
Robert Dunn Vs All Stars.

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I see Robert is 3 wins ahead of the All Stars barn.It seems that we get to this battle every season of late,where RJ sneaks ahead,and then gets pegged back.Does anyone think that RJ can repel the challenge this season?.

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11 minutes ago, Overcheck said:

He might just do it this year as the All Stars don't appear to have many runners at the moment while they concentrate on Australia, and they don't normally get many winners during the winter months.

Last year Purdons had quite a few winnrrs in Autumn leading into Jewels.And then i think only 2 for rest of season after Jewels.


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3 hours ago, Fartoomuch said:
Robert Dunn 309 50 46 40 604,952 0.2877
Mark Purdon & Natalie Rasmussen 176 47 35 19 1,916,552 0.4135


133 more starts from Dunn's 2 stable operation reflected in poorer UDR but stakes won says it all in my book and that's only  NZ earnings.

Average cost per starter would be interesting.

RJ has a lot of Toyotas and Purdon a lot of BMWs .

BMWs breakdown more and cost more to get fixed - from personal experience.

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And both stables ( Dunn ) horse numbers would be lucky to be half what purdon has .

how many pre training camps do the purdons have - I know of 3 so on their books far more horses and quality stock ready to go to Rolleston than any trainer in NZ .

Read the web page and see how many there and then treble it .

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5 hours ago, Flagship uberalles said:

Robert dunn supporting the smaller clubs week In week out says it all to me, invaluable asset to harness racing in nz

Indeed and the NZTAB are grateful to him and John for providing product to such meetings. Thats the level of ability his horses. and lets not forget his level of business acumen

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So lets start another thread to beat up on the All Stars.....let's get green with envy ,let the jealousy ooze on to the keyboard.

What the All Stars do is easy ,anyone could do it.

But when considering what stable will have the most winners etc don't forget the Aussie results...dunno what they are for the season but I see MP has driven 10 winners for $1.3 mil while NR driven 2 wins for $177k and a couple of Aussie drivers have probably driven a couple as well.

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8 hours ago, Flagship uberalles said:

Robert dunn supporting the smaller clubs week In week out says it all to me, invaluable asset to harness racing in nz

Surely you're not suggesting Mr Dunn does this out of the goodness of his heart?  He does it because, with the class of horses he has, it's the best (indeed only) way to make a buck.  Don't think for a moment he wouldn't emulate the All Stars, if he had the horse power. 

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9 minutes ago, Basil said:

Surely you're not suggesting Mr Dunn does this out of the goodness of his heart?  He does it because, with the class of horses he has, it's the best (indeed only) way to make a buck.  Don't think for a moment he wouldn't emulate the All Stars, if he had the horse power. 

Basil, get off the grass!

Robert and John Dunn are true harness racing enthusiasts who are the second best trainers in the country.

Without them there would be many races that just would not happen, due to the numbers that they enter.

Some people we know worship the AllStars and we all,know what unbelievable results they have with their horses.

Not sure whether Fart Too Much was being derogatory or not, but if he was then it is pretty low to be putting down the salt of the earth, very hardworking Dunn stables.

I know who is more loyal to NZ harness racing and does far more for the NZ industry and most will agree with the Brodster!!!!


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8 minutes ago, Flagship uberalles said:

Bollocks,  for someone to suggest he is not to bright in the business dept is a pretty poor comment..

Who has mentioned this FU. If you are referring to FToo Much I read in his comment that he was in fact saying that Dunns business acumen is such that he realizes where to place his horses for the best results which this season he is getting. In other words A Very Smart Man.  Correct me is you and several others have read this another way somehow

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1 minute ago, Flagship uberalles said:

Well ftm said his LEVEL of business acumen, which reads as a poor level

Well I read it as a very good level as he places his horses very well. Thats what you stated earlier." Robert dunn supporting the smaller clubs week In week out' How do you read it as a poor level

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1 hour ago, Flagship uberalles said:

ftm has implied r.dunn doesn't have the business nous to do what the all stars do...

I was not referring to having a poor level in supporting smaller clubs, to the contrary I think everyone applauds that he has horses at most meetings. It was the poor level of his business acumen that I was asking you about as I see it as Dunn having very good business acumen in that he places his horses to the best of their abilities and thats why he gets the results. A smart man. 

Also there is no mention in FTM post of the All Stars and there is absolutely no implied message that R Dunn has no business nous. In fact the opposite.

Are you sure you are no just having ago at FTM as I know you two do not see eye to eye on most topics.

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2 hours ago, Brodie said:

I know who is more loyal to NZ harness racing

Brodie what defines loyal to NZ racing and what does a person/trainer do to be unloyal. Who is it that you know is more loyal to NZ harness and who is not. Please explain your reasons for this loyalty so we can understand who we should shun as I have no time for disloyalty.

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15 hours ago, Fartoomuch said:
Robert Dunn 309 50 46 40 604,952 0.2877
Mark Purdon & Natalie Rasmussen 176 47 35 19 1,916,552 0.4135


133 more starts from Dunn's 2 stable operation reflected in poorer UDR but stakes won says it all in my book and that's only  NZ earnings.


15 hours ago, Flagship uberalles said:

Robert dunn supporting the smaller clubs week In week out says it all to me, invaluable asset to harness racing in nz


9 hours ago, Fartoomuch said:

Indeed and the NZTAB are grateful to him and John for providing product to such meetings. Thats the level of ability his horses. and lets not forget his level of business acumen


Your blind support in FTM is disappointing for a reasoned person.

I believe with the help of FTM's first comment on the Dunn stable it clearly puts the second comment in its rightful context of being condescending and demeaning towards the Dunn stable.

And how can a person actually be in a position to write the words the 'NZ TAB are grateful' and 'for providing product to such (low class) meetings'? I would hardly think the TAB, as an entity, are grateful for anything. An amazingly condescending comment and bewildering one at that when one actually reads it closely.

We will wait to see if FTM wants to clarify what he meant but his track record of disdain for anything other than the All Stars means it is derogatory. 

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12 hours ago, tasman man 11 said:

So lets start another thread to beat up on the All Stars.....let's get green with envy ,let the jealousy ooze on to the keyboard.

What the All Stars do is easy ,anyone could do it.

But when considering what stable will have the most winners etc don't forget the Aussie results...dunno what they are for the season but I see MP has driven 10 winners for $1.3 mil while NR driven 2 wins for $177k and a couple of Aussie drivers have probably driven a couple as well.

Haha, my thoughts exactly

12 hours ago, Flagship uberalles said:

Bit harsh suggesting r dunn is a poor operater thats very low, even for you!  he's the grass roots, of trotting here and prepares his horses well, he may not have the fire power but does extremely well.

Thats your interpretation of my post, never said or implied they were poor operators Given your disdain for moi and my posts its not surprising you err on the negative side of things

9 hours ago, harewood said:

Who has mentioned this FU. If you are referring to FToo Much I read in his comment that he was in fact saying that Dunns business acumen is such that he realizes where to place his horses for the best results which this season he is getting. In other words A Very Smart Man.  Correct me is you and several others have read this another way somehow

Correct, but FU Brodie et al are too blinkered to read between the lines. Lets simplify things for the benefit of everyone. To lead the premiership means that they have: bought well, trained well and placed their horses well. That to me equals good business acumen. Well done to them

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11 hours ago, Flagship uberalles said:

Bollocks,  for someone to suggest he is not to bright in the business dept is a pretty poor comment....***not every stable has owners with cash to buy the cream of the crop***, the Dunn's are pretty grounded and to suggest they wouldn't support smaller clubs even with bigger fire power is very naïve.

Er, it's usually a good idea to read, and comprehend, what someone is saying before responding to it.  You're attributing altruism to behaviour that is simply self-interest --- precisely because he doesn't have the 'cream of the crop'.  Thinking otherwise is not just naive, it's positively daft.

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11 hours ago, Brodie said:

Basil, get off the grass!

Robert and John Dunn are true harness racing enthusiasts who are the second best trainers in the country.

Without them there would be many races that just would not happen, due to the numbers that they enter.

Some people we know worship the AllStars and we all,know what unbelievable results they have with their horses.

Not sure whether Fart Too Much was being derogatory or not, but if he was then it is pretty low to be putting down the salt of the earth, very hardworking Dunn stables.

I know who is more loyal to NZ harness racing and does far more for the NZ industry and most will agree with the Brodster!!!!


And your point is --- what?  It doesn't seem to have much to do with mine --- that Dunn, like all others in business, is motivated by self-interest rather than altruism.  That's not a derogatory slight on Dunn --- it's simply stating the bleeding obvious.


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12 hours ago, harewood said:

Sounds like the All Stars stable Brodie!

Harewood, totally the opposite.

The AllStars runners actually reduce the number of starters in many races as other trainers don’t bother lining their horses up!

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