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9 hours ago, tripple alliance said:

Here we go , this guy has links with the disturbed one , no surprise really .

A former Te Whatu Ora worker charged over illegally accessing personal information on work databases is to ask for bail on Monday.

Barry Young - who is also sometimes known as Winston Smith and appears in videos with conspiracy theorist Liz Gunn - appeared before Wellington District Court judge Andrew Nicholls on Monday , He faces one charge of dishonestly accessing Te Whatu Ora databases. The charge carries a maximum penalty of seven years jail.


He accessed a Data base and retrieved Data exposing criminal behaviour, if he has  tampered with said data he should get 12 years...if under scrutiny these figures hold water which would be no surprise he should be Knighted

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Disturbed one? I have looked at her claims and most of what she says can be backed up.To call someone who stands up to help people Disturbed while putting herself in the firing line is Disturbing, I'm beginning to think you are brainwashed and can't find a way out. You need help, the truth is there but you cant see to save yourself

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1 hour ago, Gruff said:

He accessed a Data base and retrieved Data exposing criminal behaviour, if he has  tampered with said data he should get 12 years...if under scrutiny these figures hold water which would be no surprise he should be Knighted

Yes he stole from his work place , it's claimed he is out of his area of knowledge and that seems to be 100% true anyone making this claim discredits the whole exercise ,there's your tampering in red just a tip of the ice burg ,  looks like your 12 years is the most likely outcome (7yrs is actually the max)

Quote , vaccination Centre in Invercargill, 51 people were vaccinated within the space of just two hours. All 51 are now dead , 

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1 hour ago, Gruff said:

Disturbed one? I have looked at her claims and most of what she says can be backed up.To call someone who stands up to help people Disturbed while putting herself in the firing line is Disturbing, I'm beginning to think you are brainwashed and can't find a way out. You need help, the truth is there but you cant see to save yourself

Sorry Gruff but I've been around as previously documented so I have no doubt what the reality is , so many claims made online on various topics are complete b/s , I even read someone say the mosque massacre was a con and only 2 died YES there are plenty of f wits out there and plenty of disturbed people as well , the guy on you tube with Lizz was blubbering before he even started talking ,  nothing stable there and of course Lizz couldn't even get her candidates registered on time so these people are struggling in several ways , mentally is one of them .

Anyway thanks Hedly for the post .

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On 12/4/2023 at 10:37 PM, tripple alliance said:

Sorry Gruff but I've been around as previously documented so I have no doubt what the reality is , so many claims made online on various topics are complete b/s , I even read someone say the mosque massacre was a con and only 2 died YES there are plenty of f wits out there and plenty of disturbed people as well , the guy on you tube with Lizz was blubbering before he even started talking ,  nothing stable there and of course Lizz couldn't even get her candidates registered on time so these people are struggling in several ways , mentally is one of them .

Anyway thanks Hedly for the post .

So,  many claims made online are bullshit  you say which would be expected on  such a huge forum but claims made by the Government and their  so called' experts'  then parroted by complicit media outlets are fine even though 'Proven ' to be b/ you made your mind up going to the hospital 100 times....with soooo  many ill and Dying from Covid how was there any room for you?

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8 hours ago, Gruff said:

Nothing like changing the goalposts to improve statistics. Fraudsters


Just more bullshit and yes I've just arrived home from my new treatment , a reasonably large hospital and guess what NOBODY I asked (on your behalf) about covid had any concerns about chronic effects or excess death rates , the ward I attended treated about 50 people a day, make no mistake if I were to raise concerns about excess death rates or the crazy conspiracy theories I  would have been laughed out of the building , welcome to the real world and just for good measure I'll repeat this .

Quote , vaccination Centre in Invercargill, 51 people were vaccinated within the space of just two hours. All 51 are now dead

still laughing , pure comedy

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1 hour ago, tripple alliance said:

Just more bullshit and yes I've just arrived home from my new treatment , a reasonably large hospital and guess what NOBODY I asked (on your behalf) about covid had any concerns about chronic effects or excess death rates , the ward I attended treated about 50 people a day, make no mistake if I were to raise concerns about excess death rates or the crazy conspiracy theories I  would have been laughed out of the building , welcome to the real world and just for good measure I'll repeat this .

Quote , vaccination Centre in Invercargill, 51 people were vaccinated within the space of just two hours. All 51 are now dead

still laughing , pure comedy

No laughing matter Tripper, if other peoples Deaths are Comedy you need further treatment

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11 hours ago, Gruff said:

No laughing matter Tripper, if other peoples Deaths are Comedy you need further treatment

Gruff surly by now you must  realize this claim is complete bull shit , it's only real in Knutters minds , SAY AFTER ME , this is bullshit 51 people from one vacc center didn't die , Now SAY IT AGAIN and AGAIN and again , if you repeat it often enough you will be cured .

Quote , vaccination Centre in Invercargill, 51 people were vaccinated within the space of just two hours. All 51 are now dead
It didn't happen and is a classic example of the rubbish claimed by the anti vaccers 

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1 hour ago, tripple alliance said:

Gruff surly by now you must  realize this claim is complete bull shit , it's only real in Knutters minds , SAY AFTER ME , this is bullshit 51 people from one vacc center didn't die , Now SAY IT AGAIN and AGAIN and again , if you repeat it often enough you will be cured .

Quote , vaccination Centre in Invercargill, 51 people were vaccinated within the space of just two hours. All 51 are now dead
It didn't happen and is a classic example of the rubbish claimed by the anti vaccers 

Classic example? Give me some more examples and remember this was data removed from a Government database if the Story is true but this person is in front of the courts,so who has made a 'Claim'? 

Do you wear masks, And if so which type?

At least  now we can confirm  the method used to brainwash you.Repitition from mainstream media. 

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1 hour ago, tripple alliance said:

Gruff surly by now you must  realize this claim is complete bull shit , it's only real in Knutters minds , SAY AFTER ME , this is bullshit 51 people from one vacc center didn't die , Now SAY IT AGAIN and AGAIN and again , if you repeat it often enough you will be cured .

Quote , vaccination Centre in Invercargill, 51 people were vaccinated within the space of just two hours. All 51 are now dead
It didn't happen and is a classic example of the rubbish claimed by the anti vaccers 

Which part of this isn't believable? Is it  one victim had to be vaccinated every 2 min 21 seconds Trips? Seems feasible given people in waiting rooms tend to do all the necessary paperwork before admission? Not sure?The knutters who lined up in drive through centres were in and out (under 2min 21 a victim?)even though the adverse reactions were well documented particularly the 15 min wait being necessary because of the threat of adverse reactions including possible anaphylaxis , no worries lets drive 🙄

Not sure why you are fixated on a 'Claim' that isn't out of the realm of possibility? I'm not in a position to clarify or to call B/S, how would I know? ...So how do you know????? 

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Given these so called  'Vaccines have a limited shelf life,requirements around stringent storage and handling measures and inoculation process even this has the potential to cause harm and moreso from a Single vaccination centre from the same' Batch.' This is all about possibility I'm not claiming it happened but Trip can categorically  make assessments without an ounce of common sense exercised



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On 12/7/2023 at 9:43 AM, Gruff said:

Which part of this isn't believable? Is it  one victim had to be vaccinated every 2 min 21 seconds Trips? Seems feasible given people in waiting rooms tend to do all the necessary paperwork before admission? Not sure?The knutters who lined up in drive through centres were in and out (under 2min 21 a victim?)even though the adverse reactions were well documented particularly the 15 min wait being necessary because of the threat of adverse reactions including possible anaphylaxis , no worries lets drive 🙄

Not sure why you are fixated on a 'Claim' that isn't out of the realm of possibility? I'm not in a position to clarify or to call B/S, how would I know? ...So how do you know????? 

All 51 are now dead , That part, pure comedy nobody believes it except a few desperate  conspiracy Knutters . This one will never go away it's so stupid and unbelievable and a fine example of how out of touch with reality the conspiracy theorists  are and of course this info was stolen then interpreted  by the guy who is accused of stealing from his employer

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5 hours ago, Gruff said:

Have you noticed people looking much older than they were over a short period of time? I'm not saying they were jabbed up but as an observation. Coincidence?Screenshot_20231208-113609_YouTube.jpg

Jeez Gruff I think I've got you figured you really are a disciple of the climate change brigade , your angle is world over population , it must be because Big Pharma provides longer life spans and at the other end death rates in the worlds children have plummeted , all because of Big Pharma so, the climate change fanatics are doing their best to discredit Big Pharma .

Is overpopulation contributing to climate change?
Quote .
While at first glance these two issues may appear unrelated, the truth is that they are inextricably linked. Overpopulation is directly contributing to climate change, and that, in turn, is causing devastating effects, especially in communities with less wealth.
Paul R. Ehrlich stated in 2018 that the optimum population is between 1.5 and 2 billion. Geographer Chris Tucker estimates that 3 billion is a sustainable number, provided human societies rapidly deploy less harmful technologies and best management practices.

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3 hours ago, tripple alliance said:

Jeez Gruff I think I've got you figured you really are a disciple of the climate change brigade , your angle is world over population , it must be because Big Pharma provides longer life spans and at the other end death rates in the worlds children have plummeted , all because of Big Pharma so, the climate change fanatics are doing their best to discredit Big Pharma .

Is overpopulation contributing to climate change?
Quote .
While at first glance these two issues may appear unrelated, the truth is that they are inextricably linked. Overpopulation is directly contributing to climate change, and that, in turn, is causing devastating effects, especially in communities with less wealth.
Paul R. Ehrlich stated in 2018 that the optimum population is between 1.5 and 2 billion. Geographer Chris Tucker estimates that 3 billion is a sustainable number, provided human societies rapidly deploy less harmful technologies and best management practices.

What is Climate change?  You havnt watched the Bill gates video obviously and now is the the Corbett report and get back to me

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On 11/21/2023 at 7:18 PM, tripple alliance said:

Gruff do your home work and after that accept the fact that people die at all ages for any number of reasons , the early death,  covid vax conspiracy is just that a conspiracy , NOW Perry , he had a hard life , have a read .

Quote , To hear Perry's story is to be astonished not merely by the stubbornness of his addiction but the resilience of his body: His colon exploded in 2018 from too many opiates, leaving him in a coma for two weeks and requiring at least 14 surgeries and nine months with a colostomy bag; his heart stopped in 2022 for five minutes31/10/2023



Here you go Gruff , Matthew Perry died from the acute effects of the anaesthetic ketamine, according to the results of an autopsy on the 54-year-old Friends actor.

The Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner said in the recently released autopsy report that Perry also drowned in “the heated end of pool”, but that it was a secondary factor in his October 28 death, deemed an accident. People close to Perry told investigators that he was undergoing ketamine infusion therapy, an experimental treatment used to treat depression and anxiety. NOTHING TO DO WITH COVID VAX .


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TA, the ketamine infusion therapy was many days beforehand and had a half life of only a few hours. Mathew was obviously supplementing his ketamine intake.

That Hollywood, so-called "celebrity" crowd are definitely a troubled lot.

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37 minutes ago, tripple alliance said:


Here you go Gruff , Matthew Perry died from the acute effects of the anaesthetic ketamine, according to the results of an autopsy on the 54-year-old Friends actor.

The Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner said in the recently released autopsy report that Perry also drowned in “the heated end of pool”, but that it was a secondary factor in his October 28 death, deemed an accident. People close to Perry told investigators that he was undergoing ketamine infusion therapy, an experimental treatment used to treat depression and anxiety. NOTHING TO DO WITH COVID VAX .


Ketamine acts like an anaesthetic and Perry had a huge amount in his system. Taken orally by all accounts.

Surely he knew this stuff would put him to sleep, so why go near a pool FFS… ??:rcf-monkey:

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On 12/16/2023 at 6:24 PM, tripple alliance said:


Here you go Gruff , Matthew Perry died from the acute effects of the anaesthetic ketamine, according to the results of an autopsy on the 54-year-old Friends actor.

The Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner said in the recently released autopsy report that Perry also drowned in “the heated end of pool”, but that it was a secondary factor in his October 28 death, deemed an accident. People close to Perry told investigators that he was undergoing ketamine infusion therapy, an experimental treatment used to treat depression and anxiety. NOTHING TO DO WITH COVID VAX .


According to the results of an autopsy? 

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On 12/16/2023 at 7:00 PM, Ohokaman said:


Surely he knew this stuff would put him to sleep, so why go near a pool FFS… ??:rcf-monkey:

Even Michael Jackson was smart enough to keep away from the pool when he was being put to sleep!

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On 12/18/2023 at 9:56 PM, Gruff said:

So Ketamine was the FDA as safe as was the  Covid vaccination .... so which is safer?

Safe for the mentally stable Gruff , nobody can cater for those disturbed/addicted in society but  here's some great news you MIGHT approve of ,  

Quote , An updated vaccine to combat the newest strains of Covid-19 has been approved and will be ready in time for New Zealand’s winter in 2024.

Medsafe today approved Pfizer’s application for the new vaccine which will “be used to help reduce next year’s winter load on our hospitals”. , 

“The series of changes we see in the Covid-19 virus means we need to continually reassess and update our response to it,” Medsafe group manager Chris James said in a statement. The announcement came as the country battles a fifth wave of infections in the lead up to Christmas. 

There were 7417 new Covid-19 cases reported in the week , now when you consider many people infected  don't report it  it's fair to say covid is in full swing again . I was ready to role up my sleeve yesterday but they wouldn't jab me ,(no 5)  I have to wait until after christmas , bugger .


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So what exactly has the new ' mrna' got that the original Spike protein concoction  hasn't ? given this 'Virus has mutated well over a Mlliion times 🙄? You are going to take shots every month for the rest of your life somehow believing its 'saving you' without questioing what's in it and why the 'stability of the original required sure you are not insane (from previous inciteful posts) but to believe  in this obvious fraud is a concern...surely even the seasoned vaccinated are waking up????? ...Don't tell me you are vaccinated for Shingrix??   Shingles is immune system related so NO Vaccine will boost that, as I've said previous a fit healthy 72 year old with a great diet and lifestyle got this shit and within 10 months he was fighting for his eyesight with Shingles. Take control of your ownnhealth dont put it in the hands of snake oil salesmen

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Well Gruff do the maths covid kicked off early in 2020 , that's almost 3 years ago , I've had 4 jabs so the average is around 1 every 9 months and in time that average will be 1 a year so not much of an issue as time and life move on . Now plenty of fit healthy 72 year olds don't make it to 73 so nothing special there but many who reach that age and much more have had plenty from  big pharma.

Still struggling with this but the great news is that figure of 51 phantoms has now been reduced to a still unbelievable 31 , whoever is behind this hoax has lost the cause any creditability that's if they ever had any so they are reducing the number to try to regain  some lost ground , next week the number will be 11 , if that doesn't work then 2 , its a fairytale .

Quote , vaccination Centre in Invercargill, 51 people were vaccinated within the space of just two hours. All 51 are now dead

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