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Everything posted by lee

  1. lee

    the jewish

    i will carry on reading then.
  2. lee

    the jewish

    This is the kind of propaganda that they use for no brain skinheads to get to join the neo nazi party. in my opinion the only good nazi is a dead one.
  3. sp8. very interesting reading indeed. but is this not a bit like bush blew up the twin towers not bin laden and armstrong never landed on the moon it was all in a studio.?. but hey stranger things have happened but what i have seen on old footage with jewish camps it looked very real and very up setting to me.
  4. and very alarming, cadmium? isnt that whats in batteries.
  5. oops must have missed it then, old age and failing eye sight.
  6. should be moved to general chat.
  7. thats all it is jim im no expert on the matter i just spent time watching this kind of thing escalating and have my own views on how it will end.cheers.
  8. of course again no pun intended he comes coursing with me all the time, no we are not mates we have some similar views as you can gather from here, but as i have said before there is a big difference between an animal rights activist and an animal welfare one i am the second one. stop being so cynical
  9. What with Aaron himself and was there any out come, the reason i ask is that nothing was put on here unless i missed it.
  10. no not true at all, and it really does not matter what i think its the greyhound protection league you have to convince not me. why is nobody from the industry meeting with them or mr cross to discuss these matters or have they done so yet.?
  11. Euthanise, well thats a pretty word means the same thing at the end of the day. as for pet owners they are not running a business and that is the main issue with the antis it making money from it.
  12. as thick as any other nation, can i ask the audience or phone a friend if no joy i go 50 50. are you going to meet up with me then.?
  13. i know what ear muffs are just didn't get it still don't.
  14. gary i would pick you up from the air port and meet you for a chat and a beer but you know as well as i do you wouldnt show up.
  15. also if our kids are not that good at the sport they play we dont send them to kids as pets or swap them for another one so when your dealing with groups like the alf or peta thats how they see it for the dogs.
  16. jim i live nest to an ex ausie greyhound trainer who knows you he mentioned me to you on the phone a while back but you didnt know who he was on about. you do now.
  17. mike, you make it sound as if im trying to get it banned i had a race dog here not so long ago, thats not my way of thought im just stating its in the public eye now and will not go away. i was a raving anti for years so i know how that side of things work. all the best.lee
  18. yes but we dont kill em because they break a wrist or leg do we. IM getting pissed off with this argument as you all keep comparing it to human sports or pig dogs etc, the antis are not bothered with that at present its greyhound racing they are on to so good luck.
  19. Well if your jim from oz and you live down south you should know me as we sat together at dunedin a few times and had many chats at the trials on sunday mornings.? cheers, lee.
  20. mike i would just like to say racing is a recreational sport we do not need it just like smoking it is done for pleasure, so from an anti point of view its animals put at risk for the public to make money from. and at the end of the day it will come down to public opinion as to who has the last vote, i fought long and hard for the rite for my dog to hunt not because i like killing hares but because that was the dogs natural thing to do but the public had the upper hand and it was put through parliment and banned. kind regards, lee.
  21. very funny mr martin:) looks like you have us all worked out to a T.
  22. you are so correct, but they are not interested in all that there are plenty of welfare groups for all different animals all over the world. these just have got greyhound racing as there main concern and that is what they will stick with because its making money from it.