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Oh, and tomorrow is going to be a nightmare for Auckland and Wellington commuters. Hopefully our Auckland staff are awake enough to leave home at 5:30am. At least the Wellington crew can catch a train that should get through but who knows!

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50 minutes ago, Insider said:

At the risk of getting offside with my friends, "I can't help but wonder" at what a deplorable mess the guy has made of his first two weeks as PM!

"Deplorable"? Pretty heavy word linked to the evil Hilary Clinton. Please explain Luxon's sins.(Real ones, not those manufactured by old hags such as Trevett and Young, as well as Maori activists like McConnell and Lose)

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By the way Insider, aren't you Wellington based? If it isn't bad enough that your feral mayor and councillors are running amok, you send your bloody "restore rail passenger transport" protesters all the way to Takapuna today to disrupt and irritate the locals. NO trains in our precinct so what's their beef?

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1 minute ago, chevy86 said:

By the way Insider, aren't you Wellington based? If it isn't bad enough that your feral mayor and councillors are running amok, you send your bloody "restore rail passenger transport" protesters all the way to Takapuna today to disrupt and irritate the locals. NO trains in our precinct so what's their beef?

Nearby thank goodness but no I don't pay my rates to the Wellington City Council.

How Wellington could have elected the current Mayor I have no idea. 

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People voted this Government in and those who voted otherwise want to kick up a stink? Go figure. Labour have the Gaul to criticise after Luxon sat on his hands while they destroyed our economy

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13 minutes ago, chevy86 said:

"Deplorable"? Pretty heavy word linked to the evil Hilary Clinton. Please explain Luxon's sins.(Real ones, not those manufactured by old hags such as Trevett and Young, as well as Maori activists like McConnell and Lose)

It appears that the world can already see his fallacies [sin's] but the faithful never can or ever will!

Sadly even I was blind in the end with what Labour did, until Hipkin's stated that he wouldn't work with NZ First. 

In that one stupid statement he threw away any chance of retaining the Treasury Benches. 

As it turns out the coalition of the Left with Peters could have formed a Government but it probably would be more chaotic than this one. 

One stupid statement [1 x tobacco outlet in Northland] shows him [Luxon] to be as silly or stupid as Hipkins!

Even blind Freddy could tell you that one only tobacco outlet in Northland wasn't ever conceivable, so for the PM to think that it was, tells me more about him, than all is spin merchants put together.

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Smoking change hardly an issue for Luxon , sure he must deal with any politically driven backlash but this was a NZ First policy and was part of the agreement , this is the cost of an mmp system anyway the law to be repealed wasn't due to be implemented until July 2024 .Quote , The laws were due to be implemented from July 2024. But as part of its coalition agreement with populist New Zealand First, National agreed to repeal the amendments, including “removing requirements for de-nicotisation, removing the reduction in retail outlets and the generation ban”. slashing the number of stores legally allowed to sell cigarettes from 6,000 to just 600 nationwide. 

No doubt slashing the number of retail outlets would have been boom time for the gangs , the black marked would be almost instant and huge .

Luxon is just clearing the rubbish out of the way and will soon get on with what matters 



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On 12/4/2023 at 9:05 PM, Gruff said:

People voted this Government in and those who voted otherwise want to kick up a stink? Go figure. Labour have the Gaul to criticise after Luxon sat on his hands while they destroyed our economy

And vice versa when Labour gets in so silly comment. 

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It was obvious the lefts were going to act in this way and show what bad losers they can be.   Nothing Luxon does will be correct to them although they wont really know exactly what he has done (or hasn't done)       As Winston said - "Boo"

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15 hours ago, eljay said:

It was obvious the lefts were going to act in this way and show what bad losers they can be.   Nothing Luxon does will be correct to them although they wont really know exactly what he has done (or hasn't done)       As Winston said - "Boo"

As Memphis eluded to Eljay this is typical of Humanity, you can NEVER satisfy everybody so we were expecting a song and dance from the Minority, even to suggest Genocide  is deplorable by Te Pati and is exposes their lack of rationale . Grant Robertson shouldn't be there after his disgraceful performance as Treasurer  and why are we still hearing from Helen Clarke? She bailed to the UN and comes back to infect the ears of Patriotic Kiwis

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Maybe Insider is right--Luxon may well be a plonker, wokester and corporate talking head all rolled into one.

Coming across as very suspect with taking the funding to learn te Reo and grabbing the EV discount. Throw in all the nonsense with his reo greetings when at Air NZ and it's looking like any salvation for this country rests with Seymour, van Velden, Peters, Willis, Bishop , Reti and Brown. 




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He did nothing wrong with the EV discount in fact the car was his wife's , the real point is that the discount was government policy at the time applicable to everyone , the te reo is might be a problem , he publicly opposed people being paid bonuses for learning Te Reo , not sure if he opposed  this type of free bee for government  departments , if he did then he has made a mistake .

We will be able to judge him after the first 100 day target is achieved so far he is bound by that agreement so possibly not the true Luxon , time will tell .

Today we see another great move , Bill English back on the scene , Former prime minister Sir Bill English will lead an independent review into Kāinga Ora, the Government's housing department “A recent report by the Treasury and Ministry for Housing and Urban Development found that Kāinga Ora’s level of debt had grown from $2.7 billion in 2018 to $12.3 billion in June of this year. Advice released last year suggests that if Kāinga Ora continues on its current trajectory, their debt would reach $28.9 billion by 2033," Bishop said, in a statement.

How the f can that explosion of debt not be addressed by the previous pack of no hopers , mind boggling .



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Can you imagine any other failed business where original players re appear like English,Clarke and Adern to  inject 'more' sound advice? 🤣 it's worrying enough they may  have kids or grandkids 🫤 but they can see through bullshit so there's a chance😓

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On 12/18/2023 at 8:53 PM, tripple alliance said:

He did nothing wrong with the EV discount in fact the car was his wife's , the real point is that the discount was government policy at the time applicable to everyone , the te reo is might be a problem , he publicly opposed people being paid bonuses for learning Te Reo , not sure if he opposed  this type of free bee for government  departments , if he did then he has made a mistake .

We will be able to judge him after the first 100 day target is achieved so far he is bound by that agreement so possibly not the true Luxon , time will tell .

Today we see another great move , Bill English back on the scene , Former prime minister Sir Bill English will lead an independent review into Kāinga Ora, the Government's housing department “A recent report by the Treasury and Ministry for Housing and Urban Development found that Kāinga Ora’s level of debt had grown from $2.7 billion in 2018 to $12.3 billion in June of this year. Advice released last year suggests that if Kāinga Ora continues on its current trajectory, their debt would reach $28.9 billion by 2033," Bishop said, in a statement.

How the f can that explosion of debt not be addressed by the previous pack of no hopers , mind boggling .



The issue is right across the board in Welly, Govt Depts have exploded under Labour, staffing and salaries gone thru the roof. A 30% cut will be the minimum.

The average salary for Govt servants is north of 110k, just ludicrous

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