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  1. Like
    Koriokaramea reacted to Sayer in Pairs Comp - Semi Finals - entry thread   
    Looking forward to the concluding stages of this great comp. Thanks SNM.
    Decided it was time to put in the hard work so have spent 20+hours loading all the historic Ohokaman and Kilcoyne results into an AI programme.
    The result is outstanding.
    The only reason these two have been sucessful is that they pick more winners at better dividends than the rest of us, and all Right First time and I have to do is pick more at more than them and we win.
    As has been said to me on too many occasions, "it looks like the semi is as good as over already".
    Good luck all
  2. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Pete Lane in Pairs Comp - Quarter Finals - entry thread   
    1. Te Rapa R8                       12         BB
    2. Randwick R1                     5x7
    3. Randwick R2                     1x2
    4. Randwick R4                    4x13
    5. Randwick R6                    1          
    6. Randwick R7                   4x14
    7. Randwick R8                    6            BB
    8. Randwick R9                    11
    9. Randwick R10                  8x10
    10. Moonee Valley R5         11x16
    11. Moonee Valley R6         5x7
    12. Moonee Valley R9         4x8

    Please, Pete, (my team-mate) can you replace any scratchings as I will be away.
    Best of luck, Pete.

    Thanks, John.
  3. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Black Kirrama in Pairs Comp - Results Thread   
    Well done my buddy Pete  . . . I thought we had too much ground to make up to be 'Top 2', but a grand day today got us there.
    So on to the Championship Round we are ! 🙂
    Surely we've got as much chance as anyone now we're there.
    Thanks for another excellent day's entertainment today, John and Scooby.
  4. Like
    Koriokaramea reacted to Pete Lane in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 5 - entry thread   
    1. Rosehill R2 3/11
    2. Rosehill R3  8/14
    3. Rosehill R5 9/12
    4. Rosehill R7 1/5
    5. Rosehill R8 6/10
    6. Rosehill R9 1/5 BB
    7. Caulfield R3 2/13
    8. Caulfield R4 10/11
    9. Caulfield R5 3/5
    10. Caulfield R7 2/4
    11. Caulfield R8 8/9
    12. Caulfield R9 8/16 bb
  5. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Pete Lane in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 5 - entry thread   
    Scratching Replacements for me, please.

    Comp R4 - (Rosehill R7) -  5 replaces 2
    Comp R5 - (Rosehill R8) - 10 replaces 11
    Comp R8 - (Caulfield R4)-  4    replaces 5

    Thanks, John.
  6. Haha
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Insider in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 5 - entry thread   
    The longer I wait, Pete, the more likely it is I'll start doubting my initial thoughts and start replacing winners ! 😁
  7. Haha
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Pete Lane in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 5 - entry thread   
    The longer I wait, Pete, the more likely it is I'll start doubting my initial thoughts and start replacing winners ! 😁
  8. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Black Kirrama in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 5 - entry thread   
    The longer I wait, Pete, the more likely it is I'll start doubting my initial thoughts and start replacing winners ! 😁
  9. Thanks
    Koriokaramea reacted to Pete Lane in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 5 - entry thread   
    You're in early mate. Best of luck.
  10. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Pete Lane in Pairs Comp - Results Thread   
    Well done to you, Pete.
    We struggled a bit earlier on in the day, but came with a well-timed run from the turn.
    Commiserations to our opponents who just got nutted late after looking good for the win all day.
  11. Like
    Koriokaramea reacted to Pete Lane in Pairs Comp - Results Thread   
    Well we squeaked in there. Nice work @Koriokaramea
  12. Thanks
    Koriokaramea reacted to Black Kirrama in Pairs Comp - Results Thread   
    Thanks Sir John ...another mammoth day for you.
    Using your slide rule and magic abacus.
    Legend you.
    You  are really appreciated by all our weekly contestants
    I am Sure
  13. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from say no more in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 4 - entry thread   
    Scratching Subs 

    Compr3 - Randwick 6 - 9 replaces 10
    Compr5 - Randwick 8 - 6 replaces 5
    Compr7 - MValley    3 - 17 replaces 13
    Compr11-MValley    8 - 1 replaces 2
    Compr12-MValley    9 - 1 replaces 5

    Thanks, John.
  14. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Pete Lane in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 4 - entry thread   
    1. Randwick R2                6-9
    2. Randwick R4                 1           Best Bet
    3. Randwick R6                3-10
    4. Randwick R7               7-12
    5. Randwick R8               5-9
    6. Randwick R9               6-10
    7. Moonee Valley R3    12-13
    8. Moonee Valley R4      4-13
    9. Moonee Valley R6    10-17
    10. Moonee Valley R7      2    Best Bet
    11. Moonee Valley R8    2-9
    12. Moonee Valley R9    5-6

    Good luck, Pete.
    Thanks for organising, John.
  15. Like
    Koriokaramea reacted to Pete Lane in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 3 - entry thread   
    1. Riccarton R9 1/12 bb
    2. Rosehill R2 2/8
    3. Rosehill R4 11/12
    4. Rosehill R7 9/12
    5. Rosehill R8 2/4
    6. Doomben R5 7/14
    7. Doomben R7 3/8
    8. Doomben R8 15/17
    9. Doomben R9 6/7
    10. Flemington R5 6/11
    11. Flemington R7 8/13
    12. Flemington R8 3/7 bb
  16. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Pete Lane in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 3 - entry thread   
    1. Riccarton R9          3-10
    2. Rosehill R2             9-13
    3. Rosehill R4           11-12        Best Bet
    4. Rosehill R7             9-12        Best Bet
    5. Rosehill R8             3-10
    6. Doomben R5          6-15
    7. Doomben R7          3-4
    8. Doomben R8        15-17
    9. Doomben R9          1-12
    10. Flemington R5     4-6
    11. Flemington R7    11-13
    12. Flemington R8     2-4

    Good luck, Pete.

    Thanks, John.
  17. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Pete Lane in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 2 - entry thread   
    1. Otaki R2                         6
    2. Otaki R5                        4x8
    3. Te Rapa R3                    2
    4. Te Rapa R5                    5
    5. Randwick R2                2x11
    6. Randwick R8                 4
    7. Randwick R10            12x14
    8. Caulfield R4                  9x10    BB
    9. Caulfield R5                  5x6      BB
    10. Caulfield R6                5x8
    11. Caulfield R8                2x10
    12. Caulfield R9                6x12

    Good luck, Pete. We were sailing along well last Saturday until being undone in the final race.
    Thanks, John.
  18. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Pete Lane in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 1 - entry thread   
    1. New Plymouth R5                 7-9
    2. Eagle Farm R4                       2 
    3. Eagle Farm R6                       4-8
    4. Eagle Farm R7                       1               Best Bet
    5. Flemington R5                       5-7
    6. Flemington R8                       1-7
    7. Rosehill R5                             4-9
    8. Rosehill R6                             7-9
    9. Rosehill R7                             2               Best Bet  
    10. Rosehill R8                           6-11
    11. Rosehill R9                           8-10
    12. Rosehill R10                         2-7

    40th of 44 in the seeding round  . . . I've got plenty of room for improvement.
    Best of luck to my pairs partner Pete, who did very, very well in the seeding round.
    Thank you, John, for this comp.
  19. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Alf Riston in Pairs Comp - pool play Week 1 - entry thread   
    1. New Plymouth R5                 7-9
    2. Eagle Farm R4                       2 
    3. Eagle Farm R6                       4-8
    4. Eagle Farm R7                       1               Best Bet
    5. Flemington R5                       5-7
    6. Flemington R8                       1-7
    7. Rosehill R5                             4-9
    8. Rosehill R6                             7-9
    9. Rosehill R7                             2               Best Bet  
    10. Rosehill R8                           6-11
    11. Rosehill R9                           8-10
    12. Rosehill R10                         2-7

    40th of 44 in the seeding round  . . . I've got plenty of room for improvement.
    Best of luck to my pairs partner Pete, who did very, very well in the seeding round.
    Thank you, John, for this comp.
  20. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Black Kirrama in Pairs comp - Seeding round - entry thread   
    Trentham R4-     3-4
    Trentham R7-     3-6         BB
    Ruakaka R5-       3-8
    Ruakaka R6-       2-6
    Ruakaka R7-       8-11
    Caulfield R5-      8-10
    Caulfield R6-      2-5
    Caulfield R7-      1-10
    Caulfield R8-      1-3 
    Randwick R7-     8-10      BB
    Randwick R8-     5-10
    Randwick R9-     1-11

    Thank you.
    I haven't pre-entered, or been in a comp for a while.
    If I get a start that'll be great, but no problem if all slots filled.
  21. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Chestnut in Pairs comp - Seeding round - entry thread   
    Trentham R4-     3-4
    Trentham R7-     3-6         BB
    Ruakaka R5-       3-8
    Ruakaka R6-       2-6
    Ruakaka R7-       8-11
    Caulfield R5-      8-10
    Caulfield R6-      2-5
    Caulfield R7-      1-10
    Caulfield R8-      1-3 
    Randwick R7-     8-10      BB
    Randwick R8-     5-10
    Randwick R9-     1-11

    Thank you.
    I haven't pre-entered, or been in a comp for a while.
    If I get a start that'll be great, but no problem if all slots filled.
  22. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from scooby3051 in Pairs comp - Seeding round - entry thread   
    Trentham R4-     3-4
    Trentham R7-     3-6         BB
    Ruakaka R5-       3-8
    Ruakaka R6-       2-6
    Ruakaka R7-       8-11
    Caulfield R5-      8-10
    Caulfield R6-      2-5
    Caulfield R7-      1-10
    Caulfield R8-      1-3 
    Randwick R7-     8-10      BB
    Randwick R8-     5-10
    Randwick R9-     1-11

    Thank you.
    I haven't pre-entered, or been in a comp for a while.
    If I get a start that'll be great, but no problem if all slots filled.
  23. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from say no more in Pairs comp - Seeding round - entry thread   
    Trentham R4-     3-4
    Trentham R7-     3-6         BB
    Ruakaka R5-       3-8
    Ruakaka R6-       2-6
    Ruakaka R7-       8-11
    Caulfield R5-      8-10
    Caulfield R6-      2-5
    Caulfield R7-      1-10
    Caulfield R8-      1-3 
    Randwick R7-     8-10      BB
    Randwick R8-     5-10
    Randwick R9-     1-11

    Thank you.
    I haven't pre-entered, or been in a comp for a while.
    If I get a start that'll be great, but no problem if all slots filled.
  24. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from scooby3051 in LGL entry thread - Week 2 - Saturday 2 December   
    Te Rapa - Race 4: Maracatu
    Te Rapa - Race 6: Waitak
    Rosehill - Race 1: Storm Boy
    Thank you, SNM and Scooby.
  25. Thanks
    Koriokaramea reacted to say no more in Memphis' mid-winter mudders comp - entry thread   
    $10 maximum units on quinellas Koriokaramea