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Pottsie last won the day on December 26 2022

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About Pottsie

  • Birthday 09/16/1955

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Pottsie's Achievements

Open Class - R121

Open Class - R121 (4/4)



  1. Hope this is not a stupid question. Going on cruise leaving Auckland and going Bay of Islands then Fiji and Samoa. Have paid for expensive WI FI for cruise, for mainly family reasons. Any one know if I will be able to connect to TAB once out in the ocean or is it the same as not working in Australia. If not, I'll give me a break from punting and I'll come back rearing to go. Good punting Race Cafers
  2. As a member of BGP since its beginning, the last 2 years are the worst for returns of their big investments on Karaka millions night. It's the risk you take with any investment and if you cannot afford it, don't bet or join BGP. Getting new people into racing must help the industry. I do get winners from their weekly email with their 9 trotting and galloping tipsters best bets. Having worked once with Luke for 2 years I've never met anyone with as much enthusiasm for racing as he is. Hopefully they'll take last night on the chin and carry on.
  3. Otaki roughie for the day Race 1 # 16 Patriot
  4. Good morning Please keep $50 for the site or future competitions for 2025 year. Many Thanks
  5. $100 Winning Bet for this competition Sorry didn't know where to post, hopefully will get read. Rotorua Race 2 #9 Clear Conscience $50 E/W Thank you Happy Punting New Year Race Cafe memnbers
  6. Betterbeyou and I'Dont will beat your pick Maximus. Either Sharrock's and Patterson stables should all races. Cheers
  7. Good morning Thank you Say No More for running this and all the other competitions .You are indeed a true champion. Also thanks to the other competitors for a great finish. A great way to end the year. I will have a look over the fields between Xmas and new year for the bet and donate half the winnings , if any, back for future competitions. Hoping you will be around during that period. Wish all Race Cafe people a fantastic Xmas and 2025 Punting results. Pottsie
  8. looks like I;m a sprinter and not a stayer. Cheers
  9. 1. Trentham R1 - 5,11 2. Trentham R3 - 3 ,5 3. Trentham R5 - 2,3 BB 4. Trentham R6 - 3,11 BB 5. Trentham R7 - 1,8 6. Randwick R1 - 1,7 7. Randwick R6 - 1,3 8. Randwick R7 - 7,10 9. Pakenham R6 -3,6 10. Pakenham R7 -3,9 11. Pakenham R8 -1,6 12. Pakenham R9 1,8 Thanks again to organisers. And a Merry Christmas to all and hope Santa Comes to you ( if you're been good) Happy Days
  10. Sorry that's pretty embarrassing . Format now all sorted.
  11. Yeap go for that one. Cheers Quite like Fonsi today race 5 Pottsy
  12. Good Morning Race Cafers Many Thanks Say No More, sorry don't know your first name. For the final, just keep it simple Pick 2 horses 2 Best Bets $20 EW $2 Quinella $2 Trifecta I'm happy if you wish to alter Happy Days Pottsie
  13. 1. Te Rapa R1 - 1, 2 2. Te Rapa R2 - 1,5 BB 3. Te Rapa R3 - 4,9 BB 4. Te Rapa R4 - 1,2 5. Te Rapa R5 - 1,5 6. Te Rapa R6 - 1,4 7. Invercargill R2 - 5,6 8. Invercargill R5 - 2,3 9. Randwick R1 -3,9 10. Randwick R2 - 1,4 11. Caulfield R2 -1,3 12. Caulfield R3 -2,9 Best luck to all and Thanks to oganisers
  14. 1. Ellerslie R2 - 1/6/7 BBet 2. Ellerslie R3 - 1/2/6 3. Ellerslie R4 - 4/7/8 4. Ellerslie R5 - 1/2/6 5. Ellerslie R6 - 4/7/8 6. Trentham R6 - 1/6/13 7. Trentham R7 - 3/4/12 BBet 8. Trentham R8 -3/4/11 9. Rosehill R3 - 2/4/14 10. Rosehill R4 - 4/6/8 Good luck to everyone and many thanks to organisers