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LGL entry thread - Week 3 - Saturday 9 December

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Pukekohe  Race 7 - Apache Anne

Trentham Race 2- Sinbin (Joker)

Trenthan Race 3 - Express Yourself

Trentham Race 6 - Tarazetto

(Using a Scstching and Joker from last week)

Thanks John.Good Luck to Scooby and other Racecafers who are in Fasion Icon in the 1st today...

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Pukekohe       R8   Adam I Am

Trentham       R3 Express Yourself

                        R4 Red Sea   ( JOKER )

Going all in , no point farting around 200 points off the lead so go hard or go home .

Good luck to all participants for today , and anybody having a punt .

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