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Gary continues to maintain that he is not the correspondent "Umbrage".

I accept Gary' s word.

Re-reading my recent postings, it is apparent to me that I am very angry.

Gary and David are not responsible for my anger and I need to direct my energies at those who are damaging the greyhound sport and industry and, in particular, the sport and industry in the CD.

I regret the provocative content of my recent postings.

All the best.


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You are a bald-faced liar.

I know that, and you know that I know.

I have no idea as to what you are talking about this time, so post whatever you are going on about and I will reply.


It has now been confirmed that you were the informant. The information received can and will be backed up.

I take exception to being called a liar on a public forum and if you continue to make false allegations against me, I will take legal action.

I have been acused of:

1. Doing a deal with the GRNZ in regard to my charges. I can confirm that the tribunal hearing took place on Monday the 19th of October as scheduled. The outcome of that hearing will not be known until the end of next week. So, the allegation made was a lie.

2. The petition regarding Ms. Dalley was presented to the GRNZ board in August at Ms. Dalley's REQUEST. As stated previously it was presented by our Lp rep on behalf of the Lp's who SIGNED the petition. The GRNZ Board responded in writing. These facts can be confirmed by Mr. Calverley and Ms. Dalley.

3. The petition regarding the ministerial enquiry has not yet been presented. I will say this, the authors of the petition of which I am one, had no intention to present the petition at the AGM. This fact was publicly stated. We have been told that we have to back the petition with hard evidence and until the evidence gathering is completed the petition will stay in our hands. To allege that I as one of the authors, purposely held back the petition from the AGM for personal gain is not only a personal insult but also an UNMITIGATED LIE.

4. Two of the Known petition authors, myself and Mr. Clarke were charged for postings made on Racecafe. You can draw your own conclusions as to why. No one else has been charged. I put my whole future in greyhound racing on the line for these petitions, so to be acused of being a gutless, deal taking, bullsheting lowly photographer is a kick in the teeth especially given that the informant is a SERVANT of the club board on which I presently sit.

5. It has also been insinuated that I may have played a role in arranging a meeting with GRNZ Board members without the knowledge of my own club board. The writer of this refers to those club members that attended the alleged secret meeting as "Judases". The fact of the matter is that the GRNZ arranged the meeting for reasons known to you Ashoka, all club board members were informed, only four presented to the meeting. To my knowledge only one apology was received. It was confirmed by club board members at Sunday's board meeting that the GRNZ meeting was in FACT called at the insistance of the GRNZ.

6. I was asked to stand down from the Manawatu board by two board members over the publicising of both petitions on Racecafe. One of the board members was you Ashoka. I refused and have faced a constant backlash as a result ever since. All the information that I have published here today can be verified by fellow club board members, Mr Calverley, and Ms. Dalley.

7. We as a club have a number of issues which need to be resolved. We need to sit down with various groups and work together in order to safeguard our future. Crapping on club board members, and other CD club officials is not going to acheive that. We by the nature of our rep vote, returned Mr McArthur to office. Our candidate did not have the support of the other CD clubs, we chose to vote with our own candidate knowing that Mr McArthur would not be defeated. You can put what ever spin you like on it Ashoka, but that is a fact.

8. If your assacination attempts continue, I will lock and load.

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If you did your homework Ashoka-like ring the former president- you would find the Wairarapa committee were unanimously in favour of David Scott's nomination, and you and John were informed of that many weeks before the vote took place.I have been informed that if you want a detailed account of what happened over the voting process then that same former president is quite happy to provide it re race cafe.Personality clashes will not, however, solve Manawatu's current plight.Somehow the committee there and the GRNZ board have to work together for a common reason, to keep the club solvent and up and running.Some people may have to take a backward step for that to be achieved, nothing is surer than that.

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You are a bald-faced liar.

The matter about which you previously lied has nothing to do with what you have posted here.

However, you continue to lie.

I have no knowledge of what you are talking about now.

I know nothing about the petitions.

I know nothing about any deals.

Nowhere have I said that I did.

I have no knowledge of what, exactly, you are accusing me of.

You are wrong about all the MGRC Board members being informed of the meeting.

I am a MGRC Board member...read our Rules...and I was deliberately excluded, apparently.

The original meeting, which John Gommans cancelled when he became of it, was organised behind John and my backs. I am reliably informed that the purpose of that meeting was to seek the removal of both John and myself.

I am the servant of the MGRC Board, not you. You have caused me endless problems with your behaviour. You have publicly rubbished your own Board colleagues on this forum and now you want to play the martyr game.

You know that I have delivered a letter to the NZRB CEO (delivered by hand on Friday, 9 October 2009).

I stand behind everything I have alledged in that letter.

Your publishing of your garbage on this forum undermines the intent my letter.

I don't find that a coincidence.

I have called you a bald-faced liar because I know that you are one...you lied bald-faced to the Manawatu Board.

. One day, they will realise what you really are, much to their astonishment, as I did.

Go ahead and sue me. I believe that every word I have posted is true.


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Gary Caffell and the Wairarapa and Wellington representatives were informed of Manawatu's position well before the election.

That the representatives then went and effectively shot their own clubs is not Manawatu's fault.

The MGRC is solvent.

You post as if you know the facts...that seems strange to me. If's as if you have a judas goat, to use John Goode's delightfully appropriate phrase, passing you information, albeit with a bent.

Keep posting...you sound like a jealous individual. I represent an honest club with a tradition of sticking up for what is right. Given the nature of the Greyhound Board over the last ten years or so, it is no surprise that a club that represents the integrity of the greyhound sport and industry continues to draw the Board's flack.

I will continue to do what is in the best interests of the MGRC and the greyhound sport and industry until the MGRC decides it no longer requires my services.

Whether I remain in my current position will be determined by the MGRC Board, not by the posturing and preening of a very small number of ignorant malcontents.



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You are a bald-faced liar.

The matter about which you previously lied has nothing to do with what you have posted here.

However, you continue to lie.

I have no knowledge of what you are talking about now.

I know nothing about the petitions.

I know nothing about any deals.

Nowhere have I said that I did.

I have no knowledge of what, exactly, you are accusing me of.

You are wrong about all the MGRC Board members being informed of the meeting.

I am a MGRC Board member...read our Rules...and I was deliberately excluded, apparently.

The original meeting, which John Gommans cancelled when he became of it, was organised behind John and my backs. I am reliably informed that the purpose of that meeting was to seek the removal of both John and myself.

I am the servant of the MGRC Board, not you. You have caused me endless problems with your behaviour. You have publicly rubbished your own Board colleagues on this forum and now you want to play the martyr game.

You know that I have delivered a letter to the NZRB CEO (delivered by hand on Friday, 9 October 2009).

I stand behind everything I have alledged in that letter.

Your publishing of your garbage on this forum undermines the intent my letter.

I don't find that a coincidence.

I have called you a bald-faced liar because I know that you are one...you lied bald-faced to the Manawatu Board.

. One day, they will realise what you really are, much to their astonishment, as I did.

Go ahead and sue me. I believe that every word I have posted is true.


You acused me of being a liar on this thread and now turn round and say that it had nothing to do with what I previously posted on this thread. Well how bl--dy random is that! So you acused me of being a liar just for the hell of it.

The person who confirmed that you are indeed passing on this information is prepared to stand up in court and testify.

You may well believe your own spin but you and the truth don't always hold hands.

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"You know that I have delivered a letter to the NZRB CEO (delivered by hand on Friday, 9 October 2009).

I stand behind everything I have alledged in that letter.

Your publishing of your garbage on this forum undermines the intent my letter.

I don't find that a coincidence."

The point is Ashoka that you presented that letter without the Manawatu club boards knowledge or sanction. A servant of the board would have first gained approval from his own club board before embarking on such an endeavour. Secondly, you failed to appear at your own club's AGM because you say you were in Wellington presenting the same unsantioned letter. FACT!

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It has now been confirmed that you were the informant. The information received can and will be backed up.

I take exception to being called a liar on a public forum and if you continue to make false allegations against me, I will take legal action.

I have been acused of:

1. Doing a deal with the GRNZ in regard to my charges. I can confirm that the tribunal hearing took place on Monday the 19th of October as scheduled. The outcome of that hearing will not be known until the end of next week. So, the allegation made was a lie.

2. The petition regarding Ms. Dalley was presented to the GRNZ board in August at Ms. Dalley's REQUEST. As stated previously it was presented by our Lp rep on behalf of the Lp's who SIGNED the petition. The GRNZ Board responded in writing. These facts can be confirmed by Mr. Calverley and Ms. Dalley.

3. The petition regarding the ministerial enquiry has not yet been presented. I will say this, the authors of the petition of which I am one, had no intention to present the petition at the AGM. This fact was publicly stated. We have been told that we have to back the petition with hard evidence and until the evidence gathering is completed the petition will stay in our hands. To allege that I as one of the authors, purposely held back the petition from the AGM for personal gain is not only a personal insult but also an UNMITIGATED LIE.

4. Two of the Known petition authors, myself and Mr. Clarke were charged for postings made on Racecafe. You can draw your own conclusions as to why. No one else has been charged. I put my whole future in greyhound racing on the line for these petitions, so to be acused of being a gutless, deal taking, bullsheting lowly photographer is a kick in the teeth especially given that the informant is a SERVANT of the club board on which I presently sit.

5. It has also been insinuated that I may have played a role in arranging a meeting with GRNZ Board members without the knowledge of my own club board. The writer of this refers to those club members that attended the alleged secret meeting as "Judases". The fact of the matter is that the GRNZ arranged the meeting for reasons known to you Ashoka, all club board members were informed, only four presented to the meeting. To my knowledge only one apology was received. It was confirmed by club board members at Sunday's board meeting that the GRNZ meeting was in FACT called at the insistance of the GRNZ.

6. I was asked to stand down from the Manawatu board by two board members over the publicising of both petitions on Racecafe. One of the board members was you Ashoka. I refused and have faced a constant backlash as a result ever since. All the information that I have published here today can be verified by fellow club board members, Mr Calverley, and Ms. Dalley.

7. We as a club have a number of issues which need to be resolved. We need to sit down with various groups and work together in order to safeguard our future. Crapping on club board members, and other CD club officials is not going to acheive that. We by the nature of our rep vote, returned Mr McArthur to office. Our candidate did not have the support of the other CD clubs, we chose to vote with our own candidate knowing that Mr McArthur would not be defeated. You can put what ever spin you like on it Ashoka, but that is a fact.

8. If your assacination attempts continue, I will lock and load.

I have just read my post again and I need to make corrections to clarify the intent.

In point 6.

Quote: "All the information that I have published here today can be verified by fellow club board members, Mr Calverley, and Ms. Dalley."

This sentence may be taken out of context and could be misinterpreted. In no way did I mean that the "fellow club board members, Mr Calverley, and Ms. Dalley," could verify all the points listed as they in fact cannot. They can only verify the points to which they have been named. Please accept my sincerest apology for the error. There was no intention on my behalf to implicate any party named in any point not associated with them directly.

Mr Calverley and Ms. Dalley can only verify the first two points of the original posting, they have no knowledge of the other points made. Mr Calverley and Ms. Dalley can verify that the hearing went ahead as planned, and that a decision is yet to be handed down. Secondly, Mr Calverley and Ms. Dalley can comfirm that only the Dalley petition was presented. The petition was presented with Ms. Dalley's permission. Once again my sincerest apology to you both for the confusion.

The second correction that I would like to make is that the GRNZ meeting spoken about in point 5 was arranged by the GRNZ, I have written at there insistance and that may also be misrepresented. The club board members were urged to attend for all the right reasons given the urgency of our situation. We were neither ordered or compelled to attend. I apologise to the GRNZ for any offence taken as that was never intended. It was a poor choice of words on my behalf. I sincerely apologise to anyone other than the intended recipient if I have caused any offence at all.

This whole post was aimed directly at Ashoka Pandey, and was not intended to cause any embarrassment to any other party. It is a direct response to the insinuation made in posts 8 & 13 and aimed soley at the informant. The informant's information I believe coloured the writer's perception. It is also a direct response to Ashoka's statement that I am "Bald Faced Liar".

Apologies once again to anyone else who took offence.

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The letter is on MGRC letterhead as I am employed by the MGRC and it would be stupid to try to dodge that fact.

The word "I", not we, is used throughout the letter to distinguish this letter from letters written in my official capacity, in which "we" is used throughout.

The words "in my opinion" appear throughout the letter.

If there are any negative repercussions from this letter, they will be directed at me, not the MGRC.

You have seen this letter. I find the fact that you seem to be distancing yourself from it rather interesting.

You are not what you portray yourself to be to others, in my opinion.


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Gary Caffell and the Wairarapa and Wellington representatives were informed of Manawatu's position well before the election.

That the representatives then went and effectively shot their own clubs is not Manawatu's fault.

Im sorry Ashoka .... I strongly disagree with that statement.

One club and one club only created what we have now. Manawatu.

As I remonstraited with you many times before the vote, Wairarapa had already said they were voting for David and were not changing.

Wellington, also were voting for David.

That left Manawatu with the vote to CHANGE the statis quo .... But they [you, whoever] didnt.

It would not have mattered if Wellington had voted for John G, Macafe would have still got IN !!. We needed 3 votes for change. Just as I told you 48 hours before the election, Wairarpa had cast their vote, if you [Manawatu] vote for John G ....... Macafe will be re-elected !!!.

But, you still didnt listen.

I thought we [those 3 clubs] had come a long way in working together [for a better CD] but, it looks like I was wrong.

Please make sure you AGM goes ahead tomorrow night as I am driving up from Wellington to attend. For a club that was spouting so much that they should be putting forward the next CD rep, yet cannot seem to hold their own AGM on time is a bit rich Ashoka !!.

All this is doing is making it harder for anyone to enjoy this sport.

I for one have just about had enough. Think it might be time to buy a boat !!!

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what you think.

You used our stationary to send a letter to the RB that we did not sanction, you have publicly admitted that. We had no knowledge that letter existed and were not informed of it's existence until days after it's delivery. That same letter was used as an excuse for not appearing at your own AGM. You could of delivered the letter on any other day, but you chose to deliver it in person on the day of a well advertised, scheduled club AGM. You left the club members and club board completely in the dark. You didn't even have the common courtesy to let us know that you were not going to show up. You not only wasted our time, petrol, and club funds, but you had people believing that you may have suffered a tragedy. Totally indefenceable behaviour. In any other club that type of behaviour would have seen the employee instantly dismissed.

You have a crusade and that's great. By all means fight the whoever, but do your job first.

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36 votes thus far with 61% voting that the money should be paid back to NZGRA.

You should run a poll on whether the money expended by the nzgra on the so called rocketship rort should be repayed and investigate in whose pocket the money ended up in.

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not me bud i was a conscientious objector'''''''

"Let he (update that to add '/she') who is without sin cast the first stone!"

Actually I am told society is to blame but the policeman tells me not to worry they'll be charging them too.

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Quote: "You know that I have delivered a letter to the NZRB CEO (delivered by hand on Friday, 9 October 2009).

I stand behind everything I have alledged in that letter.

Your publishing of your garbage on this forum undermines the intent my letter.

I don't find that a coincidence".

I have just re-read your post and statement. You lied to the Manawatu Club Board. You told the board that you were in Wellington on Thursday the 8th of October to deliver your allegations to the RB, a letter we did not sanction. Your ride back let you down, your cellphone was dead and there were no phones in Wellington. These were the reasons given to the board for your non appearance on Thursday night.

You have just admitted on a public forum that the statements made to the Manawatu board were lies. I have just confirmed by phone that your letter of allegation was as you have stated on this forum delivered on Friday the 9th of October, along with financial documents requested by the GRNZ.

You were in fact in Palmerston North on Thursday the 8th of October, and you are now in the ****e! Looking forward to tonights AGM, please make sure you turn up this time.

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I for one have just about had enough. Think it might be time to buy a boat !!!

You not the only one there, many CD Lp`s have walked, many more will.

The very real problem coming is collapse cause by going away from CD roots of being full of hobby trainers who were happy to just race dogs as sport to now were there no place for them if the have below average dogs.

Regardless of who CD Rep Manawatu been shafted on promise of income from OZ races to pay for the new track. Monday NZ turnover crap no income to cover any repayments.

CD ReP has to sort this problem out as its beyond the club to do so. If he cannot its shut the door and be wound up. Maybe thats what NZGRA and NZRB wont????????

Hope tonights meeting goes well for everyone.

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Quote: "You know that I have delivered a letter to the NZRB CEO (delivered by hand on Friday, 9 October 2009).

I stand behind everything I have alledged in that letter.

Your publishing of your garbage on this forum undermines the intent my letter.

I don't find that a coincidence".

I have just re-read your post and statement. You lied to the Manawatu Club Board. You told the board that you were in Wellington on Thursday the 8th of October to deliver your allegations to the RB, a letter we did not sanction. Your ride back let you down, your cellphone was dead and there were no phones in Wellington. These were the reasons given to the board for your non appearance on Thursday night.

You have just admitted on a public forum that the statements made to the Manawatu board were lies. I have just confirmed by phone that your letter of allegation was as you have stated on this forum delivered on Friday the 9th of October, along with financial documents requested by the GRNZ.

You were in fact in Palmerston North on Thursday the 8th of October, and you are now in the ****e! Looking forward to tonights AGM, please make sure you turn up this time.

Nasty piece of work here, hope the Manawatu Club Members have the sense to realise just whats happening to their Club. And to you Ashoka, my best wishes at tonights AGM. This LP reckons you have, and are doing a sterling job for your Club in very difficult circumstances.

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Nasty piece of work here, hope the Manawatu Club Members have the sense to realise just whats happening to their Club. And to you Ashoka, my best wishes at tonights AGM. This LP reckons you have, and are doing a sterling job for your Club in very difficult circumstances.

Anyone who comes into a conversation on an open forum and calls any poster a "Bald Faced Liar" with no justification or evidence, then proceeds to make statements known to be untrue to justify his position does so with the full knowledge that he may well face a justified backlash.

The posting that you refer to as a "Nasty Piece of Work" is in fact the truth, the information once again can be verified, and was my written response to the slander, innuendo, and false statements made by the intended recipient.

If you start a fire John, then expect to get burnt.

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I read the Manawatu Standard article today (haven't looked at the Cafe for a week or two) and could see the problems faced by the Club being at loggerheads with the Board.

Not much has changed. This was the biggest concern I had some years ago when discussing/negotiating with Board Members and Lance Bickford on how to resolve a satisfactory future for continued racing at Hutt Park - that is that the Board would make all the decisions, but the Club would carry the financial risks despite an apparent lack of genuine support from the Board in race date allocations and funding policies to ensure the Club could sustain its position financially - the CD rep failed to get involved at all which made the whole process rather absurd. The Board worked on "retain all authority and power (after all we're the big boys with the big salaries), but delegate all the risk to the Club run by willing greyhound enthusiastic volunteers".

So the article rang a few bells with me, and reminded me why I eventually walked away.

Such a shame that this dysfunctional environment (where Board and Clubs are not working together) is bringing out the worst in the protagonists on this thread.

Deed says: "The issue is not about the loan, it

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I read the Manawatu Standard article today (haven't looked at the Cafe for a week or two) and could see the problems faced by the Club being at loggerheads with the Board.

Not much has changed. This was the biggest concern I had some years ago when discussing/negotiating with Board Members and Lance Bickford on how to resolve a satisfactory future for continued racing at Hutt Park - that is that the Board would make all the decisions, but the Club would carry the financial risks despite an apparent lack of genuine support from the Board in race date allocations and funding policies to ensure the Club could sustain its position financially - the CD rep failed to get involved at all which made the whole process rather absurd. The Board worked on "retain all authority and power (after all we're the big boys with the big salaries), but delegate all the risk to the Club run by willing greyhound enthusiastic volunteers".

So the article rang a few bells with me, and reminded me why I eventually walked away.

Such a shame that this dysfunctional environment (where Board and Clubs are not working together) is bringing out the worst in the protagonists on this thread.

Deed says: "The issue is not about the loan, it

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There is no question that mediation has to occur between the board and the Manawatu club, and that those at the head of each organisation need to step aside and allow an independant arbitrator (or arbitrators)to review all the issues and come up with reccomendations that both parties MUST adhere to.Opening up the Manawatu books has to be the first step so that the financial plight of the club becomes crystal clear, and policies put in place to ensure they don't happen again. If tough decisions need to be made now is the time to make them.

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