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Immigration Far Quits

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In the last decade the floodgates have been opened in New Zealand to Chinese immigrants. Way too many,way too fast. The face of New Zealand has changed forever. I welcome immigrants from China but the balance is badly wrong to the point New Zealanders are now in danger of being over run in their own Country.


Jobs are a premium to the point many of our family members have to move to Australia just to have a reasonable chance at getting work and a decent quality of life. Despite that just about every business we walk into these days is dominated by Chinese New Zealanders. Our local Post Office often has five of the six tellers being Chinese.


I know of many examples where all this so called money these people bring into NZ helps nobody but themselves. Chinese people buying a business. Getting rid of the New Zealand staff and replacing them with Chinese. Claims made by many Chinese of having enough money to pass certain immigration criteria are farcical as one Chinese person helps another by being part of the scam. No follow ups by our immigration. 


We put up with this bullshit yet "white" people being shown the door by our immigration in a way that would have every non white person screaming RACISM if it was happening to them.


Watched yet another example of injustice by Wayne Kerr immigration officials last night on TV3.




An English guy well liked and respected in his local community. Runs a business that not only employs locals but also provides a service that is used by everyone in that community yet because he has a minor heart fibrillation that may at some point cost our health system 25k they are showing this man the door. That is despite his Children and grandchildren living here.


What sort of far quit would be so bloody heartless to do this to exactly the sort of man we actually want and need in NZ? It's just diabolical and even worse when you consider the open door policy to Chinese that has changed the balance of NZ for ever. How bad does this reflect on immigration when you have this situation and you have the man who seems a lovely guy thanking New Zealanders for their help and praising how wonderful NZ people are. We have a reputation as being quality people all around the world. Why then do we allow these Wayne Kerrs to destroy people and their families the way they have done here. How is NZ immigration looking after what's best for NZ and reflecting New Zealanders and what they would want by crucifying this man and his family?


I have a family member who performs surgery on a daily basis in a major Auckland hospital. He has become increasingly disillusioned in recent years with what he sees as the third worlding of our health system. My family member performs surgery every day on obese people from the Pacific Islands that don't live in NZ and or pay tax here. Their illness is largely self inflicted yet they get priority on our elderly who are dying while they wait and wait for priority surgery. When it suits our health system we have a magnificent system. For the rest of the time it's in crisis that is killing quality New Zealanders every day.


We know of an English couple that have been regular visitors to NZ for 20 years. They are considered wealthy by all who know them. They own a 1.8 million GBP's = 3.6 million NZ dollar home in Southern England. The husband runs an electrical business that employs 32 people directly.


They applied for residency in NZ and intended opening a business here that would employ 40+ people directly. Their application was declined because they are both 60 years old. They appealed and were rejected a second time. Everyone outside of immigration stunned by this absurd situation. Needless to say if they had been Chinese they would have been welcomed as the immigration guideline policy is so narrow and polluted by dickheads and their masters!


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As happens to all great empires, the Western World is in decline. The Chinese World is in the ascendancy for now and their ways will dominate the world for the next century or so. The fact that their ways include lack of democracy, authoritarianism and no economic power for the vast majority of individuals is probably something we will have to get used to. People like John Key are helping us to adapt to it.

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Ignorance is bliss (or agony for some I guess). Chinese tellers! Shock horror! They're taking our jobs! Lock the gate!!

You wouldn't know a Chinese from a Malay from a Thai. 


Of the 19 ethnic groups, three are caucasian. Over half are Asian and the rest black. Worse still for you whiteys is that caucasian is the submissive gene. SO you're history. Literally!  lol! 


And anyway, the Chinese have been in NZ for eons ... as this excerpt from a book on Chinese involvement in NZ market gardening explains ...


The first Chinese market gardeners arrived in New Zealand 1870 with very little to make a home and a life on the land. They worked onerous hours in all weathers to make a place for themselves and their families. It would be a rare local New Zealand Chinese family that did not have a link with a market garden.

At the peak in the 1960s, Chinese market gardeners produced 80 per cent of the country's greenleaf vegetables.


But they're not real (white) New Zealanders eh

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I'm sure bblunt would argue night follows day if it allowed him to put forward his blinkered reverse racism. A boy clearly not happy with his own racial grouping and sets out to prove that every time he speaks. If I was him I wouldn't like myself either.


Nobody is denying the Chinese have been in New Zealand for well over 120 years. That wasn't even up for discussion so why that was even put it on the table is beyond me.


The racial make up of New Zealand has been changed forever in the last decade. The amount of Chinese immigration has been staggering and the balance is just wrong but we are now stuck with it. For NZ and or whites to have the same impact on the cultural / racial make up of China we would need around 15 million white folk to emigrate to China. Tell me. Do you think if that happened the Chinese would welcome it? The answer to that question is beyond any doubt whatsoever.


I welcome Chinese immigrants to NZ just as I'd welcome those from England,Australia,South Africa etc etc. What I don't welcome is floodgates being opened the way they have been to the Chinese. We are still a young country finding our own way. Chinese culture goes back thousands of years and if enough of them emigrate to NZ our culture is in danger of being drowned by anything and everything Chinese. The balance is wrong. What highlights that situation even more dramatically is when our dickhead immigration crucify a white man and his family despite everyone in his community wanting him to stay in NZ as he's exactly the sort of person NZ needs.


A man who sets up a business and hires kiwi's. He does not buy an established business and get rid of the kiwi staff and replace them with Chinese staff. If you ran a vote with New Zealanders I'd say at least 95% of our population would want this man to stay in NZ. Based on immigration in NZ over the last decade this man is clearly from the wrong ethnic group if he wants to gain residency. If he was Chinese he would have already been welcomed into NZ and be happily using Chinese owned and operated only businesses for the last few years.


For bblunt to deny the enormous change in the racial balance in favour of Chinese in NZ over the last decade reflects someone who either dislikes his own race and or lives in a cave without ever venturing out to see reality.

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I don't get this "balance" thing you're on about.

I don't define myself by my ethnicity so I have no problem who is serving me at the post office. To be honest I wouldn't even notice. The notion of "ethnic purity" died when humans learned how to sail. To coin a cliche, and a reasonably catchy song, what we need is a great big melting pot. In fact there is no stopping it. It's just evolution so it's only going to get more prevalent. You might as well embrace it, lest you become bitter. Who knows, allaboveboard, you, or one of your children could even fall in love with a Chinese woman. It wouldn't be all bad.

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..there's been an especial drive to 'coffee Up' our total colour if you will., it is the rate and extent that burgeons infrastructure and sovereign culture obtrusively and predominantly.

..there's a Rate of assymulation that N.Z. can handle [metabolise]..and there's the nefarious rate of which Allaboveboard's pointing out, that'll culminate in obtuse outcomes., all of them frictional and spiteful.

..the country's under too greater 'change' attack from it's own governance, and if you add this binary factor in Too, then a partitioned populous will form, with corridors instead of happy expanses., pockets of dissent, and thespious politics...seeking leverage for the factional cause.

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Well done Hedley. Although I wouldn't deem it nefarious, and nor do I care, as the pockets of dissent you refer to have inherently raced-based ideologies, and for mine they're recessive in nature ... but  you present a far more eloquent assessment of the issue put forward. I'm sure allaboveboard feels exactly the same way but unfortunately he invavriably stumbles over his passion for the problem at hand, surmising the sky is falling when he sees his local Post Office full of Chinese tellers

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I share your opinion on the decision made in regard to the gentleman in question.


However, I don't know enough about the parameters used by the Immigration Department in arriving at its decision to come to any conclusion about the ethnicity factor.

I would like to see all the information about this decision made public, including all the criteria used to in arriving at the said decision.


As a New Zealander, I believe that we are all entitled to know what is being done in our name and why.




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I'm sure bblunt would argue night follows day if it allowed him to put forward his blinkered reverse racism.

I hate that term 'reverse racism'. It implies that only white people are capable of racism and if people of other races display it, then it is a reverse of the norm. Same with 'positive discrimination' - racism is racism and discrimination is discrimination.

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I appreciate only too well that when I see injustice I'm guilty of allowing Hematology conditions to factor into my expressions. However to childishly simplify my observations and that of many other New Zealanders as being based alone on seeing an in-balance of Chinese tellers at the Post Office reflects badly. It also displays a bias in logic against people expressing disappointment at the tidal wave Government controlled racial balance in their own country.


I don't believe for a moment that it's the start of the end for NZ because we've allowed far too many Chinese here far too quickly. I do however feel any "adjustments" made to the racial mix of a very young country such as NZ should be done quietly and gently with respect for the status quo. That has not been done at all. We've had flood gates opened in a way that has changed our country forever. I don't see that as a positive move at all in fact I feel it's diabolical and reeks of political arrogance.  That situation is graphically highlighted when quality people with round eyes that have family here and run a business hiring kiwis are shown the door. The fact that is happening despite the distress it's causing to the family and the 100% support the man has from his entire community is bewildering and yes that does make me resent the floodgates being opened to those with different shaped eyes. If that makes me a racist for thinking that and expressing it then I will wear that hat on my head or white pillow case if so judged. 

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