
Trump written off

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8 hours ago, Ohokaman said:



Minutes after he took the oath of office as the 45th President of the United States at the US Capitol on January 20, 2017, Donald Trump expressed gratitude to the outgoing President and first lady. 

"Every four years, we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power," Trump said, "and we are grateful to President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition. They have been magnificent."
But ever since Trump's defeat at the hands of Joe Biden last month, the President has been anything but magnificent. He has done all he can to prevent an "orderly and peaceful" transfer to the next administration. This week, he threw his support behind an unprecedented lawsuit brought by the state of Texas which asked the US Supreme Court to throw out the votes of millions of people in states that gave Biden his victory. 
Seventeen other red states and more than 100 GOP members of Congress quickly backed what would have amounted to a judicial coup d'état designed to give Trump four more years in office. But on Friday evening, the Supreme Court dismissed the assault on democracy, saying Texas had no legal standing to challenge "the manner in which another state conducts its elections."
On Monday, electors will gather in all 50 states and it's certain a majority will formally cast their votes in favor of Biden, who is to be sworn in on January 20. American democracy is beating back Trump's effort to "steal an election," wrote Frida Ghitis, as judges and election officials, both Republicans and Democrats, reject his "voter fraud" claims. "But the damage he has inflicted on the country will not end with his presidency, and this won't be the last time we see a charismatic politician with dictatorial tendencies attack the US system of government." 
What Trump is fomenting is "crazy, authoritarian stuff," wrote David Axelrod. "If it were occurring anywhere else, Americans would condemn it as an appalling attempt to undermine democracy. History will scorn the cowards who meekly complied with Trump's scheme to tarnish and overturn the election -- and honor the many who showed courage and fidelity to the rule of law during this time of trial." 
James Moore, a longtime writer on Texas politics, noted that Ken Paxton, the state attorney general who filed the outlandish election suit "has been indicted on securities fraud and accused by top aides of bribery, abuse of office and other potentially criminal offenses -- charges that he has denied." Paxton's plea to the Supreme Court "might just be currying favor with Trump in an attempt to get a pardon before Paxton is potentially tried and convicted. Even a bad lawyer like our attorney general is likely to know he has no real case."

A losing cause

Losing in court isn't stopping Republicans from continuing to deny reality, wrote Susan Glasser in the New Yorker: "While his allies have lost fifty-plus cases since the election, Trump has convinced millions of Americans to believe that the election was rigged against him -- seventy-seven percent of Republicans now say mass fraud occurred, according to a new Quinnipiac poll out Thursday -- and enlisted virtually the entire national leadership of the Republican Party in his concerted attack on the legitimacy of the results." 
On December 5, Jocelyn Benson, the Michigan secretary of state, was hanging Christmas decorations with her family. Her four-year-old son was getting ready to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when armed protesters "descended on my home ... screaming falsehoods and obscenities into a bullhorn." They were backing Trump's fraud claims, she wrote, and disputing the Michigan election results, which gave Biden the state's electoral votes, with a popular vote margin of more than 154,000. 
It was "the latest in a string of attacks that are a direct outgrowth of the hateful rhetoric and threats of violence we've seen invade our public discourse here in Michigan, and throughout our country, for several months," Benson wrote. "Since the polls closed on November 3, we've seen hardworking public officials and election administrators on both sides of the aisle subjected to incessant and baseless threats designed to stop us from doing our jobs."





Hows criminal Biden looking? The walls are closing in? 

What about the 2m Chinese  infiltrating Govts, Instiutions and businesses around the world?  No problem?

It all about to blow up in your face


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On 12/13/2020 at 10:44 AM, SavetheShire said:

As a passive detached observer of US politics, I often wonder where I would sit on the political spectrum if I was fully living in the environment. I do not understand how people can attached their whole identity to a politician or party, it is all Mao Zedong, with the rabid red guards and personality cult, again. Truly bizarre. From a distance, the democrats are not wonderful in many aspects, but they are easily a 1000 times better than the thing that is the Republican party, which stands for what? I guess 80 or 90 percent plus of Republican voters do not even know what the Republicans are for, but vote based on Abortion, Guns, God, fear and hatred of gays or something like that. Certainly not real issues or economics that affect them day to day. Just manufactured culture war.


being passive and observing from a distance is fine and dandy....

but like many here who have been caught up in the deception of whats playing out... is nothing short of EVIL

if Good men become passive and complacent in the evil playing out in America, you will inevitably find it knocking on your front door!!


The mere fact that we are discussing it... shining a light on it, is the active participation of countering evil or countering the sickness that evil leaves in its wake.....

this is met with the deceived minds who wish for it to continue on in society....

and this is the outcome of remaining passive.

It is said, the best medicine is sunlight... meaning we shine light upon issues affecting the soul of a nation.


the bible reference "let there be light" in the beginning of creation was to defeat the darkness..

if one cannot understand the simple parallels of Light and Darkness in relation to Good&Evil, than how shall you understand whats taking place in America?

The inclination you have that the democrat party is a X1000 times better than the republican party, is simply a testimony to how far gone you are!!

Only God Almighty and his goodness&mercy can unchain you from your delusion

And it is for this reason, that you will see.... the Trump Victory of the 2020 election, so you might see the light of day & no longer remain under the Darkened cloud of deception!!

Psalm 46:10


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They keep pushing the dates out so Trump can keep fleecing the gullible with their lies.




Keep the braindead who can’t think for themselves on the hook for as long as possible.

Keep sending out emails and texts soliciting funds for “the ( non existent ) legal fight”




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2 minutes ago, Ohokaman said:

They keep pushing the dates out so Trump can keep fleecing the gullible with their lies.




Keep the braindead who can’t think for themselves on the hook for as long as possible.

Keep sending out emails and texts soliciting funds for “the ( non existent ) legal fight”





so you still think its in the bag for Biden!!

i love it!!

watch and Learn how the Lord of hosts implements his will!!

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4 minutes ago, 6xes said:


so you still think its in the bag for Biden!!

i love it!!

watch and Learn how the Lord of hosts implements his will!!

I very much doubt the Lord ( if there is one ) would give a shit......but then you fairy story believers never put much store in truth.....🥱

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Just a reminder......from November 27.....👍😆


I’ll make a few predictions on the way out...

1. There is NO rampant voter fraud to steal an election.....( note the above )  👍

2. States will confirm the rightful winner   👍

3. The Electoral College will confirm the votes giving Biden victory 306 - 232  👍

4. Joe Biden will be the next US President in January 2021.   👍

5. More a hope.....Trump gets what’s coming to him and he ends up in jail.

Have a great Christmas all and much better 2021.......🙏👍

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10 minutes ago, Ohokaman said:

I very much doubt the Lord ( if there is one ) would give a shit......but then you fairy story believers never put much store in truth.....🥱


there is always someone above someone above someone...& eventually reaching the top... who rules in Authority over all others!!

this is and has been the understanding of mankinds governing systems...

thus the Lordship parallel is a reality... both on earth as it is in Heaven!!

and even the heavens are far and above the earth!!

so why the doubt about the existence of a Lord of all?? 

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The "Lord", 6xes?? Not necessarily.

"Well it might be the devil or it may be the Lord

But you're gonna have to serve somebody."

I feel these lines nicely sum up President Trump, now assured of being a "Past President" come 20 January 2021.

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1 hour ago, Uriah Heap said:

The "Lord", 6xes?? Not necessarily.

"Well it might be the devil or it may be the Lord

But you're gonna have to serve somebody."

I feel these lines nicely sum up President Trump, now assured of being a "Past President" come 20 January 2021.



When the sunlight breaks upon the new days ahead

it is my hope that you will come to understand this scripture

Daniel 2:21 (King James Version)
And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:


The season and times of setting up kings has already came... and we are in the midst of a season that has came upon us during 2016...

many have not been aware of these times and seasons nor are they aware of their presence...

but you have seen evidence of sudden changes taking place in the past 4years.. this you cannot deny!!!

One can assert that this is the nature of change as to its origins... but that is simply stating the obvious, and leaves a man no better off in understanding whats truly occurring!!


i have asserted that we are in points of time referenced in the bible... to understand the season we are in...

like the time of Moses and the liberation of those who were enslaved to be set free from the Egyptian pharoah.


when you can grasp these simple aspects of historical biblical reference... then and only then... will you begin to appreciate everything taking place!!

To God be all the glory!! 

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All these mythical, biblical stories, written by mortals, responsible for hundreds of wars and battles etc. are a load of horseshit imho. There are two fateful occurances in everyone’s life. These are birth and death. In between is what you can influence and nothing is guaranteed. The only immortals are those granted that status by the NRL ! 

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2 hours ago, Ohokaman said:

Just a reminder......from November 27.....👍😆


I’ll make a few predictions on the way out...

1. There is NO rampant voter fraud to steal an election.....( note the above )  👍

2. States will confirm the rightful winner   👍

3. The Electoral College will confirm the votes giving Biden victory 306 - 232  👍

4. Joe Biden will be the next US President in January 2021.   👍

5. More a hope.....Trump gets what’s coming to him and he ends up in jail.

Have a great Christmas all and much better 2021.......🙏👍

What a joke

You have set yourself up for the biggest fall in history.....for the most deserving  clown ever....

Trump has caught them all, even the treasonous people knowingly certifying a fraudulent election....the crimes are now complete

Team Trump have caught the MSM, Dems and Rinos, CCP and other foreign entities   Big Tech, Biden, the lot

DNI report and 2018 Election fraud Executive order incoming....

Biggest sting in history


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27 minutes ago, Trump said:

All these mythical, biblical stories, written by mortals, responsible for hundreds of wars and battles etc. are a load of horseshit imho. There are two fateful occurances in everyone’s life. These are birth and death. In between is what you can influence and nothing is guaranteed. 


its a good thing you are at least somewhat familiar with biblical stories as you call them..

but to the many Jewish people who have held these historical facts and acknowledge them... infer that they are real, and intertwined into their history.


As for whose responsible for wars... this is understood only when you know who the enemy of God was from the beginning... ie the serpent or what many refer to as the devil

to fail to acknowledge this simple building block.... causes ones understanding to be undermined, and as a result a failure to understand this results in misunderstanding.. thus laying blame upon everyone else but the one fully responsible!!

The scriptures in the book of Genesis and the serpent is referenced numerous times by Jesus.....

So if we choose to ignore both the scriptures of the time of the beginning... and then choose to ignore the Son of God.... what will be the eventual response of mans reasoning for all the troubles in the world today??  blame religion!!! blame God!!! Blame Jesus!!!

so isnt it ironic how quickly you lay blame for all the woes in the world....

and come to the simple but not wrong conclusion... we live and we die.. end of story.


Jesus came with a promise...

referenced in John 11:25 

it is given over for every man, woman and child to choose life or have the alternative... 

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4 hours ago, 6xes said:


there is always someone above someone above someone...& eventually reaching the top... who rules in Authority over all others!!

this is and has been the understanding of mankinds governing systems...

thus the Lordship parallel is a reality... both on earth as it is in Heaven!!

and even the heavens are far and above the earth!!

so why the doubt about the existence of a Lord of all?? 

Has anyone from “the other side” ever contacted you, or anyone you know....??
If not, why not....?   If there is Heaven or Hell, and I don’t ascribe to either, wouldn’t it help the case if people knew for sure....???

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2 hours ago, 6xes said:


its a good thing you are at least somewhat familiar with biblical stories as you call them..

but to the many Jewish people who have held these historical facts and acknowledge them... infer that they are real, and intertwined into their history.


As for whose responsible for wars... this is understood only when you know who the enemy of God was from the beginning... ie the serpent or what many refer to as the devil

to fail to acknowledge this simple building block.... causes ones understanding to be undermined, and as a result a failure to understand this results in misunderstanding.. thus laying blame upon everyone else but the one fully responsible!!

The scriptures in the book of Genesis and the serpent is referenced numerous times by Jesus.....

So if we choose to ignore both the scriptures of the time of the beginning... and then choose to ignore the Son of God.... what will be the eventual response of mans reasoning for all the troubles in the world today??  blame religion!!! blame God!!! Blame Jesus!!!

so isnt it ironic how quickly you lay blame for all the woes in the world....

and come to the simple but not wrong conclusion... we live and we die.. end of story.


Jesus came with a promise...

referenced in John 11:25 

it is given over for every man, woman and child to choose life or have the alternative... 

You presume that anything written is actually true. Mere mortals, monks, whatever...writing fairy stories embellished over the years and repeated ad infinitum, drummed into poor souls by a pitiless Church and its minions hell bent on domination and subservience. 

Given the vile history of Christianity through the ages, it has no moral high ground in my book.

As for America, you might want to read this.....


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35 minutes ago, Ohokaman said:

You presume that anything written is actually true. Mere mortals, monks, whatever...writing fairy stories embellished over the years and repeated ad infinitum, drummed into poor souls by a pitiless Church and its minions hell bent on domination and subservience. 


Ha coming from the brainwashed CNN clown who drums propaganda into poor souls.

Go look in the mirror

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1 hour ago, Ohokaman said:

You presume that anything written is actually true. Mere mortals, monks, whatever...writing fairy stories embellished over the years and repeated ad infinitum, drummed into poor souls by a pitiless Church and its minions hell bent on domination and subservience. 

Given the vile history of Christianity through the ages, it has no moral high ground in my book.

As for America, you might want to read this.....


I wonder if there’s anything in the biblical teachings about the 100,000 or so pedophile priests who wove their evilness amongst the children and the weak. You know, God’s messengers. I wonder where they fit in 6exes take on things holy? 

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1 hour ago, Ohokaman said:

  If there is Heaven or Hell, and I don’t ascribe to either,

So you would be an Israel Folau supporter? Israel was pilloried for saying queers are condemned to Hell, a totally mythical concept to any intelligent human. I am just waiting for Ardern and her motley crew to launch into banning their concept of "hate speech"--first to go will be the Koran and the Bible for advocating that "men who lay down with other men" should be put to death. Donning the hijab won't get that one through.

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1 hour ago, Ohokaman said:

Has anyone from “the other side” ever contacted you, or anyone you know....??
If not, why not....?   If there is Heaven or Hell, and I don’t ascribe to either, wouldn’t it help the case if people knew for sure....???


I watched this video some time back... this is only one of many videos that merely support the very knowledge of the existence of hell...

this one in particular is hard hitting but seeing as you asked in a roundabout way... ill entertain your line of questioning



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And again another testimony, from someone who was involved deeply in Satan worship...

this testimony from John Ramirez merely supports the knowledge and the existence of Hell...

but is a great testimony of the Goodness of God's Son Jesus Christ!!



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