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  1. Like
    Koriokaramea reacted to Pure Steel in SHOWDAY at Addington Friday   
    Blair Orange drove well Cup day with wins in the Group races with The Big Lebowski and Treacherous Baby,
    and very narrow defeats with Don't Stop Dreaming in the Cup and Rubira in the Sires Stakes features. They were both in front 100m out but just rolled late by handy horses Swayzee and Marketplace. Blair did 4 Perfect drives to be fair. couldn't fault any of them. 
    Only missing with Mystic Max in the Dominion in the group races , (but did sail to victory with Max at Kaikoura without a 'Just Believe' to deal with )  
    TODAY , there are 7 Group Races . How many can Blair take out ? 
    race 3/ 2 year old trot Championship  HABIBTI PAT at  $3. a big chance with great form for the Hope team. drawn very wide though
    race 6/ the NZ Trotting FFA    OSCAR B at $12  .probably 3rd to Just Believe again like he was Tuesday? drawn very wide.
    race 7/ Sires Stakes Final for 2 yearold Fillies Blair has NO DRIVE , they're mad the Buggers. He could of won on a number of these.
    race 8/ The ASCENT slot trot LOOK TO DE STARS at $50.  will be chasing Keayang Zahara like all the others in this. drawn 2nd row.
    race 9/  Southern Mares Classic MR KAPLAN at $8 . seems a solid show but drawn wide. will take a Blair Special.
    race 10/ The VELOCITY Slot pace for 3 year olds. CHASE A DREAM at $2.30 . Big chance here in the $1/2 mill  race. 2nd row draw though.
    race 12/ The NZ FFA THE BIG LEBOWSKI at $14 . drawn wide too, but won Cup day well. will need another Blair Special. 
    So ALL 6 of Blair Oranges drives in the features have drawn Awkwardly . so you are getting quite good odds .
    He'll have to be driving at his Very Best to get any of these home today .  best of luck to him against the 8 Aussies running today. A Fabulous days racing.
  2. Like
    Koriokaramea reacted to Pure Steel in SHOWDAY at Addington Friday   
    Was gunna say , Get on the Stable-mate of that one .
    Olivia will be Coming out of the gate from the 1 Alley, with All she's got to keep the lead in that ,   RACE 7. It's a Group 1 worth 200k , so they won't muck around , 
    and she'll give a perfect Sit to the Cullen stable-mate (same owner too)  GENERAL JEN , drawn directly behind her.
    General Jen will come through the inside up the home straight and take the Victory at  9-1 . Get in the queue !!! (either to collect or for next bet if plan doesn't work lol 🤣) 
  3. Like
    Koriokaramea reacted to Thejanitor in SHOWDAY at Addington Friday   
    I'm looking forward to the Slot races and seeing Keayang Zahara -- see if she lives up to the hype. Chase A Dream looks unbeatable as rest of the field not as good as him. Personally, Show Day is a poor punting day for me, so I won't bet much. I had two bets, Bettor Be Sharp and Winelight, driven by the lovely Olivia Thornley from the in form Cullen stable.
    Good luck punting everyone,
  4. Like
    Koriokaramea reacted to Pure Steel in SHOWDAY at Addington Friday   
    After some great CUP day action , How about some thoughts or Tips on the Fantastic Showday Racecard .?
    Post any tips here  or comments on the Brilliant harness racing action to Let Rip on Friday  . 
    There are some Great Races and horses carded to race on Showday , with 2 Brand New Slot races for 3 year olds Included. one for Pacers and one for trotters.
    Wait till you see Keayang Zahara go !! beautiful trotting action , she'll have em' gasping.
  5. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Maximus in Spring Superstars comp - Grand Final entry thread   
    I'm a starter in the 'also rans' . . . after a less than stellar performance in the qualifying rounds.
    Best of luck to all the Grand Finalists, whose skills have been exemplary in the lead-up.

    1. Flemington R2    5-6-9
    2. Flemington R3    1-2-11
    3. Flemington R4    2-5-7
    4. Flemington R6    1-3-14
    5. Flemington R7    1-2-11
    6. Flemington R8    4-11-13
    7. Flemington R9    3-9-11
    8. Rosehill R7         1-3-4
    9. Rosehill R8        12-16-19         Best Bet
    10. Rosehill R9       1-8-13            Best Bet
    Thank you so much John and Scooby for a wonderful tournament. It's been a whole lot of fun.
  6. Sad
    Koriokaramea reacted to bigrig in RIP JP   
    Sad to hear the news of Jonathan Parkes. May he Rest In Peace
  7. Haha
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Black Kirrama in Spring Superstars comp - Round 6 entry thread   
    Randwick - R7 :   # 6         $ 500 Win
    Caulfield  - R9 :    # 8         $ 500 Win

    Stefi Magnetica & Land Legend a couple of nice bets here for me.
    Zac Lloyd & Zac Purton - certainly the jockeys to bring them home. The 'Zac' attack ! 🙂
    Thanks John and Scooby. Excellent comp.
  8. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from say no more in Spring Superstars comp - Round 6 entry thread   
    Randwick - R7 :   # 6         $ 500 Win
    Caulfield  - R9 :    # 8         $ 500 Win

    Stefi Magnetica & Land Legend a couple of nice bets here for me.
    Zac Lloyd & Zac Purton - certainly the jockeys to bring them home. The 'Zac' attack ! 🙂
    Thanks John and Scooby. Excellent comp.
  9. Thanks
    Koriokaramea reacted to say no more in Spring Superstars comp - Round 6 entry thread   
    Creating this thread early this week to give you plenty of time to study and decide on your betting strategy ahead of a fantastic day of racing on Saturday.  Please read the rules carefully and in particular take note of the rules around scratchings, maximum number of bets and amount invested.
    You have $1,000 to spend on win, place or each way bets at three meetings (Ellerslie, Caulfield & Randwick).  You will have a maximum of 5 bets but you can make less than 5 bets if you like.  You can even bet the full $1,000 on a single bet if you like.   An each way bet (eg. 50W/150P will count as one bet) so for example you could spend your $1,000 by placing 5 bets of 50W/150P.  There are no single bet minimums.
    Collects will be determined using tote dividends - no fixed odds bets.
    Here is an example of how you might spend your $1,000 – this is also an example of how I’d prefer you to post your bets – meeting, race, horse # (not name), bet amount.
    Ellerslie R3, #12, 200W/300P
    Caulfield R4, #7, 50W/50P
    Caulfield R7, #1, 10W/10P
    Randwick R3, #4, 150W
    Randwick R8, #2, 50W/180P
    Posting deadline:  1.00pm
    Key points to note – I won’t have time on Saturday morning to follow up on posting anomalies so take careful note and double check your post:
    Win, place and each way bets only, and no all-ups or multis.  If you post all-ups or multis or exotic bets they will be disregarded. Regular scratchings – you can’t guarantee a return by betting on a regular scratching.  If you have a regular scratching it is up to you to replace it.  You won’t get your money back – you will just have a zero collect off that selection.   Late scratchings – you can replace prior to the posting deadline otherwise you will get your money back on these. Maximum number of bets – 5 bets maximum.  If you post more than 5 bets I will accept the first 5 bets listed and disregard the rest.  You will forego the money on the bets beyond the first 5. An each way bet on one horse counts as one bet.  If you bet on two horses in the same race (which you can) that will count as two bets. Amount invested – if your bets add up to more than $1,000 I will accept the bets listed in order that total less than $1,000. The bet that takes you over $1,000 and any subsequent bet will be disregarded. if you don't clearly mark your bet as win, place or each way I will score it as a Win bet.  If it was meant to be each way you will miss out on the place component. Final standings for this round will be decided by total dollars collected.  Like every other round, points earned will be decided by the number of entrants who you finish ahead of (ie. who you collect more than).
  10. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Alf Riston in Spring Superstars (multi-format) comp - Results thread   
    Great performance from you again, John.
    Thank you for this wonderful entertainment.
    Enjoy your dinner ! 
  11. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from scooby3051 in Spring Superstars (multi-format) comp - Results thread   
    Great performance from you again, John.
    Thank you for this wonderful entertainment.
    Enjoy your dinner ! 
  12. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Pegasus 9 in Spring Superstars (multi-format) comp - Results thread   
    Great performance from you again, John.
    Thank you for this wonderful entertainment.
    Enjoy your dinner ! 
  13. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Black Kirrama in Spring Superstars (multi-format) comp - Results thread   
    Great performance from you again, John.
    Thank you for this wonderful entertainment.
    Enjoy your dinner ! 
  14. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Maximus in Spring Superstars (multi-format) comp - Results thread   
    Great performance from you again, John.
    Thank you for this wonderful entertainment.
    Enjoy your dinner ! 
  15. Like
    Koriokaramea reacted to scooby3051 in Spring Superstars (multi-format) comp - Results thread   
    John SNM I dunno how you lay awake at night and think up these concepts..but from a personal view is one of the most fun comps you have ever devised, this leg today I am meaning, huge props to you mate...its the reason so many people love to compete here...thanks again as always.
  16. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from scooby3051 in Spring Superstars (multi-format) comp - Round 2 entry thread   
    1. Caulfield R1            8-11-14
    2. Caulfield R6            1-7-11
    3. Caulfield R7            1-9-15      BB
    4. Caulfield R8            6-7-11
    5. Caulfield R9            2-5-12
    6. Randwick R4          6-10-12
    7. Randwick R5          6-11-16
    8. Randwick R6          1-2-14
    9. Randwick R7          4-5-6      BB
    10. Randwick R8        2-3-6

    Already I'm many lengths from the lead !
    Needing a Trifecta or five here. 🙂

    Thanks for this comp, John & Scooby.
  17. Thanks
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Pete Lane in Pairs Comp - Results Thread   
    Congratulations to worthy winners Ponderosa and Pure Steel, in our match-up today.
    You were several notches above what we were able to muster today.
    Good luck for next week ! 
    My thanks to Pete, who was a great team-mate for me.
    Thanks John and Scooby. This comp was great.
  18. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Black Kirrama in Pairs Comp - Results Thread   
    Congratulations to worthy winners Ponderosa and Pure Steel, in our match-up today.
    You were several notches above what we were able to muster today.
    Good luck for next week ! 
    My thanks to Pete, who was a great team-mate for me.
    Thanks John and Scooby. This comp was great.
  19. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from scooby3051 in Pairs Comp - Results Thread   
    Congratulations to worthy winners Ponderosa and Pure Steel, in our match-up today.
    You were several notches above what we were able to muster today.
    Good luck for next week ! 
    My thanks to Pete, who was a great team-mate for me.
    Thanks John and Scooby. This comp was great.
  20. Thanks
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Ponderosa8 in Pairs Comp - Results Thread   
    Congratulations to worthy winners Ponderosa and Pure Steel, in our match-up today.
    You were several notches above what we were able to muster today.
    Good luck for next week ! 
    My thanks to Pete, who was a great team-mate for me.
    Thanks John and Scooby. This comp was great.
  21. Thanks
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Pure Steel in Pairs Comp - Results Thread   
    Congratulations to worthy winners Ponderosa and Pure Steel, in our match-up today.
    You were several notches above what we were able to muster today.
    Good luck for next week ! 
    My thanks to Pete, who was a great team-mate for me.
    Thanks John and Scooby. This comp was great.
  22. Like
    Koriokaramea reacted to Pete Lane in Pairs Comp - Semi Finals - entry thread   
    1. Caulfield R1 4/8
    2. Caulfield R2 1/3
    3. Caulfield R3 3/12
    4. Caulfield R4 2/11
    5. Caulfield R7 2/12
    6. Caulfield R8 5/11
    7. Caulfield R9 6/7 bb
    8. Rosehill R4 4/12
    9. Rosehill R6 1/2
    10. Rosehill R7 4/5
    11. Rosehill R8 5/10
    12. Rosehill R9 2/12 bb
  23. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Black Kirrama in Pairs Comp - Semi Finals - entry thread   
    1.  Caulfield R1        3x7
    2.  Caulfield R2      12x13
    3.  Caulfield R3      12x14
    4.  Caulfield R4        4x11
    5.  Caulfield R7      12x16
    6.  Caulfield R8         2x13
    7.  Caulfield R9         6x7
    8.  Rosehill R4          8x9
    9.   Rosehill R6         2x6        Best Bet
    10. Rosehill R7          5           Best Bet
    11. Rosehill R8      9x10
    12. Rosehill R9      9x12

    Good luck to  Ponderosa & Pure Steel. You've got this far, so you're clearly going to be formidable opponents.
    Pete's been brilliant . . .  hoping our team can do the job today.
    Thanks John and Scooby for this excellent competition.

  24. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from scooby3051 in Pairs Comp - Semi Finals - entry thread   
    1.  Caulfield R1        3x7
    2.  Caulfield R2      12x13
    3.  Caulfield R3      12x14
    4.  Caulfield R4        4x11
    5.  Caulfield R7      12x16
    6.  Caulfield R8         2x13
    7.  Caulfield R9         6x7
    8.  Rosehill R4          8x9
    9.   Rosehill R6         2x6        Best Bet
    10. Rosehill R7          5           Best Bet
    11. Rosehill R8      9x10
    12. Rosehill R9      9x12

    Good luck to  Ponderosa & Pure Steel. You've got this far, so you're clearly going to be formidable opponents.
    Pete's been brilliant . . .  hoping our team can do the job today.
    Thanks John and Scooby for this excellent competition.

  25. Like
    Koriokaramea got a reaction from Pete Lane in Pairs Comp - Semi Finals - entry thread   
    1.  Caulfield R1        3x7
    2.  Caulfield R2      12x13
    3.  Caulfield R3      12x14
    4.  Caulfield R4        4x11
    5.  Caulfield R7      12x16
    6.  Caulfield R8         2x13
    7.  Caulfield R9         6x7
    8.  Rosehill R4          8x9
    9.   Rosehill R6         2x6        Best Bet
    10. Rosehill R7          5           Best Bet
    11. Rosehill R8      9x10
    12. Rosehill R9      9x12

    Good luck to  Ponderosa & Pure Steel. You've got this far, so you're clearly going to be formidable opponents.
    Pete's been brilliant . . .  hoping our team can do the job today.
    Thanks John and Scooby for this excellent competition.
