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  1. Like
    SameOld reacted to Michael Roustoby in Ellerslie trials - Embarrassing   
    On the other side of the coin at the great metropolis of Te Aroha, the local racing club put on a free bbq for all the stable staff.
    Grassroots club looking after the kids who put on the show behind the scenes. Boys get paid may have been there in the executive suite,still to be determined,but the stable staff were well catered for which is a credit to the club.
    George Simon tipping the last winner also deserves kudos
  2. Like
    SameOld reacted to bigrig in Ellerslie trials - Embarrassing   
    As a breeder/owner that was on course yesterday at the Ellerslie trials I was absolutely disgusted and disappointed at the lack of services available to us. At about Heat 10 (not quite half way through the trial card) the club ran out of food to serve to people! 
    I wouldn't normally worry, but as the country's 'richest' and 'most prestigious' club - this is absolutely appalling, especially with 29 Heats operating yesterday. Not only was there no catering services to owners/breeders like myself. But more importantly, there was nothing available to any of the stable staff/strappers - most of whom had been up since about 3am, before heading to the trials up there all day. Only one little table available to serve any sorts of food and drinks.. yet Entain were having a huge meeting in their new TAB bar room and I can bet they didn't miss out on any gourmet food they wished for.
    ATR should be ashamed of themselves and take a long hard look at what they are about.. They are quick to get on TV and promote booze, parties and flash expensive fashion- but quickly forget the grass roots and foundations of this Thoroughbred industry. I really felt for more the stable staff, truck drivers and onsite people such as the farriers, clerks of the course, truck drivers, who had put in long hours who rely on the racing club to have something decent on offer. Country clubs like Te Aroha, Ruakaka, Cambridge, run rings around this club for things like this. I did notice ATR's racing manager looking absolutely dis-interested, and only willing to speak to his own 'mates' who he wanted too - again, this is so poor for NZ's biggest Racecourse; instead of getting around and about the facility talking to anyone and everyone as well as checking if everything was operating okay down at the horse Stables area.
    It's a club that certainly isn't there to help the foundations of this industry with poor performances like this. Yes they have good stake money but what else do they do? Its Quite embarrassing when you take along new and excited owners into the Thoroughbred industry and this is what they experience. The club will make an excuse and defend this situation as the always do, however there is no excuse and boils down to shaping up and having some decent management.
    Anyway, rant over - this will annoy some people - so what! Yesterday annoyed me, especially after all my investment in this industry. Thanks ATR for looking after yourselves as usual - you take the crown of being the most selfish club in existence
  3. Like
    SameOld reacted to Houlahan's Dream in Te Akau   
    Good to see some of the smaller trainers getting a look in. It is better for all concerned (certainly the punter) when it is not one way traffic with the big stables. We have some very astute unheralded smaller horsemen/women in NZ who are experts at placing their charges to best advantage. 
  4. Haha
    SameOld reacted to Idolmite in Gore Abandoned   
    He was "shooting from the hip" alright. He plum done forgot to withdraw his gun from its holster before squeezing the trigger, resulting in shooting himself in the foot. 
  5. Like
    SameOld reacted to scooby3051 in Jamie Who??   
    yes you did... I just think Jamie is a terrific trainer...and the TA results when he was there were outstanding...attention to detail is his biggest asset.
  6. Like
    SameOld reacted to Maximus in 350K Race   
    Looks like a simple typo to Max..1 Aug 2023 shoulda been 2024 for the 2025 race..
    and it would appear that NZTR not the only ones having difficulties with dates ...2013, Liz? LOL.
  7. Like
    SameOld reacted to CeeTee in HKIR $1,000 competition…….   
    One of my favourite international race meetings of the year! Love Sha Tin! The atmosphere on course is electric!
    Time to get into the Xmas spirit and spread some Xmas cheer.
    HK Cup, HK mile, HK sprint.
    Pick the winner of each race or closet to and win $1,000 NZD.
    First person to post the winner of each race or closest to wins $1,000 NZD.
    Fields will be out on Thursday after the Happy Valley meeting on Wednesday.
    Good luck! 
  8. Haha
    SameOld reacted to JJ Flash in Ellerslie   
    Hope the rest of you week gets better
  9. Like
    SameOld reacted to Phillipe in A bit of Class joining Trackside   
    These people didn't rush to Trackside because it was the place to be.. massive salaries attracted them. (Using Racing money)
    You can put lipstick on a pig.. 
  10. Like
    SameOld reacted to nomates in Hastings/Te Rapa   
    I will say this , because I had a horse in I kept a pretty good eye on what the weather was going to do and to be fair there was supposed to be plenty of rain over Friday and Saturday which never arrived . We had the same here , we were actually under an orange warning but it never arrive either .
    My gripe is come yesterday when it hadn't arrived and the track was a G3 or G4 with only some showers forecast why didn't they put some irrigation on ? I know it is against protocols but in some instances common sense has to take over and for the sake of precaution some irrigation applied .
    Am I asking too much when I ask for common sense ?
    I will also add this , Te Rapa and the track staff have done a marvelous job over the last couple of years picking up the slack from Ellerslie and other sundry meetings so some slack is given . 
  11. Like
    SameOld reacted to nomates in Te Rapa   
    Bad luck for the participants that have to put up with their incompetence .
  12. Haha
    SameOld reacted to nomates in Randwick track conditions..   
    After a great deal of deliberations and multiple calculations I came away with it being a soft track , I maybe wrong and I'm sure someone will correct me . Comin spinner !!!
  13. Like
    SameOld got a reaction from Pak Star in Randwick track conditions..   
    Ellerslie also did this on “X” prior to their meeting 21st September. Have not seen it since however

  14. Like
    SameOld reacted to nomates in Avondale   
    Can't see Avondale being allowed race dates to race anywhere but Ellerslie , NZTR will just stop giving them dates ala Stratford . So it then comes down to sell and disperse money where they wish and not exist or join the ATC and put their money into that pot . Going to be an interesting watch . 
  15. Like
    SameOld reacted to mikenz in Trackside TV Coverage   
    I don't get into criticizing any body on trackside, fundamentally  they do a good job, not sure if I'd like to see so much criticism if I was reading people's comments, and wonders if some of the critics here got same level of negativity in their job, if they have one, you will never please everybody.
    Interestingly I think they were advertising for people to join the trackside crew a while back, so for  those who think they can do better they had their chance.
    But I am surprised by the large crew that is now employed by trackside, on course presenters, some even getting trips to aussie, nice work if you can get it but is it sustainable ?
  16. Like
    SameOld reacted to Pak Star in Replacement for Sharrock   
    Bit of a dick move to announce that on a G1 day I would have thought?  Or maybe im just getting sensitive in this sensitive world...
  17. Like
    SameOld got a reaction from Tauhei Notts in Here we go again   
    And hats off to Matamata losing their cup day to accomodate 
  18. Haha
    SameOld got a reaction from Insider in Here we go again   
    And hats off to Matamata losing their cup day to accomodate 
  19. Haha
    SameOld reacted to nomates in Here we go again   
    This is how incompetent NZTR are , I have just an email from NZTR informing me that the meeting has been abandoned , but unfortunately for them it is a bulk email which shows me everyone's email address . 800+ . 🤦‍♀️
  20. Like
    SameOld reacted to TurnipOrange in Here we go again   
    When they go past the winning post is when the horses are at there fastest and a bit tired , perfect recipe to slip over turning after the winning post
  21. Like
    SameOld reacted to Maximus in Preparation for "Big Saturday"!!!   
    give Wiremu a break ...he apologised straight away before discussing AOD strapped up from injury pre-race 1. Very polite and professional in his explanation. Well done, that man.
  22. Like
    SameOld reacted to chiknsmack in NZB Kiwi Trophy...Thoughts???   
    It's restricted to horses bred or conceived in NZ, or sold at an NZB sale. It's an insular race to prop up the top end of the local industry, not an attempt at a legitimate globally-relevant race.
    The Australian slot race The Everest can be open to allcomers because Aussie turf sprinters are the best in the world. The old US slot race The Pegasus could be open to all comers because US dirt horses are the best in the world. The NZ slot race The Kiwi can't be open to allcomers because Aus-breds (nevermind NH 4yos) would be a clear danger to the locals.
    It's also being run on Derby day, so either we have a race worth roughly 3x the nearest competitor on the entire calendar but which isn't the main event on its day/the anchor of a brand new feature carnival, or we have a 3yo race on the same day as the Derby which is more important than the Derby (which SHOULD be the most important race there is).
  23. Haha
    SameOld got a reaction from Maximus in Interesting statistics   
    Your “fat” cousin is also big boned
  24. Haha
    SameOld got a reaction from Baz (NZ) in Interesting statistics   
    Your “fat” cousin is also big boned
  25. Haha
    SameOld got a reaction from Insider in Interesting statistics   
    Your “fat” cousin is also big boned