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On 2/1/2024 at 7:26 PM, Gruff said:

Had to laugh at Verral having a crack at the new National health minister, she oversaw the most disgraceful time in NZ Health and was giving her stick over a few smokes, people work hard and have the choice .What a $%%

Typical labour trying to control everyone and everything, I'm a non smoker myself, but have no issues with any hardworking tax paying kiwi having a cigarillo, just like a few of us enjoying a bet or a beer or whatever, as for the enquiry into the covid response, it'll be just to appease the public, will cost more money for bugger all answers, I think I'll head down to supermarket, heard they make a nice ratatouille.

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19 hours ago, Gruff said:

Where's the data coming from   ?


Gruff you are trying to scam us , Uruguay didn't purchase vaccines until 9 MONTHS  after the initial outbreak meaning by the time they distributed the jab it was probably 12 months after the initial outbreak , Uruguay seems to be proof  that the covid jab was in fact essential . 

The first cases in Uruguay were reported on 13 March 2020 by the Ministry of Public Health.[2]

On 23 January 2021, President Luis Lacalle Pou announced during a press conference that the government purchased doses of COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Sinovac Biotech, while negotiating with a third manufacturer.[7]

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On 2/20/2024 at 5:52 PM, tripple alliance said:

Gruff you are trying to scam us , Uruguay didn't purchase vaccines until 9 MONTHS  after the initial outbreak meaning by the time they distributed the jab it was probably 12 months after the initial outbreak , Uruguay seems to be proof  that the covid jab was in fact essential . 

The first cases in Uruguay were reported on 13 March 2020 by the Ministry of Public Health.[2]

On 23 January 2021, President Luis Lacalle Pou announced during a press conference that the government purchased doses of COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Sinovac Biotech, while negotiating with a third manufacturer.[7]

You have been Scammed for years , how would you know what one looks like?  We were bombarded with ads claiming you have to get jabbed to protect other's....scam? Proven to be but not a peep from you🙄

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The Epicentre of this 'event' was in China and within a condensed Population...they have NOT used Pfizer Biontechs potion . Why not?🙄  and we are opening our borders to Chinese when Covid is still rampant across the 'Motu' 🤣

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On 2/20/2024 at 5:52 PM, tripple alliance said:

Gruff you are trying to scam us , Uruguay didn't purchase vaccines until 9 MONTHS  after the initial outbreak meaning by the time they distributed the jab it was probably 12 months after the initial outbreak , Uruguay seems to be proof  that the covid jab was in fact essential . 

The first cases in Uruguay were reported on 13 March 2020 by the Ministry of Public Health.[2]

On 23 January 2021, President Luis Lacalle Pou announced during a press conference that the government purchased doses of COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Sinovac Biotech, while negotiating with a third manufacturer.[7]


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I see Cameroon are now pumping their Kids with the expensive useless mosirix vaccine courtesy of the WHO and the  Bill gates run Gavi even though it's a failure which Billy public  acknowledges ...people are slow learners and remember GE mosquitos in the Billions are being released anywhere they feel free to choose, what other failed experiments are going on around the world right now while people fall ill to all sorts of cancer and  disease ...just a coincidence🙄

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17 hours ago, Gruff said:

So Uruguay purchased this jan/Feb 21....that's pretty much when the shit hit the fan there. 🙄 vaccines my ass

Thats exactly when the shit hit the fan Gruff they tried to avoid the jab and left it to late , the damage was already done before the jab arrived , the death rate was high because they administered the  jab to late , they must have had advisors like your self , no doubt those advisors are now unemployed .

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Just wonder how much difference ones opinion on all the covid inquiry be listened to or even read, just like a referendum only out there to appease the public, and think their opinions matter, but at the end of the day, don't think it will make a scrap of difference.

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1 hour ago, Shad said:

Just wonder how much difference ones opinion on all the covid inquiry be listened to or even read, just like a referendum only out there to appease the public, and think their opinions matter, but at the end of the day, don't think it will make a scrap of difference.

You can't turn the clock back and undo what's done but you can learn for the future , sooner or later this will happen again , let's wait and see what conclusions this commission comes to .

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2 hours ago, tripple alliance said:

You can't turn the clock back and undo what's done but you can learn for the future , sooner or later this will happen again , let's wait and see what conclusions this commission comes to .

Wouldn't hope my breath, hardly be an independent one.

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On 3/26/2024 at 11:37 AM, tripple alliance said:

You can't turn the clock back and undo what's done but you can learn for the future , sooner or later this will happen again , let's wait and see what conclusions this commission comes to .

Are you serious? This inquiry does not include key points of concern, and interesting to see they are now using the deaf Amanda Kvalsig instead of Mike Baker who along with Nick Smith implemented these draconian measures following WHO guidelines..elimination🤣 was NEVER going to happen and we are now 4 years in..... Cancer is on the rise and experts in the field predicted this year's ago and they are now blaming 'Covid' infection ....they want everyone jabbed yet again coming very soon,and if you believe them you have nobody to blame but yourselves😓....Spanish flu had no vaccine and lasted 18 months....we are 4 years in with the best experts worldwide telling us it's safe and effective......are we that stupid

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It's actually quite amusing that these so called 'Brilliant virologists were trying to help humanity by creating 'Vaccines ' that were created by progressing replicating 'Viruses in labs hundreds of times their natural progression..... We live in Viral and Bacterial realms..... where is the money going🤔


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On 6/27/2020 at 7:32 PM, Gruff said:

Fauci predicted Covid to be 10 times more deadly than the Flu and the WHO said 20.... its lucky to be 2.... this is a problem for those looking to mandate a worldwide vaccine ,which as we know is being made in the Billions without being tested for efficacy on Humans... Animal trials proved to be a flop... they need to push the lies and fearmongering to keep people thinking they need yet another series of vaccines, and you can guarantee its going to be an annual event


No surprise

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What really fucks me off is this perpetual Nat/ Lab bullshit just sponge taxpayer dollars and the jobs they cut never involve useless pricks like Mike Baker and Wiles and Thick as a plank Plank .... we have had enough surely. Treason 

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How often do we see Ads on TV promoting Wellbeing?

Yet we are now Bombarded with Ads promoting Taxpayers funding slime making huge sums with 'Vaccines that don't work, don't give any reasonable long term efficacy and create adverse reactions that are long term and potentially life threatening ...cancer rates are rising and these peopke pushing mammograms and screening with 50% at best results are taking breasts off Women that could keep them..... wake up, it's YOUR call make better decisions

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