly apologies for rambling on the previous post

i watched the speech... President Trump was clearly answering the questions of the journalists.. which basically were alot to do with the charlotsville trouble

I didnt see anything unbecoming of the President? he said nothing out of order?

Remind me again what your Ranting is about??

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17 minutes ago, 6xes said:

alright firstly apologies for rambling on the previous post

i watched the speech... President Trump was clearly answering the questions of the journalists.. which basically were alot to do with the charlotsville trouble

I didnt see anything unbecoming of the President? he said nothing out of order?

Remind me again what your Ranting is about??

You are a moron clearly. Won't waste my time explaining the bleeding obvious....:wacko:

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9 minutes ago, Ohokaman said:

You are a moron clearly. Won't waste my time explaining the bleeding obvious....:wacko:

you moan and groan about something...

you mention the press conference should have been about Infrastructure... lo and behold the journalists made it about Charlotsville

you Moan he speaks and shows his colours regarding how he see's both sides having trouble makers in them... ie Charlotsville protests

Trump recognised one side was permitted... the other was not

You are crying over nothing!!

If you want to moan about something...... Moan about the police.. unable to keep the peace

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6Xs you and Aquaman and others of the same ilk just want to defend your Nazi, KKK, nutjob mates. A girl was killed by one of these clowns but that's OK  because its these groups that vote for your fuckwit mate, Trump.

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Just now, bloke said:

6Xs you and Aquaman and others of the same ilk just want to defend your Nazi, KKK, nutjob mates. A girl was killed by one of these clowns but that's OK  because its these groups that vote for your fuckwit mate, Trump.

No one is defending nazi's or the KKK... this is your imagination running wild!!

You twist everything to suit... you clearly have issues

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10 minutes ago, bloke said:

6Xs you and Aquaman and others of the same ilk just want to defend your Nazi, KKK, nutjob mates. A girl was killed by one of these clowns but that's OK  because its these groups that vote for your fuckwit mate, Trump.

The man accused of being a neo-Nazi and murdering a woman by deliberately driving into her during protests in Charlottesville is in reality a supporter of Hillary Clinton and member of Antifa in receipt of funding by George Soros.

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A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his anger at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protestors. He also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to further the agenda of the elites.

We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.

The event was being set up as far back as at least May and it went like clockwork.”

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The thought that one can be bribed... and have his thinking become twisted.,....

and then here on Racecafe... we have individuals without the Bribe... ready and willing to twist everything for free... what a bunch of suckers!!

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Michael Signer, the mayor of Charlottesville, ordered police to stand down during the most chaotic and destructive period of the protests – despite police protests against the orders.

We wanted to do our job and keep the peace. But these mother******s in charge really want to destroy America.”

Michael Signer is a Virginia Democratic activist with close ties to Barack Obama and John Podesta. Before landing the Charlottesville mayor job he previously worked closely with Podesta at the Center of American Progress and worked with him again on Barack Obama’s State Department Transition Team.

The New World Order, led in the United States by elite operatives Obama, Podesta, Soros, Clinton and company, are pulling out all the stops to create division through chaos and destruction. Crowds of paid protestors and useful psychopaths are being sent into pitched battle against one another to sour the mood of the nation and further divide us all.

They are manipulating and controlling newsworthy events in order to maintain power and control over the public, and to swing public opinion.

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White supremacist and ‘Unite the Right’ leader, Jason Kessler, has been exposed as a supporter of former President Obama and the a hardline member of far-left Occupy movement.

When did he change his political leaning? According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (an organization that is certainly no friend to Conservatives), Kessler revealed his political transformation around November 2016, the same month Donald Trump won the presidential election.

If you think that is suspicious, wait until you learn about the other actors in this enormous set-up event.

First man on the scene

Brennan Gilmore was “on the scene” and was the author of the first viral tweet about Charlottesville. He was later interviewed by MSNBC. He was presented as an accidental witness. But who is he really?

Gilmore worked in Africa as a State Department foreign officer under Hillary Clinton. The New York Times mentioned this “coincidence” – and then later deleted it. Brennan Gilmore was also involved with the Kony hoax in 2012, and he is currently Chief of Staff for Tom Perrielo, who is running for Governor of Virginia and received $380k from George Soros.

So the first man on the scene, whose tweet went viral, and who was later interviewed on mainstream news as a witness, just happened to be a State Department insider with a long history of involvement in psy-ops? If you think this isn’t fishy, how about this – since the Charlottesville protests and his appearance in the media, his information was suddenly removed from State Department websites.

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